A Small World Story

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Lana's POV:
We don't arrive in LA until just after midnight. Jen slept on my shoulder most of the flight. I tried to get some sleep, but I can never sleep on planes. I gently shake her up just before we land. "Were here baby." I say soothingly and her eyes flutter open and she sits up. "Finally." She says and stretches.

After we've landed we get our bags from baggage claim and head to the rental cars. We pay the guy at the counter for a car and he hands us the keys and directs us to where we would find the car. Once we find it, we throw our luggage in the trunk and get in. I drive, since Jen doesn't know where my sister lives.

After about an hour of driving in the busy city, we pull up at my sisters house. Jen and I get out and carry our things to the front door. I ring the doorbell, knowing my sister will have waited up for us to arrive. The door opens and I smile at my sister. "Deeana!" I say and I hug her. "Oh Lana, its so good to see you!" She said as she pulled away. Then I see Sam standing behind her and he comes up to me and gives me a hug. "Hi aunt Lana!" He says "Sammy, look at you your getting so big!" I exclaim and he blushes. Then Deeana and Sam look at Jen with big smiles on their faces. "And you must be Jen!" Deeana exclaimed hugging Jen which surprised her. "Its so nice to meet you!" Deeana said when she pulled away. "Hi!" Sam says to Jen and reaches his hand out for her to shake. Jen shakes it gently. "You must be Sam, I've heard so much about you!" Jen says and Sam blushes again. "Come on in, you guys must be exhausted." Deeana said. "Yes, very." I said with a laugh. "Well I have the guest bedroom already for you guys. Get some sleep and we will see you in the morning." She said with a smile. Thank you Jen said and I led the way and we carried our suitcases to the guest room.

We got dressed into pajamas and turned out the lights before getting into bed. Jen curled up next to me and rested her head on my chest and I wrap my arms around her. "Your family is so welcoming." Jen say quietly. "Thank you baby." I say knowing her family isn't as accepting as mine is since we've talked about it several times. I close my eyes and we both fall asleep.

Jen's POV:
I wake up the next morning with my head still on Lana's chest and I smile. I look up at her and notice she's already awake. "How long have you been awake?" I ask her and she looks down at me and smiles. "Good morning to you too." She says and kisses me. "I've only been up for a little over an hour." She says. "You know you could have woken me up babe." I say. "I know, but your so beautiful when you sleep." She giggles and I sit up and join our lips together. "Why don't we get up and meet the rest of my family?" She asks and I nod. We get up throw on some clothes and head downstairs to meet the rest of Lana's family.

Everyone is in the kitchen when we walk downstairs so Lana and I head over and say hello. "Good morning Lana and Jen!" Deeana says as she looks up from the bowl of pancake batter she's mixing. Lana looks at an older women who is sitting at the table with Sam and sipping on a cup of coffee. "Mami!" Lana says and her mom stands up and walks over to us. She hugs Lana and smiles."Lana, I'm so glad you came!"she said happily. Her mom pulled away and looked at me. "Mom, this is my girlfriend, Jennifer." She says smiling at me. "Yes, yes, I've seen the news, congratulations, she's beautiful." Her mom says smiling at Lana and I blush at her words. Her mom hugs me and I give her a small hug back. "You can call me Jen." I say and she smiles. "Welcome to the family Jen!" And I smile. Lana walks over to the table, and pulls out a chair for me to sit in. I blush and walk over and sit down. "Thank you babe." I say and she leans down and gives me a quick kiss before she sits down in the empty chair next to me. "You guys are so cute." Her mom says and I blush again. "So Jen, why don't you tell us about yourself." Deeana says and I nod. "Well I grew up in Arlington Heights, Illinois, not too far away from Chicago. I have a younger sister, Julie, and a younger brother Daniel and both of my parents are retired music teachers." I say. "Cool! Do you sing?" Sam asked and I laughed. "Actually yes, I'm actually just finishing up a movie called 'Albion' and I sing a little bit in it." I answer. "So how'd you guys meet?" Her mom asked. I looked at Lana. "Well, we first met on the very first day working on the set of Once Upon A Time." I say. "After that day, we just slowly became friends." Lana adds. "Oh come on, there has to be more to it than that, I want details!" Her mom said and Lana and I laughed. "Well... Um... After we filmed season three part A, we started hanging out a lot more together. I guess I sort of always knew I had at least some feelings for Jen, but it wasn't until she broke up with Sebastian Stan a few years ago when I knew for sure." Lana says and I smile and blush at her. "Weren't you with Fred though?" Deeana asked. "Yeah were getting to that." Lana answered."I guess I sorta always had a thing for Lana since I first met her, but I felt like we had
more than just a friendship especially during the filming of the season 4 finale. I wanted to tell her, but she was happily married to Fred and I didn't want to come between them." I say. " that was When Emma risked her life and became the dark one for Regina?" Sam asked and I nodded. "So how did you guys start dating?" Her mom asked. "Well I was crying in my trailer because I called off my marriage with Fred. We were happy, but I felt like we weren't as close as we used to be. I had feelings for someone else." She says and takes my hand."I heard her crying and she told me what happened. But she didn't tell me everything until later when we were talking at her place one night." I said. "I confessed my feelings for her and she apparently felt the same way." Lana said and kissed me. "Awe!" Deeana said and we all laughed. "So what do your parents think about you guys?" Lana's mom asks and I see Lana give her a warning glance. "Babe, its fine." I say to Lana. "They aren't exactly too excepting of me being with another women... I haven't talked to my parents in years and I rarely talk to Daniel and Julie." I say with a sigh. "I'm sorry honey." Her mom said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Its fine, I'm used to it they've been like that since I was 14." I say. Lana gives me a strange look."since you were 14? You never told me this. Now you have to tell me." Lana said intrigued and I laughed. "Its actually a funny story. I was at a concert with my best friend and the girl behind me tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and her face was only about an inch away from mine and she kissed me before running off with another girl." I say and laugh at the memory. Sam and Lana's mom laughed but I noticed Lana and Deeana look at each other in shock. "Was it a Green Day concert in Chicago?" Lana asked and I looked at her surprised. "Yeah, how di- oh my gosh!" I laughed realizing that she was the girl who kissed me. "She kept staring at you all throughout the concert and thought you were cute, so I dared Lana to kiss you!" Deeana said laughing. "Oh god!" Lana said laughing and blushing with embarrassment. We all laughed, not believing the small world story. "After the concert, I told my mom I had my first kiss and she asked with who and I answered, I don't know, some random girl behind me kissed me and ran off and I liked it. After that our relationship with each other got kind of distant." I say. "Who would have known that 22 years later you guys would be in love." Deeana laughed and so did everyone else. I kissed Lana passionately, not caring that her mother, sister and Sam were watching. Deeana and her mother cheered as we kissed and when I pulled away we were both blushing. "I'm so glad you kissed me that night." I say. "Me too." Lana says before she connects our lips again.

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