A New Fairytale

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Jen's POV:
Lana and I came home from LA late last night and we are now on our way to work. Its an early morning and both of us are exhausted after the long, but fun weekend.

We arrive on set right on time. Today would be the day where we would read the script for the season one finale. We don't bother heading to our trailers since we would be late if we did. I open the door to the conference room and hold it open for Lana. Everyone is there except for Sean, since he was written off.

"Welcome back everyone, today we are just reading over the scripts for the last episode of season 5." Adam said and began passing out the scripts to everyone. "It took us all weekend to find away to make the story similar to the way the beginning of the show was written, its something new so we hope you guys like it." Eddie says. Lana and I look at each other, the ideas in my head spinning a million miles an hour and we begin reading.

Regina: (with a sigh) its so nice to be out of hellbrooke and back home.
Snow: finally something we can agree upon.
Henry: (runs up to Regina AMD Emma from Granny's) Moms! (Hugs Emma and Regina)
Emma: oh kid, I'm so glad your safe.
Henry: (pulls away from hugging emma) David took really good care of me and we had some fun.
Regina: (laughs) well whatever fun you had, I hope you didn't destroy half the town in the process.
David: (comes up behind henry) everyone and everything is fine.
Snow: (runs up to David and kisses him) I missed you.
David: I miss you too. (Looks at Emma) looks like you found your pirate.
Emma: (hugs hook and smiles up at him sincere as hell) yup, he's here to stay.
Regina: (rolls eyes at emma) well at least your happy. Come on Henry let's go home. (Turns around to go home)
Emma: (pulls away from hook) Regina wait. (Touches Regina's arm to turn her around and look at her) thank you... For helping me. And I'm sorry about Robin. (Sincere as fuck and make doey eyes at each other)
Regina: (sadly looks at emma with a weak smile) well if true love was easy, we'd all have it.
Emma: (rubs Regina's arm) you'll find it eventually.
Regina: (sighs) thank you Emma. (Turns and walks away)
Emma: (walks back to hook and sadly hugs him)
Hook: (kisses Emma) why don't we go home and celebrate.
Emma: (sighs) maybe later, I'm concerned about Regina.
Hook: alright Swan, you go be with your family, you'll know where to find me.
Emma: (nods and hook walks away and Emma follows her family to Granny's)

(Later at Granny's)

Snow: Emma? Emma honey are you okay?
Emma: (looks up from playing with her food) hmm?
Snow: (deeply concerned) you've hardly said anything and your playing with your food.
Emma: (puts fork down on plate) sorry.
Snow: (still deeply concerned) Emma what's going on?
Emma: (sighs) I'm just worried about Regina, that's all.
David: Regina will be fine, she's been through this before.
Emma: (getting upset) yeah, dad, that's exactly why I'm concerned, I'm worried she might be giving up hope on ever finding her true love.
Snow: Emma, calm down, Regina will be fine, she just needs some time alone.
Emma: (stands up) well I'm going to go check on her. (Walks out of diner)

(At Regina's house)

Emma: (rings doorbell)
Regina: (answers door) Emma? What are you doing here? (Shocked at her guest)
Emma: I just came to check up on you. Are you okay?
Regina: (sighs) I will be eventually, I always am.
Emma: you look like you need to talk.
Regina: (opens the door and let's Emma inside and walks over to the living room and sits on the couch)
Emma: (follows Regina and sits next to her but not extremely close) Regina, you can't give up hope.
Regina: (rolls eyes) Emma, a hope speech is the last thing I need right now.
Emma: I'm just worried about you, you've worked too hard to go back into the darkness.
Regina: thank you for your concern, but I'll be fine.
Emma: (sighs) I know you Regina, I know that your going to need someone who knows what it feels like to lose someone and be tempted into darkness. I'm not going to let that happen to you.
Regina: (looks at Emma) why do you care so much about my happiness?
Emma: I once made a promise that I wouldn't leave until everyone found happiness, and that included you. I'm not going to stop because your my friend Regina, I care about you. that's what friends do. You have to trust me, you have to let me know how your feeling.
Regina: (looks at Emma almost lovingly) thank you, Emma for always seeing the best in me when not everyone does. (Hugs Emma)
Emma: (hugs Regina back) of course. (Pulls away from Regina and looks in her eyes) Now why don't you tell me about how your feeling.
Regina: (sighs and looks down at her hands in her lap and shakes her head) I-I don't know Emma.
Emma: (concerned as fuck) Regina, you have to let me in, I'm the only one that can help you.
Regina: well I... (Sighs) I honestly don't know how I feel. I know I should be more upset that Robin's gone, but I'm not and I'm not sure why. Its like I'm almost relieved that he's gone. (Begins to cry)
Emma: (confused as hell, but comforts Regina) why would you be relieved?
Regina: (cries even harder) I don't know Emma, I don't know what to feel.
Emma: (sighs) you sound like how I feel when I'm in a relationship with someone I don't really want to be with. Its hard and confusing as hell, but let your heart lead you to your happiness, not your mind. What's your heart telling you?
Regina: it's telling me to be with the one I love. (Cries harder)
Emma: Robin?
Regina: no. (Cries harder)
Emma: Daniel?
Regina: no (cries into her hands)
Emma: well then who the hell is it?
Regina: it doesn't matter, there in a happy relationship and can't ruin another person's happiness for my own. (Begins to calm down and wipes away her tears)
Emma: (voice begins to rise) obviously it does matter enough to make you like this. Who is it?
Regina: Emma...stop...
Emma: (voice rising and stands up) no, Regina, I'm not going to stop. Your the only one who has ever been there for me through everything, I'm not giving up because you didn't give up on me, your the closest thing I have ever had to a true friend. Your apart of my family Regina and family doesn't give up on each other and I'm not giving up on you because I lo- (covers her mouth before she finishes her sentence and surprised as hell that she almost said it)
Regina: (her head shoots up when she hears Emma's last few words and is surprised as fuck) what were you just about to say?
Emma: (tears begin to form in her eyes) nothing it doesn't matter.
Regina: (getting angry) yes, it sure as hell does matter Emma!
Emma: (begins to cry and sits back down on the couch)
Regina: (calms down and sighs and puts an arm around Emma's shoulders and Emma rests her head on Regina's chest as she continues to cry) Emma, I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell. Were you about to say you love me? (Looks down at the blonde lovingly)
Emma: (sits up and wipes away her tears and takes a deep breath and looks into Regina's eyes) you really want to know?
Regina: (talks quietly) yes, Emma, I do.
Emma: (sighs and closes her eyes and nods) yes. (Opens her eyes and looks at Regina to see tears beginning to form in her eyes)
Regina: good. ( puts a hand on Emma's cheek and leans in attaching Emma's lips to her own)

(They both pull away smiling and blushing at each other)
Regina: (a tear falls on her face) I love you too Emma.
Emma: (wipes away Regina's tear and smiles) why don't we get out of here for a couple of days? I think we could both use a little break from magic land.
Regina: (laughs and nods) I'd like that.

(On the road to New York city)

Emma: (smirks and looks at Regina) so, I was the one who was making you so confused?
Regina: (blushes) yes. I just... I was so worried that you wouldn't feel the same way. I didn't want to come between you and hook.
Emma: (laughs) you didn't, so don't worry. I was only with him because you had Robin... And after what he said and did to me, I never want to see his pathetic hook again.
Regina: (looks at Emma) that's why you saved me from the darkness?
Emma: (looks at Regina) I knew that if you became the dark one, there would be no turning back for you. You deserved a chance at happiness with Robin. If I became the dark one, I would be able to avoid hook, and I knew there was a chance at redemption for me. And that missing month and a half that I erased from your memories... Well you figured out that I loved you, but I was too scared to tell you, because everyone I have ever truely loved is gone. I didn't want to risk losing you too. (Begins to cry)
Regina: (sincere) Emma, I'm sorry I didn't know.
Emma: its okay. I should have just told you the truth. (Smiles at Regina)
Regina: well you did, and I love you too.

(Final scene is of Regina and Emma enjoying a fancy dinner in a New York resteraunt and holding hands)

Lana's POV:
I smile and look at Jen, who is smiling from ear to ear. "Looks like you guys finally get your swanqueen story." Ginny says with a smile, breaking the silence in the room. "What do you guys think? We want your input since it's mainly about you two and you know the fans better than we do." Adam says. "Its perfect." Jen and I say in unison. "Well it looks like we are back on the old road again with creating our own fairytale. Season 6 will mostly be about you guys learning to overcome certain obstacles and learning how to be a family together." Eddie says and we all nod. "Alright, we will begin filming tomorrow at 6am." Adam says and we all get up to leave.

Jen and I walk hand in hand happily together as we walk to my car. "I can't believe they finally listened to our fans." Jen says happily. "And took our advice." I add and laugh. "I love you baby." I say and kiss her. "I love you too Lana." She says and we get in the car and drive home.

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