Secrets Revealed

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Lana's POV:
The next morning, I wake up with an arm laying across my torso. I look over at who it bongs to and smile at the mess of blonde hair next to me. I stare at her for a moment until she too finally wakes up. "Morning babe." She says groggily. Damn her morning voice is hot. I chuckle and peck her nose. "Good morning baby." I say. I roll over to look at the time. 5:15. "If we want to be at work on time, we need to go now." I say and we slowly get up. "Feel free to borrow some of my clothes." I say and she walks over to my closet and I follow her. She takes a pair of sweat pants and a tank top and a pair of Nike free runs. I put on a t shirt, a pair of jeans and boots. We walk down stairs and I feed Lola while Jen gathers her things.

Jen's POV:
I look down at my phone and scroll through my notifications. "Fuck!" I say and Lana looks at me strangely. "What?" She asked as she came over to me. "The paparazzi saw my car outside your house last night... And this morning." I say. "Shit." I hear her mumble under her breath. "We can handle it. Let's just hope Adam and Eddie didn't see it." I say as we walk into the garage. "You want a ride? You can come back here after work if you want." She says and I shrug. "Sure why not. I just have to check on Ava right after work." I respond and she smiles. She slides into the drivers seat of her black Prius and I get into the passengers seat.

We don't head straight to work, we make a quick stop at Starbucks before we go to work. We both go inside and order our coffee. Once we get back in her car, Lana's phone pings signaling she had received a notification. She puts her coffee in a cup holder and takes her phone out of her back pocket. "Great..." She mumbles before showing me her phone. She was on twitter, and someone had just posted a picture of us together in Starbucks. "It will be fine." I say and lean in to kiss her.

Lana starts the car, and we drive to set, I hold her hand the entire way while she drives. We drive through the security gates and the second we pull in, we see paparazzi everywhere. We both exchange nervous glances and the second we park, the swarm of people and cameras comes rushing up to us. "Ready?" I ask. "Ready." I say and at the same time, we throw our doors open and begin walking to set. "Jennifer, Lana, are the rumors true?" "Are you guys actually together?" "Jennifer, did you spend the night at Lana's?" The reporters bombard us with questions, but we ignore them. I slip my hand into Lana's and as I do so, cameras flash like crazy. I sigh and then begin to run, pulling Lana along behind me. We finally make it to my trailer both of us out of breath. Before I open my trailer door I notice a note stuck to the door. I take the piece of paper off and read it. "Please meet us in the conference room for a meeting. -Adam and Eddie." I sigh and turn to look at Lana. "We have a meeting in the conference room." I say with a sigh. And head back down the steps of my trailer.

Lana's POV:
Jen and I walk to the conference room to see almost everyone inside. Everyone but Ginny give Jen and I an odd look. We take the last two seats at the big table and the meeting begins. "First of all, thank you for coming at such late notice. This meeting is of extreme importance." Eddie says. I look at Jen nervously, then back to Adam and Eddie who are the only ones standing. "We have a no tolerance policy for secret relationships." Adam says looking almost angry at Jen and I. I look at Jen and she bites her lip. "As you guys have probably heard the rumors and seen the pictures the last couple days of Lana and Jen." Adam continues. Jen looks nervously at me, her lip still between her teeth. I slowly grab her hand under the table and hold it. "Lana and Jen, you are here by suspended until further notice." Adam says and I look at him in shock. "What?" I ask surprised. "So you two are actually together?" Jared asks and I see Jen nod and a smile grow on Jared's face. Just then, Ginny, who was sitting across the table from Jen and I stands up. "That's not fair to them! Josh and I dated for almost two months before telling everyone and we didn't get suspended!" Ginny says getting angry. "Well rules can change Ginny." Eddie says and I feel the tears beginning to sting the back of my eyes. "This show is all about finding true love and happiness and you can't just take that away from someone. That's what this show is all about. If they are suspended, I'm suspended too. They shouldn't be suspended just because of their sexual orientation." She says and walks behind Jen and I and rests her hands on our shoulders. Everyone in the room looks at her surprised, but then Josh stands up and walks up behind us too and Jared follows. After a minute, Rebecca, Sean and Colin were also standing behind us. Ginny looks at us and smiles. "Either we all stay, or we all go. This show is about true love and happiness and if they can't have it, then we aren't giving you the glory of having a hit TV show. Your ratings are already lower than ever. Do you really want to make them worse by suspending the main cast?" Ginny says with a huge smile. Adam and Eddie look at each other surprised at Ginny's words. "Sorry Ginny, we can't let these types of secrets go without consequences." Adam says.

Jen's POV:
I stand up, tears in my eyes and pissed off as hell. "You can't suspend us because of our sexual orientation. Its illegal, and if you suspend us, we will see you both in court!" I yell at them. I feel everyone's eyes staring at me and I start getting nervous. "Besides, I think its time we go back to the roots of the show. Go back to the beginning and write the show how it was back then. A modern day fairytale about two strong women who shared a son. You can't keep forcing hetero relationships on fans after you promised you would change that." I say and I see Lana and a few others nod in agreement. Adam sighs again and looks at all of us. "Alright. Your right, we can't lose all of you. There would be no show." He says. "Even if it was just Lana and I who left, we are the heart of the show. You write us off, and you won't have a show." I say still angered by their words. "Jen, its okay, we aren't going anywhere." Lana says soothingly and she grabs my hand and pulls me to sit back down. "Okay. We're sorry, how can we make it up to you?" Eddie asked. I look at Lana and read the expression on her face before I finally answer. "Give the fans what they want, what they have been trying to hint to you for the last five years. We need Swanqueen." I say and they sigh. "We will see what we can do. This meeting isn't over yet so please sit down." Eddie says and everyone sits back down in their chairs. "Before we continue, does anyone else have anything to say?" Adam asked but no one said anything."Very well then, in other news, today is Sean's last day with us." Adam says. And everyone looks at Sean sadly. "Were going to miss you." Lana said and everyone nodded in agreement."Now, the real reason why we brought you all here was to discuss the last few episodes, but seeing how were going to have to tweek them a bit, we will meet later. You guys are all free to go home for the day." Adam says and we all get up to leave. Lana and I walk out of the room hand in hand and we stop in the hallway, holding up everyone else. "Thank you for standing up for us." Lana says and they smile. "No problem. They can't do that to you guys, its not fair. We're all part of a family, and that means nobody gets left behind or forgotten." Ginny says with a smile and everyone agrees. "Thank you." I say and Lana and I begin walking down the hallway hand in hand.

The second we stepped outside, paparazzi swarmed all around us, and not just Lana and I, but the rest of the cast too. "What happened in there?" Why are you all leaving early?" Jen, Lana are you guys actually together?" The reporters ask and we just ignore them. "Lana, did she turn you into a disgusting lesbian?" A reporter asks and I spin around and glare at them and Lana does too.

Lana's POV:
I glare at the reporter. "Being a lesbian, bisexual, gay or transgender is not disgusting.just because we are in love with someone that isn't of the opposite gender doesn't mean we aren't in love, in fact, we are deeply in love." I say and look at Jen who is smiling at me. "Love is love, and it shouldn't be defined by our gender." I continue. "So do you and Jennifer love each other?" The reporter asks. I look at Jen, and I immediately know what I have to do. I pull her close to me and lock our lips together. Cameras flash all around us, trying to get a good picture. "There's your answer." I turn to the reporter and say after we pulled away from each other. Jen and I don't say anything more and we walk hand in hand to my car.

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