True Love part 1

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Jen's POV:
Well its moving day. Its been a month since we decided to live together. All my things are packed away. I sold most of my furniture since I won't be needing it and I was also able to sell my house. This is a huge step for Lana and I and we are both really excited. I place the last box into the small moving truck. "Well this is it!" Lana says with a smile and kisses me. We get into my car and I drive to Lana's where the truck would meet us. I'm so glad I no longer have to live alone. Its so much better sharing a home with someone else, especially with someone you love. We pull up into Lana's garage next to her car and the moving truck pulls up next to the house shortly after. We walk to the truck and unload the boxes and carry them inside. There aren't very many boxes as most of them just contained clothes, books, and a few other things, so it didn't take long to unload it. Once all the boxes are inside, we thank the truck driver then Lana and I begin carrying the boxes up stairs to her bedroom. Or actually our bedroom now. There, we would go through the boxes and decide what to put into storage and what to keep at home.

We sit on the floor and begin going through the boxes. I pull one labeled 'pictures', in between my legs and open it. Inside there are a half dozen photo albums from various times in my life, including pictures from Once Upon a Time. Lana is sitting next to me and I see her looking in the box. She smiles when she sees the photo album labeled 'TV shows' and pulls it out. I push the box away, and then Lana gets up and sits between my legs where the box was. I wrap my arms around her stomach and rest my chin on her shoulder as she opens the photo album. The first picture was a picture of me when I was about 10 and it was the magazine cover for 'Sports Illustrated for kids'. The cover featured me and basketball star Michael Jordan. Lana giggles. "You were so adorable!" She says and I laugh. "Oh am I not adorable anymore?" I ask with a pout. She chuckles. "Your even more so now." She says and pecks my lips. She flips through more pages of photos, every once in a while laughing or saying "awe!" Then we get to the pictures from House and I can't help but smile at what I see. That show is what really started my career and to be honest, I really do miss it. Lana stops flipping through the book when she sees a picture from Cameron and Chase's wedding. They were kissing and looked so happy together. Lana ran her fingers over the picture, then turned her head back so she could look at me. "Is someone getting Jealous?" I tease and Lana playfully slaps my leg "no I am not!" She says with a bit of a laugh. "Sure!" I say playfully and roll my eyes. She flips through a few more pages until she gets to the Once Upon a Time section. The very first picture was of Lana and I back in 2011, when we first met. She turns her head again and smiles. "You kept it?" She says and I kiss her neck. "Of course I did." I say sweetly. Then she begins to look through all the other pictures, most of them of her and I. Half way through the section, she sees a piece of paper with my writing on it behind a photo of us. "Hmm... What's this?" She asks and smirks at me. I try to take the album out of her hands but she's too fast. She stands up and takes the piece of paper out from behind the photo. I totally forgot I put that in there. She put the album down on top of another box before sitting down in between my legs again and she began reading the note.

"Dear Lana,
     I'm not exactly sure how to say this, or how you are going to react when you read this but I have to tell you how I feel.
     You are my best friend and have been for quite some time now. You've always been there for me, through the good and the bad. I know that you know my family hasn't been much of a family to me and its been tough, but from the moment I met you, I knew that you were the only family I needed. You've been more of a friend and a sister to me than anyone else, but I feel like there's more to us than that.  
       We have this connection with each other that I've never had with anyone else, not even Jesse and we almost got married. I know your happily dating Fred and I know you love him, but Lana, I want you to know... I love you too. And not just as a friend or a family member, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone else. I don't know if it's just me that feels this way, I really hope it isn't. You always manage to make me smile, no one has ever been able to do that for me and I don't want to lose that, I don't want to lose you.
      I don't know if I'll ever have the guts to give this to you, or if you will ever even read it, I just had to write it before it was too late, before I missed the chance to say... Lana, I Love you. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone else, you are so kind and caring, beautiful and strong... I just wish... I hope that one day, I can call you mine forever.
Lana reads the letter out loud, and halfway through she begins crying. She continues to read it through her tears and when she's done she turns around and wraps her arms around my neck before pulling me to her lips and kissing me passionately. When we pull away, she wipes away the tears I didn't know had fallen on my own cheeks. "Baby, why didn't you ever give this to me?" She asks and looks into my eyes lovingly. I look down at the ground, not wanting to make eye contact. "I was planning on giving it to you the day after I wrote it, but the next morning, you announced that you and Fred were engaged. It ripped my heart in half. After work that day, I came home and cried, thinking that I was too late. I put the note in the album, so I could look back on it as a reminder to say what's in my heart before its too late. I knew I couldn't rip you two away, I couldn't hurt you like that, but really you were the one who had hurt me. That's why I avoided you for a few months after you announced your engagement. Because every time I looked at you, it reminded me that I would never be yours, you would never be mine." I say sobbing. Lana hugs me and pulls my head to her chest. "Jen, baby, I'm so so sorry. I had no idea how much I meant to you. I had no idea how much I hurt you. I didn't know." She says crying too.

I look up into the soft brown eyes that seem to melt my heart and take all my worries away. "I'm so glad I never stopped loving you." I say before kissing her. "Did you really mean it? What you wrote." She asks when we part. I put my hand on her cheek and look lovingly into her eyes. "Yes baby of course! I still mean every word of it." I say.

Lana's POV:
"Yes baby of course! I still mean every word of it." She says, both of our eyes still tear filled. I smile at her lovingly and she returns it and I slowly lean into her lips and kiss her gently. Our lips colide and we slowly kiss. The feeling was something totally new to me, something I've never felt before. This kiss was different from all the other ones we've shared. I felt it. Jen felt it. It took me a moment to realize what it was, and when I recognized it, the tears began to stream down my face. Through the blur of my tears, I could barely see, that Jen too had tears slipping down her pink cheeks. For the first time in my life, I was experiencing something that I thought only fairytales are made of, something I've only heard about and was beginning to think was a myth. But it wasn't. What I felt was love. The truest and most pure form of it. It was so magical and sureal that it felt like a dream. But it was real. More real than I ever imagined. This love... It took my breath away and was a million times better than anything I've ever dreamed about. It was a truly special moment between us and I just wanted to hold on tight to this moment. I never wanted it to end, I never wanted to let go.


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