My moody lady

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Dick pov

I wake up, snuggled tight to Y/N. I smile and peck her forehead.
"Morning doll face " I mumble groggily, she flutters her eyes open for a moment, before closing them again.
"Go back to sleep " she demands angrily. I probably should go to sleep, I really don't want to say or do something stupid... Again.

"Ok " I say quietly, she goes closer into my chest.

Click, flash

"Dick, I just said to go back to sleep " Y/N says darkly.
"Wasn't me " I mumble, then realise. If it wasn't me, and it wasn't Y/N. I release her and look up. Jason.
"Yo bro " he says, I flip him off.
"F*ck off Jason, it's too early in the morning to take photos of your brother sleeping in with his girlfriend " I grumble angrily.

"Oh my god, that's it " Y/N says, getting up. She floats away from me, and out of the room. "Hurry up dick, I'm tired, we're sleeping in my room !" She yells.

"Why do you listen to her?" Jason asks, I smirk.
"Here's a bit of advice. To get laid, you must listen and do whatever your girlfriend says " I answer, walking away.

"Thanks !" He yells happily.

I open Y/N's bedroom door, then close it and walk down the stairs. I fall onto her bed, and hug her tightly.

"I swear your siblings are out to destroy sleep " she grumbles angrily, I smile and peck her forehead.
"Ignore them " I say soothingly, running my fingers through her H/L H/C hair.

"Anything you say can and will be held against you, so only say my name... If heavens grief, brings hells reigns, then I'd trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday "

"Dick answer your phone before I smash it into little tiny microscopic pieces, then melt those " Y/N says lowly.

I get out of the bed and head out the room. I answer the phone.

"Grayson " I answer simply, wiping some sleep out of my eyes.
"Hello Nightwing "Wonder Woman? Why's she calling me?
"Hey Diana " I use her real name.
"I'm calling to check on my daughter. Your the first person she would've told " she says, I pinch my nose.
"She's perfectly fine, just really grumpy cause my siblings are waking us up " I answer. But when I woke her up she was the same, she's been really moody lately, I wonder why?

"Good, would you tell her I said hi " she requests.
"Yeah sure, whatever anything else?" I ask, she chuckles.
"She wants you to head back to bed doesn't she?" She asks, I nod.
"Yeah, so is there anything else you wanted me to tell her?" I ask
"No, that's enough Nightwing, thank you. Enjoy your morning " she says kindly.
"Yeah, you two, see you 'round, Wonder Woman " I say, hanging up.

I walk back into the room and hear slight snoring. I smile and lay down next to Y/N, who wakes up.

"Who was that?" She asks, sleep grasping her again.
"Your mom, she says hi " I mumble, pulling Y/N towards me.
"Woop-dee-doo " she says, resting her head between my neck.

"Are you feeling alright? you've been moody lately " I say, she opens her eyes and sits up.
"I have ?" She asks, I nod.
"And hungry " I add, she freezes. "Are you on your period?" I ask, she shakes her head.

"I've... Missed it " she mumbles confusingly to herself.

"Hand me your phone, I need to call Meghan " she demands, I nod and hand her my phone.

She walks out of the room, calling Meghan.

"I wonder what that's about " I say, falling back asleep.


" psst, dick, wake up " I get shaken awake.
"What " I whine, hiding back under my pillow.
"I'm going out " Y/N says, I lift my head.
"You want me to go with you?" I ask, she looks like she just saw a ghost.
"No! No, it's ok, Meghan and artemis are taking me. You know, a girls day out " she says calmly.
"Ok then, do me a favour? Tell Wally to come over? I don't wanna spend the day with my brothers and Bruce " I say, Y/N nods and pecks my forehead.

"Will do baby-cakes " she says, then looks like she regretted saying that.
"Love you " I say, she turns to face me.
"Love you to " she smiles sweetly, to sweetly.

I go back to sleep.


"Dickie bird " Wally?
"Wally?" I ask, refusing to remove my face from the pillow.
"Who else do you think " he grumbles. I lift my head up. "What do you have planned for the day?" He asks
I shrug my shoulders.

"I was gonna spend the day with Y/N, but she wanted a girls day with Artemis and Meghan, for god knows what. What do you wanna do?" I ask, he looks hesitant. "Am I missing something?" I ask, he looks worried then shakes his head.

"N-no. So, put a ring on her finger yet?" He questions, I smile and chuckles.
"Not yet. I was going to do that today, but yesterday so much emotional sh*t went down, so I decided to postpone it for a bit " I say, Wally frowns.

"I may or may not have brought the other speedy " he mumbles quietly.
"You did what!!??" I yell, sitting up. I see Bart run into the room.

"Uncle Barry didn't want to take care of him for the day. So I have to. And Bart, say one word all day and your not going to be in any time line " Wally threatens.

"Mh Mh " Bart says scared out of his mind.
"I heard you ran into Zatanna yesterday " Wally states, as Bart runs out of the room.
"Yeah, aka, the emotional sh*it " I say, he nods and ruffles my hair.
"Well, that was yesterday. Today we're going to watch a movie " he says happily.

"Where, mount justice?" I ask.
"N-no, we're not aloud to go there today, it's where the girls day is, you know how they can be hahaha " he laughs nervously.

I squint my eyes, then process all the things today.
Y/N is moody, missed a period, hungry, won't let me go to mount justice, Wally threaten Bart. Oh. My. God.

"She's pregnant " I mumble. Wally freezes.
"Who might I ask, are you talking about?" He asks nervously.
"Y-Y/N. Everything fits; moody, missed period, hungry, won't let me go to mount justice " I say, Wally sighs.

"She doesn't know yet " he sighs.

"Wait what!?!?!? She really might be!?!?" I yell, he nods.

"Holy sh*t. What have I done " I say, getting up and pacing.
"Calm down dude, she might not be " Wally says, but that doesn't do jack sh*t.
"Wally, am I fit to be a dad. I mean really, I used to be a playboy, what would I do to this child's brain. I could completely mess it up " I say, gripping onto my hair.

"What's going on down here?!" Bruce demands, I freeze.
"Do you know about this too?" I demand, he looks at me confused.
"What on earth are you talking about?" He asks, I take a seat on the couch.
"Y/N might be pregnant " I admit, he starts laughing.

"Funny joke Grayson, " he says, wiping a tear away.
"I'm not joking " I says sternly. He jumps of the staircase and lands in front of me.
"You've got to be kidding me, you motherf*cking piece of sh*t " he says darkly.

"I don't know, she's checking with the girls as we speak " I say, running my hand through my hair.

"Dick, are you even fit to be a father?" Bruce asks, I stand up.
"I don't know!!" I yell, walking out of the room.

"Bro, you ok "Jason asks, but I ignore him. I run to the garage get my bike, and drive to mount justice.

Your pov.

"Congratulations miss L/N, your pregnant "

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