Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen.

They were back at the Underworld watch offices. They were all gathered in McKinley's office like before. It was sound proof and the only place they could make plans without being interrupted or overheard.

"Do we need to go over the plan again?" the director asked to which everyone shook their heads.

"Okay, so we found the nest. We have to act soon before Ivan becomes too strong to handle," Cyril said looking around the room.

"Where is he?" Noah asked.

"His vampires are gathering in a warehouse in the forest on the west side of town. We weren't able to find it before because they're using a witch to make sure it's not spotted. I spotted it today while I was driving passed but didn't risk getting too close." McKinley said.

"How come you saw it and shouldn't my pack be able to get their scent?" Lukas asked.

"To the first question, I'm a very powerful Witch and little can be hidden from me. On the case of scent. No you can't, but when we attack I'll make sure all of you can see it. So do not worry."

"What of the awakening of your master Noah?"

"He'll be waking tonight. I can barely ignore the call, it's driving me crazy," Noah said with a sigh.
"I'll make something for you. We don't want you running on us tonight," McKinley said turning his gaze to Ashton.

"When are you bringing Cammy?"

"You could pick her up tomorrow when you come to see the wolves. Is that okay?"

"Yes. Perfect," he brought his hands together. "Okay gentlemen, the plan, one more time..."


"Are you ready for tonight?" Ashton asked Noah in their room the next morning.

"Yes. I just need to rest and I'll be as good as new."

"Okay then, rest well. I have to go find out what's going on with the wolves," he said leaning in for a kiss. Which the vampire reciprocated.
"Okay, see you later," Noah said before snuggling into the covers and going to sleep.

Ashton chuckled and let himself out of the room. H still wondered how he fell asleep so fast. Maybe it's a vampire thing. Anyway, he had to help the wolves prepare for the night.

"Is he asleep?"  Lukas asked when he walked into the den. He and Cameron were waiting for him so they could go to the meeting hall together. They were going to inform the pack of the attack tonight. Formally, since most of them know about it.

"Yeah, we can proceed," Ashton answered motioning with his hands for the two to lead the way.

He followed them through a set of wooden doors. The room was full. The loud whispers stopped as as soon as they walked in. Lukas led them up a platform so that they could see the whole room.

"I'll get right to the point," he started staring at the occupants of the hall. "All of you know Ivan, the master vampire. Well he's awake. He's at his most vulnerable state and we have a shot at killing him. I told you this when we brought back my brother. All those who want to fight are welcome to come, while the rest stay back and protect the children and elderly."

Ashton could see the eager expressions on their faces. None of them want to be left behind, but he could still see the fear in some. And was sure Lukas did too.

"With all the training we've done, I believe we are ready. Now go rest. We have a long night coming," Lukas said before slightly inclining his head to the crowd. He gave them a confident grin before walking down the podium.

Whispers filled the room as soon as the door closed behind them. "Are you two ready?"  Lukas asked them as they headed for the stairs.

"Of course," Cameron answered.

"Yes," Ashton said. He was ready. Ready to kill the main cause of Cammy's kidnapping. Also help Black. He knew Noah was planning to run after all this was over, but he's not going to let him. He's going to make sure he stays with them.

"Is McKinney not here yet?"

"No, but he said he'd  here soon. He needs to take care of a few things since he decided to stay here instead of the office," Cam answered him. That was a better idea. His niece will not be surrounded by shady supernaturals. He hadn't liked the idea of staying in the office, so this calmed his nerves.

They used the rest of the morning in the den with the warriors of the pack going through the plan. They already had a setting of the area and a map of the warehouse. So it was a matter of who would be taking which position. Ashton just hoped that it would work and that Ivan hadn't gotten too strong yet.

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