Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty.

Noah watched warily as the man moved closer. What they say about vampire beauty is utterly correct. The man before him was living proof-at least living dead. Ivan was extremely pale with long brunette hair flowing to his waist. He always wondered about the vampire fascination of long hair. How do you move with such long hair. But he knew from experience Ivan had no such problem. He was dressed in black sweatpants and blood covered his chest.

His body tensed involuntarily.
Ivan smirked when he noticed. He knew his little vampire. He knew he wasn't here to welcome him.

"It's nice to see you again my little vampire. To what do I owe this honor?"

"What? I can't come see my master," Noah said forcing a smile.

"And you brought me a present?" his gaze moved to the man on the floor, but kept Noah in his view. He changed direction and walked to the unconscious man. Was he really unconscious?-Ivan saw a flicker of the man's eye lids before someone blocked his path.
He wasn't in the least surprised that it was Noah. None of the other vampires dared to approach him without his consent. He was amused but still angry. Clearly Noah was protecting this man.

He let Noah push him back, "What is he?"

"A dragon,"

Wow! Who would have thought. Dragons were still alive. He thought they'd gone extinct.

"You brought a dragon to kill me?" he asked not changing his tone of voice. Noah frowned looking away before his gaze met his again.

"I knew I wouldn't be able to fool you. But all I needed was to get him inside. Do you think you'd stand a chance against a dragon? He'd burn you to a crisp." Noah stated raising a brow at him.

"No. But he sure can't go against all the vampires I have here," Ivan said with a show of his hand.

Noah nodded, "True, but that's assuming that we're alone. We might have help."

Howls filled the night after his words.

Werewolves? Werewolves!

He got wolves as allies. How was that even possible? Vampires and werewolves are natural enemies. They can't even walk on the same street. How was he able to get them to addition, how the hell did he get a dragon!!!

His little defiant vampire. He's always full of surprises.

Ivan grabbed him placing his sharp claws on his neck, ensuring he doesn't move. "What about you? I could kill you right now."

"Get away from him!"

And the dragon finally awakens.
Noah sighed when he heard Ashton's voice. Shifters and jumping into things. They always have to be heroes. Knights in shining armor. He could have handled Ivan just fine. Even better without the slick's involvement. Now it's going to be hard. Judging from his low chuckle, he already figured out our connection. And Ashton just proved it.

"Ahh, now I see. You got yourself a dragon for a lover," he snickered. "Kill him."

Noah froze when the vampires in the room jumped at Ashton. Ivan pulled him back so that his back was pressed against his chest with his claws right under his chin. The slightest wrong move and his head would be severed. Not good. Not good at all.

The stupid dragon should have just continued to play unconscious.

He watched as Ashton fought the vampires. They were fast but not like him. Although huge compared to their lean bodies, he moved quit fast. Since they'd been together he's not had the pleasure of seeing the dragon in action. The truth is, he kicked ass. He was way stronger and broke their bones. Those who came back were burnt to ashes. After a few minutes he stood alone, covered in blood.

There was commotion in the other sections of the warehouse. Howls filled the night, followed by screams of agony as the werewolves attacked.

"Go. I'll be okay," he shouted at Ashton.

He stared before nodding, "I'll be back." he then ran out of the room leaving him with Ivan.

Noah didn't waste any time. He lifted his clawed hands to Ivan's hand, digging his claws and drawing blood. Ivan hissed in pain and pulled away. Noah moved away and turned to face his opponent. His features ready for a fight.

"That wasn't nice of you little Noah. You know what I do to those who misbehave," the master vampire said with a grin. Not at all concerned about the young vampire's glare.

Noah flashed ready with a stake in hand to stab the vampire. Just as he struck, an arm grabbed him by the neck and threw him into the wooden wall. He winced in pain but stood up. Noah knew it wouldn't work. He's way too young to be a match to the master vampire. But with his set of skills and toys he'd at least cause a few injuries to slow him down until the others came to help. He just hoped he'd still be alive by then.

"I almost killed you before... What makes you think I won't succeed this time?" He taunted and watched as Ivan momentarily lost his grin.

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