Breaking Up

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Jen's POV:
Today is the last day of filming for season 5a before the winter hiatus. I can't believe that we are approaching our 100th episode already. Five incredible years with the best cast in the world and my best friend Lana Parrilla. She's been with me through so much and knows everything about me, well almost everything that is. For the last couple years, my friendship with Lana has grown quickly and we do literally everything together. But within the last 6 months, something has changed, and I'm scared to tell her because I know if I do, it will just make things just a little bit more real. The thing is, after the filming of the season 4 finale, there was just something about the last scene that... I don't know. Made me like her even more? And no I don't mean like her more as a friend, I mean kind of like a crush. I'm scared to tell her how I really feel, plus she's happily married with Fred, and I don't want to get between them.

I pull up through the security gates on set and pull up next to Lana's car. I get out and head to Lana's trailer with two cups of Starbucks coffee in my hands. One is for me, and the other is for her. As I approach her trailer, I begin to hear faint sobs coming from inside the trailer. I stop for a minute, standing just outside the door. I knock on the door. "Hey Lana is everything okay?" I ask through the door, not wanting to barge in on her. After a minute she opens the door. Her eyes are red and puffy and there are tear stains on her face. I walk in and set the cups of coffee on the counter in her small kitchen of the trailer. She closes the door behind me and walks over to the couch and sits down. I follow her and sit next to her before draping my arm over her shoulders. "Lana, what's wrong?" I ask her quietly but she sobs even more. I pull her closer and she rests her head on my shoulder as she sobs. I let her cry until she's finally ready to tell me. "I called it off with Fred." She said wiping away her tears. I look at her completely in shock. "What?!" I asked almost yelling. "We're getting divorced." She said. I look at her extremely confused. "I thought you guys were happy?" I say. "And we were... We still are, but I think we were always better as friends than husband and wife." She says and I can't think of any words to say. "If you called it off, then why were you crying?" I ask. "Because I'm hoping I didn't just make the biggest mistake of my life." She says and a stray tear runs down her cheek and I gently wipe it away. "Why would it be a mistake if you guys have always been better off as friends?" I ask as I stare into her beautiful brown eyes.

Lana's POV:
I look down at the balled up tissue in my hands. "I loved Fred, don't get me wrong, but lately... I-I've guess I have feelings for someone else... Another... Man." I say and sigh. She hugs me and I look up into her blue green sparkling eyes. The eyes that melt all my worries and cares away, the eyes that are so easy to get lost in. "Lana?" She asks and that's when I realize I was lost in her eyes. "Sorry. yes?" I say to her. "Its no one." I answer looking back at the tissue in my hand. "Lana, its obviously someone, someone you really care about." She says. "Don't worry about it, its no one you know anyways." I say. "Lana, I'm your best friend. I'm always here to help you." She says and I sigh.

I hate lying to Jen like this, well the whole thing isn't a lie. Let me start from the beginning:

It all started about a year ago when Jen and I started becoming really close friends. She was going through her break up with Sebastian Stan and she was miserable. I've never seen her so upset. She always had her walls up. She was always so reserved when other people around, but for some reason, she really trusted me and allowed me to see her weak side, which I'm guessing very few have seen. For some reason, it really... I don't know... I guess it really showed how comfortable she was around me, how much she trusted me. Since then, my feelings for Fred have faded and I guess my feelings for Jen have grown. That's really why I called off my marriage. Fred and I just weren't as connected with each other as we were when we first got married.

I was beginning to think that maybe it was all just a big mistake for leaving Fred. I was beginning to worry about the fact what if she didn't feel the same way about me that I feel about her? What if I left Fred for no reason? I don't know what to do. I don't know if I should tell her now or wait. As much as I want to tell her now, I'm scared of being rejected and being hurt although I know she would never hurt me on purpose.

Jen sighed and stood up to leave. "Well I'm heading to hair and makeup. Let me know when you want to talk, I'm always here for you Lana." She says with a smile. I smile at her back through the swollen eyes and the tears. "Thank you." I say and she walks out my trailer, taking her cup of coffee with her.

Somehow, I had to find away to tell her the truth. She was my best friend after all. She deserved to know.

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