{4} Campus Problems

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Zaynub Khalid

Three days. It had been three days since we found out that Baba was in coma. Three days of staying in the hospital. Three days of salty tears.

I sat down next to Baba, holding his hand. Amu cried herself to sleep like she did for the past three days. It was twelve in the morning. Amir took Noorah home. It wasn't good for the baby's health if she was depressed. Zakir's family would be taking care of our house, but they still came here to visit Baba. Hajar had to go home because she had school tomorrow. I had school too, but I just wanted to stay with Baba a bit longer.

The doctors weren't sure if Baba would wake up. The chances were very slim. Once again, tears flowed freely from my eyes. It hurt to know that I might never get to tell Baba how much I loved him. I never even got to say goodbye. Oh Allah, please let him wake up.

I was too deep in my thoughts that I didn't hear Zakir walk in.

"Zaynub, look at me please," he urged.

I looked up. He had his hands in his pockets and just stared at me.

"Zaynub," he sighed.

I sniffled.

"You need to rest. Come on, I'll take you home," he offered.

I shook my head. This caused him to run a hand through his already messy, beautiful dark brown hair. He didn't look Bengali. He looked more like a mix of Arab and Bengali blood, although that wasn't the case. I had to admit Zakir could be a male model. He had well defined muscles and looked good in anything.

"You have school. Come on, your father would want you to go to school. Please Zaynub. Do it for him," he pleaded.

I let out a sigh and got up. I kissed Baba's cheek before I left. Oh Allah, please help him. Zakir walked me to his car and I sat in the back seat. What? I still didn't like him and it's haram (forbidden) for a boy and girl who are not related to be that close to each other.

We drove in silence. An awkward silence, but none of us dared to break the thin ice that surrounded us. Finally, we were home. I ran out of the car to my room, and buried my head in my pillow. I started to cry again. Baba was dying and it had been three days! I finally cried myself to sleep.

* * * *

I woke up the next morning and prayed Fajr. I went downstairs and made breakfast for everyone before I left the house. I made my way to campus. Today was going to be a long day.

It was lunch time, so I ran out of the class. I was walking to my car when one of the popular girls stopped me in my tracks. She was this red-haired girl named Chole.

"Where do you think your going?" she asked in a snobby voice.

"To lunch?" I said confused on where this was going.

"You realize no man is ever going to like you because of that," she said pointing at my hijab.

"What makes you so sure about that?" I asked knowing that I was going to win this argument.

"Puh-lease, that hides your beauty. You look ugly with it on and no one can see your body because you never show it. It's stupid," she stated.

"Basically your saying me dressing modestly makes me unattractive? Well, for your information I don't wear my headscarf to please you. I wear it to please my Lord. I dress modestly for Allah. It's my religion. My choice. Plus, a guy doesn't chose you for the way you look. They chose you for who you are and your personality," I said.

I was used to people telling me my hijab made me stupid or ugly. I was pretty sure the words that just flew out of my mouth made her speechless. Everything I said was true. She can't deny it. With that said I walked past her and went to my car.

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