Ginny Knows

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Lana's POV:
Three months have passed since Jen and I have secretly started dating and things have been going great. A few days after we started dating, we staged a huge argument in front of everyone to throw them off, and it seemed to work, but I'll be honest, its been hard as hell to avoid Jen when we're on and around the set. The last couple days we've been running off to a bathroom or to our trailers for a quick make out session when we knew no one would notice our absence. It was okay I guess, but I was kind of hoping it would all come to an end soon.

Jen and I arrive at work about 30 minutes early so we can spend some secret time together in one of our trailers before we have to work. I pull up onset to see Jen's car already parked in the parking lot. I turn off the car and grab my purse before heading to her trailer. I open her trailer door, to see her reading 'The Alchemist' she looks up when I walk in. "Good morning baby," I say leaning down to give her a quick kiss. She smiles and puts a bookmark in the book before she closes it and puts it on the table. I put my purse down on the table next to her book before I curl up on the couch to join her, resting my head on her chest and she begins to play with my hair with her fingers. We don't say much, we just enjoy our time together. I smile up at her after a few minutes of silence and I smile when she looks back at me. "What?" She asks with a bit of a giggle. "Just admiring how beautiful you are." I say and gently kiss her lips. "I love you." I say, a smile plastered on my face. "You really love me?" She asks and I nod. "I love you too babe." She says before passionately kissing me. Our tongues fight for dominance, but I finally give in and let her take over the kiss. She pulls away after a minute when she can no longer breathe. "I think I'm ready." She says before she straddles my hips and kisses me again. I moan as she kisses me, I can't help myself. "Me too." I say when she pulled away again. We smiled at each other, and then a look of worry came over my face. "What time is it?" I ask. "5:55." Jen answered taking her phone out of her pocket to check the time. "You go first, I'll be there in a few minutes." She says and she gets off my lap so I can go. "Alright babe, love you." I say before heading to the hair and makeup trailer.

Jen's POV:
I wait until my phone says 6:00 before I get up to leave and head to hair and makeup. I walk in the trailer to see Lana and Ginny talking and laughing so I frown and walk to the opposite end of the trailer to keep up our little charade. I sit quietly while my hairstylist does my hair and my makeup stylist does my makeup. Today we are filming one of the last episodes of season 5 and in this episode, Regina, Snow, and Emma are able to get out of the underworld with Hook. I really despise how they wrote Emma this season. I feel like Adam and Eddie are beginning to force CaptainSwan down the viewers throats and Emma as a character is now more weak and vulernable than ever, and no matter how much of a dick Hook is to her, she is still all over him. She's like a love sick puppy. If this happened in one of the earlier seasons, Emma would have dumped his sorry pathetic ass long ago.

Once my hair and makeup is done, I head to the costume department. Luckily, my costume isn't too complicated, just a white turtle neck sweater, jeans, boots, and of course, the classic red leather jacket. I make my way to the set but as I'm walking, I notice Lana isn't too far ahead of me and we're all alone. I run a few steps to catch up with her and I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her neck. She spins around surprised but when she sees that its me, she smiles. "Hello baby." She says before she takes my lips into hers. "I knew it!" We here a familiar voice say. My eyes go wide and we see Ginny with a huge smile on her face. We walked over to her and shushed her to be quiet."surprise?" Lana asks with a giggle. "Oh my gosh I knew something was going on!" She squeals quietly and I can't help but laugh. "Ginny you can't tell anyone, not yet anyways." Lana says. "My lips are sealed. I'm so happy for you two." She said and hugged us both. I pulled away from the hug, knowing that if Lana or I didn't leave soon, someone else would see us. "I gotta go, I have to pretend like I hate you." I say and wink at Lana before running off to the set.

Lana's POV:
I laugh at Jen. She's so adorable. My thoughts are suddenly interrupted when I remembered Ginny was still standing there. "You really love her don't you?" She asks and I nod. "Well, I'm happy for you. You both deserve to be happy." She said and I hugged her. "Thank you." I said. And we slowly walked to set together. "So how lo-" Ginny begins but I cut her off. "Three months." I say. "So you guys staged the fight so no one would be suspicious." She says and I nod again. "You know you don't have to be ashamed. Love is-" "yeah, using my own words against me. Love is genderless. I know. It was Jen's idea. We wanted to make sure things were going to work out before we told anyone." I say cutting her off again. Ginny looks at the ground, her hands in her jacket pockets. "Let me guess, I'm the first to know." She says. "Yeah." I say with a sigh and by then we are now on set.

We are doing our last scene in hellbrooke as Regina would call it. We're shooting it in the graveyard today so there are gravestones everywhere. We head over to where Adam, Eddie, and Jen are standing. "Good morning, I hope you two are ready for today." Adam said looking between Jen and I. I rolled my eyes at the remark and just listened to Adam. "Okay, well at least act like you don't want to kill each other." He said and Ginny laughed and I glared at her and luckily she took the hint and stopped. "Okay, take five minutes to get into character." Adam said. Five minutes went by and the cameras were rolling.

They stood at a grave stone that was cracked with Robin's name on it. Regina cried over the grave, wishing for her lover to come back to her, but he risked his life for henry and for her. Regina sobbed on the ground knowing she would never see Robin again. Emma crouched down and rubbed her back soothingly."I know you loved him, but you can find happiness again. It may take a while, but you will. But if you want to get out of here, we have to go now." She said comfortingly. She stood up and offered Regina her hand and she great fully took it and Emma hoisted her up, and they walked away from the grave.

I wasn't looking where I was going and tripped on a gravestone, my face hitting the ground. "Fuck." I groaned and tried to get myself up. Jen ran over to me. "Shit, Lana are you okay?" She asks worried. She helps me off the ground and a camera man hands her a tissue. She holds it up to my bleeding nose. She sits on the ground with me for a few seconds before helping me up. When I'm finally standing on my feet again, I notice that everyone is staring at us. Jen rushes me off set and we head to the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" She asks and I nod and she kisses me. "So much for staying pissed at each other." I laugh and she laughs too. "We can deal with that later, let's get you cleaned up." She says. She helps me get cleaned up and we walk back to the set together.

I'm looking at the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. "Okay, well now that that's taken care of, you guys can be done for the day, we got the scene we needed." Adam said and I smile at him. "Thank you." I say and Jen, Ginny and I walk back to costumes and change back into our regular clothes before the three of us head back to Jen's trailer.

Jen's POV:
Ginny has lunch with Lana and I while we talk and laugh about things that didn't have to do with our secret relationship. "So, I'm dying to know. Have you guys... You know?" She asked and Lana and I both just broke down in laughter. "No we haven't fucked yet, if that's what your trying to say." I say giggling. "Wow, Lana, that must be driving you crazy! Three months without sex!" Ginny laughs and so does Lana. "We decided to take it slow. Besides, it will just make tonight even more special." She says. "Awe babe." I said and kissed her. "Awe! You guys are too cute!" She squealed and Lana and I laughed.
We talked for a little while longer, before Ginny decided to go home. "Have fun tonight." She said as she walked out my trailer door. "Oh we will." Lana said and smirked before kissing me.

A few minutes later, I locked my trailer, and Lana and I headed towards our cars. "I'll see you at your place in a few hours then." I say and see nods and we both get into our separate cars and head to our own homes.

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