Horrible News

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Lana's POV:
By the time we're done unpacking all of Jen's boxes and organizing her things, its almost 1am and we have an early morning for work. We crawl into bed, I rest my head on Jen's chest while she twirls my hair between her fingers as she scrolls through Instagram and twitter. I sigh and watch my blonde princess glide her thumb over the screen of her iPhone. I watch her for a while until my eye lids become heavy and I can't hold them open any longer and I fall asleep on her chest.

Jen's POV:
Its 4am, and my phone starts buzzing on the nightstand for the fifth time in the last 10 minutes. I sigh deciding that whoever is calling me at 4am must have some important reason. I pick up my phone carefully, trying not to wake my sleeping fiancé who is still laying on my chest. "Hello?" I answer in a groggy whisper not even bothering to check to see whose calling before hand. "Jen?" Its my brother Daniel, who I haven't talked to in months and when we do talk I'm always the first to call so I know some things up. "Daniel?" I ask sitting up a bit and leaning up against the headboard. "Why are you calling? You know its only 4am here in Vancouver right?" I say surprised. "Sorry Jen, but this... Something happened." He says distraught. "What is it?" I ask but he doesnt respond. "Daniel? Tell me!" I say getting a bit louder and Lana stirs a bit but doesn't wake up. "Jen its Julia..." He says not finishing his sentence. "Daniel... What happened to Julia?" I ask getting concerned. I've never heard him like this before. "She what?" I say almost a little too loudly and getting angry that he won't tell me. "Jen, she committed suicide. She's gone." He sobs into the phone and my hand flies to my mouth and I let out a muffled cry. "What?!" I say not believing it at all, but then again why would he lie about our sister killing herself? "I woke up about an hour ago which was 5 am here. Julie came to stay with mom and dad for some reason and wouldn't tell me. She promised last night she would tell me over coffee at 5:30." By the time 5:45 rolled around I went to go check on her... I found her Jen... Hanging in her closet!" He sobs and that's when I realize that if he's crying... I begin to sob, my hand still over my mouth so I don't wake up Lana. My phone slips from my hand and onto my lap, not even bothering to hang up. I just sit there and cry, not knowing what to do. Eventually I hear Daniel hang up, and I turn my phone completely off. I lay in bed, crying silently as I stroke Lana's hair. After an hour she finally wakes up.

Lana's POV:
Every morning, no matter how much sleep I get, I wake up at 5. This morning is different though. I wake up to hear quiet little sniffles and Jen stroking my hair and she never wakes up before me. Never. Meaning some things wrong. I sit up right away and rub my eyes before looking at Jen. Her eyes are red and puffy, there are tear stains on her cheeks and her nose is red and runny. She doesn't even bother to look at me when I sit up. This must be bad I think. I put my arm around her shoulders and pull her close to me. "Baby what's wrong?" I ask concerned but she doesn't say anything and cries harder. I hold her and let her cry it out. "Jen..." I say when she's calmed down again. I lift her chin up so she has to look into my eyes. "Baby, please tell me." I say with a frown. She's really worrying me. Its silent for a long moment before her mouth finally begins to move. "Its Julie, Lana." She says and breaks down again. "What is it? Did you guys get in a fight?" I ask and she shakes her head. "She's... Dead..." She finally says barely audible between sobs. "What?" I asked in shock and I wipe away her tears. "Daniel found her this morning after missing their plans. She hung herself with a belt in her closet." She says, trying to control the sobs as best as she could. I'm totally speechless not expecting what she just told me. Not in a million years. "Oh my god..." Was all I could think of to say. We don't say anything for a while, and she's finally stopped crying. "I'm so sorry baby girl." I say as I hug her and kiss her forehead. I glance over at the alarm clock on my nightstand. 5:59. I sigh and reach for my phone to calk Adam to let him know we wouldn't be coming in today and possibly not for the rest of the week.

"Hey Adam." I say sadly when I hear him pick up his phone. "Lana are you okay? Where are you guys?" He asks and I sigh. "Sorry Adam, we won't be in today... And possibly the rest of the week. In fact, we probably won't be able to make it to the con this weekend either." I say. "Lana is everything okay with you and Jen?" He asks. And I nod, but realize he can't see me. "Yeah we're fine. Jen just got a call a few hours ago from her brother... Her sister died, and she needs a few days off." I say. "Alright Lana. Tell Jen I'm sorry for her loss. Come back when she's ready, she needs you with her." He says and I smile at his words. "Thanks Adam." I say and then hang up.

I get out of bed and begin to get dressed. "What are you doing?" She asks me. "Getting ready to leave. You need to be with the rest of your family." I say. "No Lana, I can't go. My mom wasn't the one who called, Daniel was. They don't even want me there." She says and looks down at her hands in her lap. I walk over to her side of the bed. "Jen, I'm sure that's not true. Your parents love you no matter what and so did Julie. I didn't know her, but from the little you've told me about her, I know she would want you to be with them." I say and rub her back. "Okay." She says almost inaudibly. I get back up and offer my hand which she takes and I help her up.

Jen's POV:
I get dressed slowly not bothering to put on makeup. I pull a suitcase out from under the bed and throw some clothes in it while Lana calls Ginny about taking care of the dogs for a week. By the time she's off the phone with Ginny, my bag is packed.

"She said to drop them off on set on our way to the airport, but she's due to have her baby any day now, so Rebecca offered to take them." She says and I nod giving her the okay. She packs her bag quickly and we get Lola and Ava ready before getting everything in the car and driving off.

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