Bonus - Sleeping Baby

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Zakir Khan

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Zakir Khan

I was awoken by loud cries. If I pretend I don't hear it, it'll go away. Yeah, that sounds like a great plan. I snuggled Zaynub closer to me as the tremors of sleep drifted me away.

Now, there was screaming mixed with crying. I felt Zaynub sigh as she pushed out of my arms and walked towards the infant's room. I sat up straight and rubbed my eyes. What time was it? I looked at my alarm clock next to me. Three am. I groaned. Man, a baby is such a hassle.

Tahera was only three months, but she cried as if there was a bloody murderer in her room. These days I've been losing sleep since Tahera would wake up every couple of hours. Safe to say, Zaynub and I were both on the edge.

I got up and slipped on a white sleeveless top. I held onto the wall for some support since my body was far from awake. As I entered the room, I was greeted with a heartwarming sight.

Zaynub cradled Tahera to her chest. She softly hummed an Arab lullaby and gently rocked our baby in her arms. Tahera sniffled a little as she gazed up at her mother with wide hazel eyes. I walked closer to them and placed my hand son Zaynub's shapely hips. Tahera's gaze shifted to me and she opened her mouth in an 'o' shape. It was like she was trying to speak to us. I chuckled.

"Hey there, my little girl," I grinned.

Tahera reached her tiny hands towards me. I placed my forefinger in the palm of her hands and watched as she tightly curled her fingers around mine. She brought it towards her mouth until Zaynub moved her hand away from her mouth.

"No sweetheart. That's bad," she scolded.

"Zaynub, let her have her fun."

Zaynub scowled at me. "That's a bad habit."

I shook my head, amused. "It's not that bad."

She scoffed, "That's how bacteria gets in the mouth. She's an infant! She's more prone to getting sick."

I rolled my eyes. "Overprotective mothers, right Tahera?" I murmured.

Zaynub nudged me with her elbow.

"Ow!" I exclaimed. "See, Tahera. Your Mommy is bullying me," I pouted.

Tahera made 'cooing' sounds at me. I smiled. I can't believe she's my daughter, my own flesh and blood.

"Grow up, you big baby," Zaynub said, playfully.

"I'm your baby," I winked.

"My baby is Tahera," she said as she placed a small kiss on Tahera's nose. Tahera gave us a lopsided baby grin.

"So what am I?"

Zaynub smirked. "You're just there."

I scowled. "You're not funny," I muttered.

Zaynub laughed. The sound was a sweet melody in my ears. "I'm hilarious," she said.

I couldn't help but smile. Zaynub had that effect on me. She lit up my world with just a small smile. Her laughter filled me up on the inside. There was nothing I loved more than making my wife laugh. Watching Zaynub and Tahera made me thank Allah for blessing me with two beautiful girls. How did I ever get lucky enough to deserve them?

"Staring is rude, you know."

"But I'm staring at something beautiful."

Zaynub smiled. "She's so beautiful, isn't she?" she asked as she gently placed Tahera on her crib.

Tahera's eyes were closed. Her long eyelashes covered her eyes from us. Her breathing was soft as Zaynub continued her gentle humming. Zaynub bent over a little and wrapped a fluffy pink blanket over Tahera.

I couldn't stop my straying eyes. Pregnancy did wonders to a woman's body. Zaynub got curvier. At times, she'd pinch at the baby fat she gained and scream in frustration before working out. Honestly, Zaynub got more and more gorgeous every day. My attraction to her became unsustainable. I found myself wanting her all the time.

Zaynub stood back up and turned around. "Ready for bed?" she yawned.


She raised her eyebrows in question.

"I'm ready for you," I murmured huskily.

Before she could protest, I picked her up bridal style and ran to our room. Zaynub giggled as I dumped her on the bed, unceremoniously. I peppered kisses all over her face. Zaynub tugged at my shirt. I immediately pulled it off. I leaned down, with both hands on the sides of her face, and took her bottom lip in my mouth. I sucked, nibbled, and licked her plump lips.

Zaynub groaned in frustration. "Zakir," she whimpered against my lips.

I hummed in response and continued my assault on her lips. Zaynub grabbed my neck and pulled me close to kiss her harder. I chuckled against her lips.

"Easy, I'm not going anywhere," I whispered.

I let one hand roam around her breathtaking body. I gently pinched her bum. She gasped and I slipped my tongue in her mouth. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest. I could hear blood gushing to my ears, but I didn't care. Right now, my priority was my beloved wife.

I moved my lips from her lips to her neck, gently nipping at the skin between her neck and shoulder. I placed wet, soft kisses all over her delectable skin while playing with the hems of her top. There was nothing I loved more than having my wife under me and breathless.

I pulled away again and took her wrists in my palms and pinned them above her head. I looked into her dark eyes. Her eyes were clouded with arousal and her pupils dilated. Her lips were slightly parted as her chest heaved up and down slowly.

"I love you so much," I said as I leaned down to nibble on her ear.

I nuzzled my face in her neck as she softly said,"I love you too."

"You're mine for eternity. Here in this life and the Hereafter," I mumbled against her skin and let go of her wrists.

She picked my face up and pecked my cheek. "I know," she smiled. "But what happened to loving me right now?" she joked, playfully.

I smirked. "Your wish is my command, my queen."

Assalamualaikum everyone!

Yes, I know. I finally wrote a Zaykir moment. I will continue to write more moments like this, but sadly no sequel for this story as of right now. Man, I was looking over this book the other day and was astonished at how old it is now. This book started off as a way to practice my writing skills and now it's popular.

My friend and I were talking about my books today in class and we basically had a moment where we were like, "Crap that was in 2014 when we were in seventh grade." I'm about to finish my second book ADII, so please check it out along with my new book called, "Hushed Confessions."

Thank you for all your support and love! Remember to vote, comment, and fan. Thanks :D

 Thanks :D

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