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"So it's going to be a long train ride, but I've managed to get us a good carriage for the trip to metropolis " dick states, looking up from his computer.

"Ok "I respond, kissing his forehead as I walk past him. "I just want to get this over and done with "

"I know, but you have to tell your parents. It's like, a law " he says, a smile tying his face together.

"I guess. But it really depends on the connection you have with them, in my case, I wish they'd leave me alone "I admit, opening the silver fridge.

"Don't drink anything unhealthy "dick demands, I roll my eyes.

"I know "I mutter, grabbing a bottle of apple juice.

"Do you want anything?" I ask, grabbing an apple from the bottom tray.

"A beer please "he answers, closing the laptop and walking towards the printer.

I bend down, and grab dicks beer, then shut the fridge and open it for him.

"Here you go "I say, turning around.

Dick walks over to me and places his hands on my belly.

"I can't wait "he says through a sigh.

"Well you have to "I answer, wrapping my arms around his neck. "'Cause it's like, a law "I smirk, copying his sentence from before.

"Ha ha, very funny "he chuckles, and looks down at me.

"Do we have to go?" I ask, laying my head on his chest.

"Well unless you want them to find out by batman, and get extremely mad, then yes, yes we have to go "he answers, I sigh.

"But they're not going to stick around and have a connection with the kid, so what's the point in telling them?" I say, dick catches my chin in his forefinger and thumb.

"So then they can have a chance "he responds, looking deeply into my E/C orbs.

"Ok "I sigh. "But we're only staying for a few days, I wanna see some people while we're there "I state, dick smile and gently, but quickly, kisses me.

"Whatever you say "he says, grabbing his beer and walking away.

I look at him as he behinds to walk.

"Hey dick "I say, he turns his head slightly and continues to chug his beer. "Nice butt "i giggle, and he smirks.

"I know, I mean, I'm the most awesome person ever "he says cockily.

"Stop being so egotistical, don't want our baby boy to turn int you do we?" I say with a pout, waiting for him to realise what i said.

"No we- Hey!! I'm not egotistical!!"


"Are you done packing? We have to leave tomorrow "I state, dick looks up at me.

"I know, but I can't pack to save my life "he mumbles, I chuckle slightly and walk towards him.

"Here, let me "I say, gently taking the pieces of clothing from dicks rough hands.

----dicks pov----

"You have to put everything in sections "Y/N states, I nod and look at her H/L H/C. She smells like apples today, probably 'cause she ate one and drank some apple juice.

"Are you even listening?" Y/N snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? What was that?" I ask, she rolls her eyes in irritation. "I'm sorry, I'll listen now " I state, Y/N sighs and starts repeating everything.

"Ok, I think I got it now. You should go have some lunch, I'll join you in a moment " I say, Y/N nods and kisses my cheek.

"Ok, but don't ask me for any more help, I'm not walking up these stairs again " Y/N states, walking down the staircase.

I think we should probably move, I mean, it's only a two bedroom house, and the baby's room is too far for us to reach in the night. Hmm...

"Maybe we should "I mumble, continuing to pack my stuff. "Wouldn't hurt, might also be a safer environment for the child to grow up in "

"Hey dick, do you want a sandwich or a wrap!!?" Y/N asks, I look down.

"Wrap please!!" I answer, then continue to pack, almost done and... Ta da. "Ok, I'm coming down now "I say, jogging down the staircase, and over towards Y/N. "Thanks for lunch "I kiss her forehead and take my plate.

"No problem "she answers, sitting on the couch, I sit next to her and turn on the T.V.

"Hey Y/N" I start, taking a bite of my wrap.

"Yeah?" She asks, drinking some juice.

"I was thinking. Maybe we should move. 'Cause this apartment is a bit dangerous for a child to live in, and the bedroom is too far away for us to get to in the middle of the night. "I finish, then take another bite of my wrap.

A silence falls upon us, and I look towards Y/N, only to see her looking down at her lap.

"Are you ok?" I ask, Y/N nods.

"Yeah I'm fine, it's just... "I raise an eyebrow at her. "It's just, this is a big step, do you think we're ready. I mean, the lease would be in our name an' everything " she says, I chuckle and gently his her cheek.

"We're already living together, it'll just be different, and with a kid " I state, Y/N nods and looks at me with a smile.

"Ok, let's do it "she says enthusiastically.


I need a name! I want you to choose the child's name! It has to be a boys name, whatever one I think will suit the child's personality, will be chosen. Choose whatever name you want, English, Spanish, French, I don't care, as long as it's suitable, and able to be pronounced.

So write in the comments what name, and I'll choose either, the most popular, or the one that suits the child.

Goodbye, my pretties.

Dick Grayson X reader. A newbieWhere stories live. Discover now