Need to know, conor

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Your pov

I jolt up, and look around the room. No Richard. But there is a note.

I quickly pick it up, and read it.

Dear Y/N.
I had to go to blüdhaven, but I promise I will visit. Please stay strong until next month, and behave. Otherwise you will be given another month of probation. Some of the missions will drive you here to me, so look forward to those.

I love you

I smile at the letter, and place it back on the table. I swing the blanket of my naked body (yes that happened, after all, it is dick Grayson) and walk into his joining bathroom, that he specifically had placed for me to use.

I turn the shower on, and grab a towel from the cupboard. I test the water then step into it, letting the warmth surround me.

Memories of when dick joins me flashes through my head. I can't help but think he'll rush into the room, and say 'my bad, I'm not going anymore ' but I know that won't happen.

I sigh, and put the shampoo in my hair, then rinse and put in conditioner and repeat. I step out of the shower, and wrap the towel around my body.

I walk back into dicks room, and grab some of my clothes, knowing Wally and Bart brought them in here.

I grab a pair of blue denim shorts and a purple singlet. I put them on, then brush my H/L H/C hair and twirl in slightly so then it looks curled, and sits on my shoulders.

"I got all my yomies by my side~ and we ride~. Did you say you want it, so come on and get it " I listen as Freefonix goes off. I quickly grab my phone and answer it.

"Hello?" I ask, sitting on dicks bed.
"Hey sleepy head " dick.
"Hey, where are you right now ?" I ask, lying on the bed.
"I'm at my apartment, I just wanted to call you and check how your doing?" He states, I giggle.
"I'm fine now, thanks. So. What did Conor do?" I ask, already knowing he gave dick a hard time.

"He kinda pushed me up against the wall the first time, and told me that I really am a dick--"
"-- well I agree with him on that " I interrupt.
"Shush you. Anyway, when I left he may have given me a bruised shoulder, but other than that, I'm alright " he finishes, and I giggle again.

"Be happy he didn't snap you in half, he is stronger than you, don't forget that " I say seriously. He chuckles.
"Yeah, I know. Anyway, back onto a more cheerful note. How you feeling?" He says, I sigh.
"Well, it was fun dick. But, I don't get to see you for another month, and I'm off probation then " I say, he chuckles.

"If I were there right now, I'd hug you. But don't worry, when I get back I'm all yours. So that involves lots of repeats of today. For instance: the couch, the table, the bed " I start blushing.

"Sh-shut up " I stutter, earning another chuckle come from lover boy.
"But I'm serious. As long as Alfred, Damian, Jason, Tim, and Bruce or the others don't walk in, we're good " he says, I mentally face palm.

"Dick, I know your smirking, so wipe it off your face right now " I say, and he sighs.
"If I must. Click. Hey, I Gotta go, I think someone just broke into my apartment " he says sternly.

"Alright, be careful. And just put them in hospital, you know the drill " I say.
"I know. By. " he gives me a kiss through the phone, and i do the same.
"See ya' " I hang up, and sigh.

Knock knock.

"Who is it!?!?" I yell.
"Meghan, can I come in ?" She asks, I smile and unlock the door, then open it.
"Of course you can " I say, hugging her. She hugs back.

"How are you ?" She asks, sitting on the chair, knowing not to sit on the bed, because of previous activities.
"I'm good, tired, but good " I answer, she giggles.
"I think I know why " she blushes, and I nod.
"I think I do to " we both then start laughing.

"So how are you and Conor?" I ask, a smirk plastered on my face.
"Friends " speak of the devil.
"Hey con man " I say, he walks over to me and hugs me.
"Don't call me that " he says, stepping away from me. He walks over to Meghan and links his fingers with hers.
"Oh. My. God, your finally dating?!?!" I exclaim, they blush. "Can't lie, your caught red handed " I say sternly.

"Ok, fine. Just don't tell the others, we want to tell them when we're ready " Meghan requests, and I nod.
"Will do. Just don't tell Conor about you-know-what, he doesn't know about that " I say, she giggles and nods.

"Don't worry, your secrets safe with me " she says.
"Hey, you know I'm still in the room right? Also, what are you talking about? What don't I need to know?" He demands, I sigh and get up.

"Adult stuff, need to know " I say, hitting his cheek lightly.
"Hey !!" He yells, I smirk.
"Again. Adult stuff, need to know " I say, my phone then goes off.

"Here " he says, handing it to me, but not before checking the message.

"Why is dick sending you a message saying, 'I forgot in the pool' ?" Conor asks, I frown.

"Need to know !" I yell, snatching my phone from him, and walking out.

I check to see if I grabbed my sun glasses. Shit, I forgot them.

I quickly rush into dicks room and grab a pair of his.

"Forgot these " I say, placing them on my eyes. Everything darkens slightly, but not enough for me to not see.

I bite my bottom lip, and text dick back.

Can't forget the pool

I press send, and turn my phone off, then lay in the lounge room and relax, feeling very tired.


Should I right a lemon chapter, or smut, or both. And if none of you know Freefonix, google it, it's a to show, but a really good one.

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