V/N (villain name)

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I giggle, and slowly step out of my window. Hopefully pops won't come looking for me.

I smile and grab my gun then leave the estate. What, a girl can always have extra protection, and besides, can't let anybody know that I'm related to superman. I slide my gun into my endless super-symbol bag.

I smirk and fly onto the nearest building.

"Now, what am I going to steal first ?" I question myself, while pacing around the roof. "That's right. " I click my fingers as an idea pops in my head, "The robin is now in Gotham city museum, doesn't take long to get in there ". I leap of the roof and do a backflip before controlling my flight.

I go into the sky and take a deep breath. The dark grey and blue clouds surround me, as I look down at the city lights. The wind blows my H/C and skirt as I spin.

Suddenly, I stop. Something's wrong. I shake and fall a bit.
"Shit! " I yell as my powers falter and I go down to the earth. "Aghhh!!!" I yell, trying to work my flight. Come on, come on... Oh shit!

Just as I'm about to hit the ground, I get pulled up, then land on the roof of the same building.
"Y/N! What the hell do you think your doing !!" Shit.
"H-hey dad " I stutter, looking at Clark Kent, aka, superman. He looks pissed. "What are you doing in Gotham ?" I ask nervously.

"I was coming to check on you " he barks, walking towards me. I gulp and look at the floor. "And I find you, my only daughter, falling to her death. You know what happens when you use your powers too much. Your lucky I was here, " he says, I look in his eyes.

"Go back " I growl, before running and jumping off the building and onto the next.
"Y/N " he says, flying in front of me. I curse under my breath. "What's wrong ?" He asks, putting some hair behind my ear. I look at the floor.

"They promised... They were the best thing I ever had, and they left me, even after they promised that they wouldn't " I answer, going to my knees in tears. Superman grabs ahold of my hand.

"Hurry up nightwing " I hear him mumble slightly. I look up at him and hug him, which is instantly returned. He rubs my hair and pats my back, while in cry into his chest. "It's ok " he says, I cry even harder.

I soon pull away and wipe some tears. I chuckle and look at him.
"I'm sorry, it's ok, don't worry about me " I say, portraying a fake smile, but he seems to believe it.
"Ok, if your sure. Just... Don't bottle it up, I'll see you soon. Also, don't go crazy with jewels, I do except to see them returned young lady " he says, I nod and peck his cheek.

"See ya' dad " I say, before hovering off the roof and to the museum.

Ahh, Gotham city museum. One of the most beautiful, especially the jewels inside it. I use my infrared to see if anybody is in the museum. I keep looking until I find a body signature.

Hmm, cat woman. I growl, and grab a diamond glass cutter out of my bag. I cut the glass, then gently lift it up and place it beside me. (Your on the roof, FYI) I gently hover into the museum and go towards cat woman.

"Hello kitty cat " I purr, she jumps and turns around.
"Meow. Nice to finally meet the new cat burglar, but I'll give you some advice. Bats should be here in three, two, o- "
"Hello cat woman " she gets interrupted by the one and only, batman. I turn around.
"Hey Po- batman " phew, that was a close one.
"Who are you?" Another voice asks, I gulp. Dick.

"My, my, if it isn't robin, the sidekick " cat woman purrs, I take this as a chance to fly outa here.
"Don't even, think about it " a guy says, grabbing ahold of my ankle. I look down and get surprised. That's not dick, that's someone else.

"Who the hell are you? " I ask, looking at the mans outfit. He has a black full body suit, except for the head. He has a similar utility belt to batmans, except, his is full of guns. The thing that catches my eye though, is the weird blue bird on his chest.

"My name is nightwing " he answers, pulling me closer to the ground. "And we needa' talk " I gulp.
'Nightwing ' pulls me into another room and pushes me against the wall.
"Hey Y/N " he says into my ear, I freeze... It is dick.

"Dick, is that you?" I ask, he nods, but sadly, doesn't pull the mask off.
"I thought you were a good guy " he growls, his attitude changed quite quickly.
"I'm both, but mainly good, cause I suck at being a villain. It's just, being a villain it gives me a bit of rush, you know that... Feeling "  I explain, he sighs.

"I'm taking you to mount justice " he demands, I shake my head.
"No chance in hell am I leaving to go stay at some mountain. I'm staying with pops "
"Y/N!?! "Great, another person knows who I am. (Note, sarcasm). "Your superman's clone?" Batman asks, I nod.

"I didn't want to tell you, because you two don't like each other, and I couldn't loose more family " I say, feeling ashamed that my god-father, Bruce Wayne, found out I'm related to Clark and Connor Kent.

"It's ok " I suddenly feel arms wrap around me. I see them as pops' arms. I whimper and hug him back.
"You'd never loose me. But, I am sending you to mount justice for probation, for trying to steal " he growls, I nod.

"When am I leaving?" I ask, my voice full of sadness.
"Tomorrow, I'll get the boys to come collect your stuff " he answers, I nod and release him.
"I expect you to help as well dick " Bruce says before disappearing in the dead of night.
"I'll walk you home " dick says, I nod and follow him to his motorbike.

"You changed the design " I say, he nod. His bike is now black, with blue.
"Here, hop on " he says, throwing me a helmet, which I expertly catch. I giggle and jump onto the back of his bike, as he drives off.

We soon make it to the manor. I hop of the bike, and go to leave, but dick grabs my hand and pulls me into his lap.

"Your forgetting something " he smirks, I giggle and flick his forehead.
"What is it, I didn't think I've forgotten anything " I say, he chuckles and moves closer towards me.
"But I think you have " he says, I move my head closer to his slightly. But before our lips could touch, Bruce opens the door.

"That's enough, inside, now !" He demands, I sigh and hop on dicks lap.
"See you tomorrow, yeah?" I ask, he chuckles and nods.
" yeah " he says, I peck his cheek and go inside.

"You had to ruin the moment, didn't you " I sigh, Bruce nods.
"Of course I did, your my god-daughter, and I'm very protective of family " he says, I sigh again and go to my room.

"Goodnight Alfred, night pops " I yell, earning a goodnight in return.

I wonder what it's like at the mountain now, has anyone changed? Why do I get a bad feeling about this?

For all those nice people who commented my first chapter. I didn't think this story would go so well, I guess I was wrong.

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