Author's Note

14.7K 750 67

Oh my gawsh!!! 500k reads on this story. I would have never imagined that the first book I wrote when I was thirteen years old would get half a million reads. Like I'm amazed that you guys even found this interesting enough to read.

You guys have no idea how happy I am right now. Like legit I have tears of happiness running down my face. If it wasn't for all of you who read this story and supported me through it, I wouldn't have ever been able to finish it. I want to also thank my friends that kept encouraging me and even to this day they still continue to encourage me to keep writing. 

Thanks to Allah I got this far. I hope I can continue to improve my writing In Shaa Allah. As a way to celebrate, I'm going to write some extra Zaykir moments in my free time for this book. I hope you all enjoy it and I hope you all continue to read my works and maybe one In Shaa Allah we might even make it to 1 million reads :)

 I hope you all enjoy it and I hope you all continue to read my works and maybe one In Shaa Allah we might even make it to 1 million reads :)

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