Look, I don't like this book. Like, I wrote it, and I really don't like this book. So, just because I can, and I appreciate the new book even more! I've written a new book!! And yes, before you ask, it is a dick Grayson X reader. I'm still in the process of making it, I might make it an OC book, I don't know. Comment if you don't mind it being OC or not, because if you don't want OC then I won't write it and OC! But it will be better, and have an actual storyboard instead of me just making it up as I feel!
The name of the book is fly my pretty fly! No, jks. It's called 'my snowflake'. On the cover is a black and white girl, and the title. So go ahead, I must say, it's much better than this book, and I wrote this book.