Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve.

Noah watched his step as he made his way down the stairs. Careful not to make any sound. He could already hear faint voices ahead. So he crept closer...

"We have to move soon. Master Ivan will be waking up in a few days now," a deep voice said.

"I just hope he likes his present," a woman answered.


There wasn't any human scent.

"We know you are there, come out!"

Noah walked out with a smirk. "Hello lads, long time no see."

"Black." The man stated, a scowl on his face. He was a tall lean man with dyed white hair. Next to him was a busty brunette. Her hair tied up in a ponytail. They were both wearing matching scowls as they glared at him.

"What are you doing here Black?" the woman asked. He could vaguely remember her from the time he'd first met Ivan. What was her name?...Ahh, Hannah. She's one of Ivan's pets. Together with the white haired male, Owen.

"What? I've heard around that you have something special for Ivan. So I came to have a look," Noah smiled innocently at them. But from the glares they didn't buy it. Or maybe it was because they hated him. He wasn't really sure.

"Cut the shit Black. What do you want?" Owen hissed.

Noah sighed looking around the room. Studying the room for anywhere they could have hid the kids. The only place he found was a wooden door behind the two vampires. There was only one way to get there and that was to fight.

"Okay, you've got me," he sighed, "I want the kids."

Owen and Hannah took defensive stances before the door. Just as he expected. "What kids?"

"Come on, don't be coy. The little dragon and the teen wolf of course. The ones behind that door." he said casually but he was watching them carefully.

Hannah made the first move. Running angrily towards him, claws already out ready to strike. She was older, but he was so much faster. Just as she reached him, he twisted away striking her back. She fell on the floor but that didn't keep her down. She was up and shot her leg out to kick his head but he ducked. He wasn't quick enough to evade the next kick that caught his jaw, earning a smirk from his opponent. He wiped the blood from his lip.

"Afraid to hit a woman? Or are you just that bad." she taunted. He flashed behind her twisting her neck. He knew that wouldn't kill her but it'll be some time before she wakes up.

He looked up to find the wooden door open and Owen missing. He moved to the door but already knew what he would find. It was empty. How had they left without him hearing anything. They couldn't have passed where he and Hannah had been fighting. Anyway Owen couldn't have been able to carry a twelve-year-old and a teenage wolf out on his own. He must have had help. But how?

Noah walked into the small room studying every corner. There had to be a passage way somewhere. He could not lose them now. He just hoped the werewolves were watching every part of the building and could stop them from running off. He sighed looking up and smirked. He's losing his touch.

He saw a metal stick at the corner of the wall. He pulled it and the wall to his right creaked. He waited patiently as a passage opened through the wall. He grinned making his way through the dark passage. He smiled when he saw light ahead.

He'll find them. He had to find them.

But what he found when he walked out wasn't anything close to what he had expected. Owen hadn't gone far but it wasn't the werewolves who had stopped him.

Owen stood a few feet in front of him with Cammy held as a shield against five people in front of him. The wolf was lying to his left unconscious.

"Hands in the air," one of the men shouted. He immediately knew who they were. The Underworld watch.


Things just got more complicated.

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