{29} Surprising News

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Zaynub Khalid

Oh my God. I'm going to fail this exam. What's the answer to number twenty? The heck? When did we study this? I knew I should've majored something easy. This is SATs all over again, I mentally groaned.

I was currently taking my final exam for the year, and damn was it hard. After Zakir's lecture, we decided to give Aunt Yusra some time to let her organize her thoughts. It had been two weeks since then. Zakir and I planned on going to Egypt soon, but we still had to buy tickets. Our Wilima was last weekend. Late, I know, but we were people with busy lives.

Focus, idiot! You only have thirty minutes left! I still need to write the essay! Oh Allah, please help me pass. I'm begging You, I silently prayed.

* * * *

After I took the exam, I waited outside campus waiting for Zakir, still panicking over my answers. I needed to pass. It was finals for heaven's sake! They were important like seriously important.

"Zaynub! I called your name like five times already. Are you alright?" Zakir asked, getting out of the car.

"What? Oh yeah. Yeah, I'm fine," I responded.

"Really? You don't look like it."

"Final exam," I sighed.

Zakir's features twisted into understanding. His mouth formed an 'o' shape. I walked into his car and sat down. Zakir followed after me and started the car.

"How was your exam anyway?" he asked.

"Hard as in extremely hard. I hope I passed. Oh my god. I need to pass. I officially hate exams," I babbled.

Zakir chuckled, "Damn, woman. Take a moment to breathe."

I glared at him. "Easy for you to say," I mumbled.

Zakir looked at me from the corner of his eyes, grinning wider. I leaned back against my seat and watched the scenery go by.

"How was work today?" I asked.

"It was fine. Just a meeting and some paperwork to fill out. That reminds me, I want to show you the apartment I want to buy," he brought up suddenly.

"Wow. That's fast. When did you have time to find one?"

"When you fell asleep. You sleep so much lately. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Take a chill pill."

"Seriously though. I'm worried about you. Deeliyah said you threw up a few times," he said as he shot me a worried glance.

"Zakir! I'm fine. I probably got the flu or something," I said, annoyed. He worried too much. It was beginning to annoy me. Whoa. Where did that mood change come from? I usually had better control with my emotions.

He looked shock at my snapping. "Uh okay."

"I'm sorry for snapping like that. I don't know what's wrong with me. Probably just stress from the exam," I sighed.

He just nodded and focused on the road. I realized that we weren't headed home.

"Where are we going?"

"To the apartment I wanted to buy for us."

"Oh," was all I said.

The rest of the ride was silent. 

* * * *

We were checking out the apartment. It was pretty nice, two bedrooms and a large living room. The kitchen was a good size, and the neighborhood was very welcoming.

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