The Truth

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Lana's POV:
After a few more minutes of sitting in my trailer alone with just my thoughts to keep me company. I've made up my mind, I'm going to tell her. After work that is.

I quickly compose myself, then make my way to the hair and makeup trailer. I walk in, and I'm greeted by Emilie and Ginny who are both pregnant, and of course, Jen. "Lana! There you are, we thought you were dead!" Ginny kids and the three of them laugh and I give them a weak smile. I sit down in an empty chair next to Jen and my hairstylist comes over and begins to work on my hair. I look over at Jen, who I notice is looking at me too. "I'm serious, let me know when you want to talk." She says. "I will." I respond and we don't say anything more for a few minutes. "Can you come over tonight?" I look over at her again and ask. She looks over at me too and smiles. "Of course." She says and I smile back at her, before I turn my head straight again so the hairstylist can finish.

Jen's POV:
Its been a long and emotional day of shooting today. We had to film the scene where I had to kill hook in order to save everyone else. It was hard for me, because I had to act like I was deeply in love with him and get really emotional about it, but to be honest, to make it easier for me, I just pictured Colin as Lana, and that brought the emotion out immediately.

To be totally honest, I really hate this 'new Emma.' The Emma we saw in seasons 1,2, and 3 was a strong brave woman, who never would have let her walls down so much as she did for this scene and other scenes that also had to do with, what our fans call CaptainSwan. I mean, I know she's changed a lot since then, but now, they are almost writing her to make her look weak and vulernable and I hate it.

Anyways, Lana and I walk off set together and head to the costume department where we would change out of our costumes and into our normal clothes. "How were you able to bring that much emotion into that scene?" Lana asks as we walk towards the costume department. I look at her briefly then resume staring out in front of me. "I just thought of me killing someone I really cared about and that brought the emotions on almost immediately." I explain and she nods and we walk in silence the rest of the way.

Lana's POV:
I begin to get nervous as the time for me to tell Jen the truth gets closer. Were out of our costumes now and were walking to our trailers. "I'll see you in a little bit, I just have to lock up my trailer and I'll meet you at your place." She says. "Sounds good, I'll see you then." I say and we part ways. I grab my purse and my phone out of my trailer and lock it up before heading to my car. When I get to my car, I notice Jen had already left, so that meant that I had to really hurry. I got in and drove home.

I pull up onto my street and I notice Jen's car is already parked in the street in front of my house. My heart begins to pound from the nerves. I pull into the driveway and park in the garage. I hear a car door close and I see her walking towards me. "I'm here." She says with a goofy smile on her face and I laugh. I really shouldn't be so nervous, but I can't help it. I close the garage door with the remote and we head inside. Lola, my dog, greets us happily, and Jen crouches down to pet her. "Hey Lola girl, how are ya?" She coos and I smile. She's so cute with Lola. She stands up and looks at me and pulls her sweater over her jeans. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" She asked and my heart began to pound and my palms get sweaty. "Why don't we talk over some hot cocoa?" I say. "Got anything stronger?" She asks with a smile and then giggles. I giggle too, remembering the scene back in season one, when Emma and Regina met for the first time. I walk over to the cabinet and pull out two wine glasses. I grab a bottle of wine and pour it into the two glasses. I hand one to her and she takes it with a smile. "Thanks." She says. And I walk into the living room and sit on the couch. She follows me into the room and sits on the couch next to me. She isn't as close to me as she was earlier, but still pretty close. I put the glass up to my lips and pour it all into my mouth, knowing I was going to need it. I see Jen looking at me surprised before she takes a sip of her own wine and setting the glass on the coffee table in front of us."so?" She asks and my heart begins to beat so fast, I wouldn't have been surprised if she heard it. I take a deep breath. "Jen, I didn't tell you the whole truth." I say nervously and she looks at me confused. "I divorced Fred, that part is true and we really are better off as just friends." I begin. "So? I don't get where you lied." She says and I sigh. It takes all the courage I have to look up into her eyes and tell her the truth. "I lied about having feelings for another man." I say. She still looks confused. "Okay, that's no big deal, its going to take time to find the perfect man." She says with a smile and she grabs my hands and wraps her hands around mine. I look down at our hands and then look back up to her. "Or woman." I say just barely loud enough to hear. "Or wo- Wait, did you just say woman?" Jen asked her eyes going wide. I knew this was a bad idea. "Yeah." I say and look down at our hands again. She chuckles and lifts my chin up with one of her hands making my eyes look into hers. "Lana, you of all people should know that's nothing to be ashamed about. After all, didn't you go to some huge LGBT gala and give a speech?" She asked. "Yeah." I responded. "Then why didn't you tell me?" She asks and my eyes begin to sink into hers. My heart pounds faster and harder and I'm thinking it just might explode. "B-because... I-I think I have feelings for you." I finally blurted out. I expected Jen to stand up and leave or at least have a look of surprise on her face, but neither happens. Instead she's just staring at me, with the stupidest grin on her face, but I can't help but admit that its actually kind of cute. "That's why in never told you." I say breaking our eye contact to look at our hands once more. I feel her hand stroking my cheek and I looked at her somewhat surprised, not expecting that action from her. "I'm sorry I lied to you." I add and she pulls me into a hug. "Oh Lana, its okay..." She says with a sigh.

Jen's POV:
I pull away from our hug and look into Lana's eyes. "I haven't been completely honest with you either." I say with a sigh. "What?" She asks with wide eyes. "Why don't you think I haven't dated anyone since I broke up with Sebastian?" I ask with a smile and my hand cupping her cheek. She let's out a small gasp when she realizes what I mean. "You mean, y-you feel the same way?" She asks and I give her a genuine smile and nod. I see tears begin to form in her eyes. "You mean it?" She asks as our foreheads touch. I gently brush my lips against hers before I kiss her gently. I pull away when I run out of breath and smile at Lana who now has tears on her cheeks. She smiles up at me and I wipe them away. "I mean it and that's the truth." I say, "the real truth."

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