Julia's Final Letter

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Lana's POV:
We decided to stay with Jen's parents until the end of the week and on Saturday we would drive to Chicago for the con and meet up with everyone else there. Jen seems to be doing alright considering everything that has happened. I know I didn't do as well as she's doing when I lost my dad. But she's strong. She now has a family who is learning to support her, friends who care, and a fiancé that loves her.

Its Friday morning and we are all sorting through Julia's things that she left behind in her childhood bedroom. Jen walks over to the wooden desk in the corner and looks down at it confused before she picks up an envelope. "Mom, dad, did you guys see this?" She asks holding it up. We all walk over to her wondering what it was. "No, I haven't." Her mom says and Jen rips off the top of the envelope, only to find another envelope inside. Jen pulled it out confused, wondering why there were two envelopes. She looked down at it and I saw her name written neatly on top. "Its addressed to me." She says surprised before going over and sitting on the bed, not taking her eyes off of it for a second. I walk over to her and sit down next to her. I wrap my arm around her and watch as she opened it. Before she took out the contents, she looked at her family. "Can I have a moment please?" She asks and they all nod and leave the room. "Do you want me to go?" I ask and she shakes her head. "No I want you here. I have a feeling in going to need it." She said and I nodded.

Jen's POV:
I take out a nicely folded piece of paper from the envelope and before I could unfold it, something that looks like an old picture falls to the ground. I pick it up and turn it over. The edges are burned, probably from the house fire when I was 16. It is a picture. A picture of the both of us. It was taken right before I did my very first commercial. The commercial that would launch me into my career. The sight of it brings tears to my eyes. "I thought I'd never see this again." I say and press it up against my heart before handing it to Lana who smiles at it. I take the folded piece of paper and unfold it neatly. Before I read it, I take a deep breath, knowing this was going to be hard for me to read.

"Dear sister,
I am so sorry I haven't been around the last few years. I know I wasn't the most excepting person in the world and I'm sorry for that. I should have been there for you when you needed me and for that, I'll always be sorry. But Jen, something has happened that I can never tell mom and dad about. I'm only telling you this because your my sister and you deserve to know. I was pregnant. The guy who did this to me abused me, but I was too ashamed to tell anyone. After I found out, he beat me. After that, I decided to abort. He didn't deserve to be a father to any child. But in doing so, I killed my child, I can never forgive myself for that. I don't know what else to do Jen, I don't know who to talk to. All this pain is just too much for me to handle. I just wish I had stayed in contact all these years. Maybe you could have helped me. I can't live like this anymore Jen. I'm miserable, I'm lonely, and I miss the family we once were. Maybe if I could have accepted you sooner, I could have lead the rest of the family to do the same. I know your with Lana. I know you just got engaged. I just want you to be happy, together. You've found your perfect girl Jen, don't let go of her.
Lana, thank you for helping my sister through the good and the bad times. Thank you for being there for her when I wasn't. She loves you. I can see it in her eyes. Please, whatever you do, don't hurt you. She deserves happiness. Its something she didn't get much of from our family.
Jen, I love you and I'll never forgive myself for what I did. Please tell mom, dad and Daniel I love them too. Tell them thank you for everything they have done for me. Some battles just can't be won. I'll love you forever big sis.
I had to fight back the tears so I could still read the words on the page. Her words meant more to me than anything else anyone has ever said to me. Lana pulled me into her embrace and I cried and cried, the note still in my hand. I can't believe she's actually gone. My little sister. I can't believe her boyfriend caused all of this. I can't believe I couldn't do anything to help her. Damn it. I could have fucking helped her! If only I kept in touch with her more! If only I hadn't taken up acting as a career! If only-

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the door opening. My mom walks in. "Jen, honey, are you okay?" She asks. "She's gone mom, she's really gone!" I cry. She sits down on the bed next to me and grabs my hand. "I know honey." She said. Once I'm finally calm enough, I hand her the note. "She wrote this for me, but you need to see it." I say in a trembling voice. She takes the paper from me and reads it. Her expression saddens, and my heart breaks again and more tears begin to fall. Lana wipes them away and pushes a strand of my blonde hair out of my face.

Lana's POV:
"I'm so sorry baby, I had no idea how close you guys were." I say trying to comfort her. "She was my best friend. She was the only person I ever fully trusted... Until you came along that is." She says and forces a smile on her fave for me. I look over when I hear her mom gasp. "She was pregnant?" Her mom asks tearfully looking at Jen who nods. "This is all my fault. If I had just been there for you guys when you needed me-" "mom, stop. It's okay. You can't change the past. You can, however, change the future. Nows the chance for you to learn from your mistakes mom. You can make things better." Jen said sitting up. "Oh Jenny, I'm so sorry." Her mom said hugging her. "I know mom." She responds and then her mom looks up at me. "Julie was right about one thing Jen, you found your girl. I don't know very many guys who would just be willing to drop everything to come be with her fiancé during this hard time." Judy says with a smile. "I know Jen would do the same for me." I say. "So, one question." Her mom said smiling at the both of us. "When's the wedding?" And we all laugh lightening up the somber mood. "Mom, we litterally got engaged 3 hours before Daniel called. We haven't exactly had the time to set a date yet." She says and I giggle. "Well, I know you are leaving tomorrow. Give us a call when you've set a date. We will all be there for you." She says. "Thanks mom." Jen says before hugging her. I'm so glad that Jen's mom has completely accepted us. I just wish it didn't have to be this tough time that made us all come together. Hopefully now, things will begin to change.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2016 ⏰

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