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Dicks pov

It's been 6 months since we found out that Y/N was pregnant, and let me tell you, it was torture. She kept waking me up in the middle of the night saying she wanted certain foods, I had to drive all the way down to the shops at 3 in the morning, just for chocolate biscuits.

"Come on dick, we gotta get to the hospital !!" Y/N yells, as I grab the keys to Bruce's car.

"Coming, let's go " I say, rubbing her round belly, before pulling her into the elevator.


"Do you want to know the gender? " the doctor asks, as she puts the gel on Y/N's stomach.

"Yes please " she answers, holding my hand. I kiss her forehead, and wait for the picture to go on the screen.

"I must say, you two are a very cute couple. How are the parents taking this?" The doctor asks, looking for the baby

"We haven't told mine yet. But his dad didn't take it so well " Y/N answers the lady.

"Here he is " the doctor says, facing our son. "Congratulations miss noble, your having a boy ".

I feel Y/N grip my hand, and I gently rub my thumb on it.

"Have you got any names yet?" The doctor asks,

"No, not yet "Y/N answers, and I continue to look at the baby on the screen.

"Can I have a copy of the disk?" I ask, the doctor nods.

"All parents immediately get one "she answers, continuing to move the ultrasound thing around Y/N's belly.

We walk to our apartment, hand in hand.

"Finally " a voice says. I open the front door, and see Bruce, standing there.

"What do you want?" Y/N asks bitterly.

"Just follow me " he demands, I sigh and nod.

"He might behave today " I mumble into Y/N's ear. She nods and follows Bruce.

We go over to the spare room, and Bruce opens it.

"Here " he simply says. Y/N gasps, and I smirk. It's a baby's room.

"Pops, it's beautiful " she hugs him, tears slipping out of her eyes.

"I hope this will make amends?" He questions, I nod once. Bruce smiles as Y/N hugs him.

"Thank you "she says quietly.

"Surprise "Damian says, stepping out from behind the crib.

"Damian!!" Y/N squeals happily, as she runs over to him and hugs him tightly. "Always a pleasure to have you "I smile at the form, then move my head back to Bruce.

"It's a boy "I state simply, moving over to Y/N, and wrapping my arm around her expanded waist.

"Now if you excuse us, we must be going. Just came to show you guys the baby room "Bruce says, looking at his watch.

"Right. Well then, let's go father "Damian says, walking away from Y/N and out the baby's room.

"I really am sorry for the way I acted all those months ago Y/N "Bruce apologises once more. Y/N smiles at him.

"It's ok pops. I know you didn't mean anything by it. Now go, we have stuff to do "Y/N says kindly.


"Ok. So now all we have to do is tell my parents "Y/N says, as I fall backwards onto the couch.

"But I wanna sleep "I whine, grabbing her hand and pulling her down next to me.

"Well you can't. So get up "she retorts. I groan and grab the phone, then chuck it to her.

"Better call them first "I say, she sighs and dials the number.

"Hey dad "I hear her faintly say. "Yeah I'm ok . Um, hey. I was wondering if you could call wonder woman over, we really need to talk to you "she pauses to let her father speak. "Yes, we. Dick and I, need to tell you and Diana something really important "

"Ok, hey daddy "she then hung up, and sat back down with me. "Well, better get ready, cause we're going to Metropolis "

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