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Dick pov

I basically race my shadow to mount justice, and skid to a halt. I run to the upstairs area, and see Y/N balling her eyes out, with Meghan and Artemis comforting her.

"Y/N " I say, she looks up.
"D-dick " she stutter, I walk over to her and envelope her in a hug.
"It's ok, I know " I say, a small smile on my face.
"I'm sorry " she cry's even harder. "I understand if you don't want this child " I freeze.
"Why would you think that?" I ask, pulling away from the hug. "Come with me " I demand, pulling her to my room.

I close the door then lock it. I walk her over to the bed, and make her sit down. I crouch down in front of her.

"How far?" I ask, she sighs.

"A few weeks " she answers, I smile. "I really am sorry dick " she cry's again. I link our fingers together, and push her against the bed.
"I'm not. I don't regret this, well unless bats tries to kill me, I might then, but only because of him, not you " I assure.

She smiles and laughs slightly.
"Do you really want it?" She asks, I nod viscously.
"It's our child, of course I want it " I say, kissing her passionately. "How come you haven't been puking?" I ask, she giggles at my curiosity.

"The doctor said that its to early for any signs to start showing. Once a baby actually forms, then I will start puking and craving lots of random things. It's also to early to show any signs of a bump, but I will gain weight soon " she clarify's, I nod.

"What do you think it will be?" I ask, she smiles.
"A boy " she answers. "What do you think?" She asks, I smile.
"A girl, I like girls " I answer. "But I like boys to, as long as it's my baby boy otherwise, it's just weird " I chuckle, she giggles.

"You ok now?" I ask, she nods and sits up.
"Come on, the others will be waiting for us " she pulls me, I nod and follow her.

Your pov

I hear Artemis scolding Wally.
"I told you not to tell him, you idiot " she growls, I then hear a thwack. I giggle, and dick grips my hand tighter.

"What's wrong?" I ask, she smiles at me.
"You'll see " I answer, pulling him towards the others.

"Hello everyone " I say, they look at me. Even Barbara's here. I grit my teeth, but continue to smile.
"We're going to be parents " dick says, moving me in front of him. He rests his chin on my head and hugs my waist.

Everyone cheers. I smile at them all. Yes, even Barbara.

"Now we just gotta tell your parents, and my family " he mumbles into my ear. I feel slightly ghost like at that.

How's pops gonna take it.

Dick pov


I drive up to Bruce's house, with Y/N on my bike.

I lift her bridal style, and carry her into the house.

"Bruce !" I yell, nothing.
"Pops!" Y/N yells, I smile and kiss her cheek.

"Y/N " Damian says, hugging her tightly.

"Hey Damian, do you know where pops is ?" She asks, he nods.
"He's in his study, would you like me to get him?" He asks.
"Yes, and the others, including Alfred " I say, Damian nods and runs off. "Meet us in the living room! " I yells at him, and hear a faint 'yeah yeah'.

"Come on then " I say, pulling Y/N into the room. I pull her to the fireplace, and kiss her passionately.
"Hmm, it can't go any further than this dick, just kissing " she says, I sigh, knowing no more s*x. "Especially after I gave birth. Apparently females are more fertile then " I groan, when can we have s*x.

"Fine, but it's gonna be hard " I say, she nods.

"Ahem " we look to see everyone.
"Ah, right, um, Y/N you tell them, I'll hide behind you " I say, earning a giggle from my soon to be.

"Everyone, I'm pregnant " they all pale, except Jason.
"Yay a baby, you two will create a perfect offspring. A cute fighter " he says sweetly.

"Pops " Y/N says, he looks at me.

"Dick, can we talk ?" He asks, I gulp but follow him out of the room.

I turn to face him, but get slapped across the face.
"What have you done!?!?" He yells at me. I hold my face, and feel blood trickle down my cheek. "You've given her a reason for a broken heart. What if something goes wrong during the pregnancy, what if the baby dies!?!?" He yells at me more.

"Pops, stop!! " Y/N yells, walking into the hall "Nothing is gonna go wrong. And if something does go wrong I won't blame anyone, yes I'll greave, but it won't affect anything for you. This is my child, if you don't want to see it or have any connection with it, then fine, be that way. But I'm having wether you like it or not!!!"
Y/N yells more, then grabs onto me, as if she's about to pass out.

"I told you I was tired " she says, looking at me.

"Come on, let's go home " she says, pulling me out of the mansion. "Oh yeah, pops, we're boring a car !" I smirk, my little bad girl.

I grab his Four wheel drive, and drive back to blüdhaven.

"Feeling ok doll face ?" I ask, I look at her and see that she's asleep.
"Sleep tight my baby doll " I say gently, caressing her hand.


When we arrive at the apartment, I pick Y/N up, and carry her in. I put her on the bed, then get her into some pj's. After that, I get dressed, and fall asleep hugging her, like usual.

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