I can't walk dick!!

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I feel consciousness slowly grip back onto me. I keep my eyes closed, while trying to remember what happened last night. I feel dicks warm body around me, and eyes gazing at me.

"Good morning " I smile. Opening my eyes
"Good morning " he says, pulling me closer.

"Ow, careful " I say, feeling pain form in my lower half. "Dick " I say quietly, before sitting up.

"Lay back down. What is it?" He whines, I freeze.
"Let's take a shower " I suggest, he smiles.
"As you wish " he gets up, and walks over to the bathroom. I try to move, but I can't.

"Dick " I say calmly, he walks back over to me.
"Yes?" He asks. I look at him.
"I can't walk dick!!" I growl, he chuckles nervously and picks me up.

"Ok, so might've been a bit rough, it's just, we didn't much time together before, I kinda let it all out " he says nervously.

"Just, take me to the shower " I sigh, he nods and carries me to the bathroom. He turns the bath on, and pulls me into it.

"What about a shower?" I ask, he shakes his head.
"You can't walk, what makes you think you can stand. You just need to rest today, and you should be good " he says, I sigh and nod.
"Fine " I mumble angrily.

"I have to go back today " he says simply. I then feel shampoo go in my hair, and hands massage my scalp.

"I know " I moan slightly, feeling his masculine hands get to work. I giggle and bite my lip.
"I don't know why your good at this, and I don't care, just keep doing it " I say, he chuckles behind me.
"Whatever you say "


That was the best bath I've ever had. Besides the 'I can't move my lower half' part. Dick gently places me on the bed.

"Can you levitate?" He asks, I nod.
"I think I can, let me try " I say. I focus and feel myself gently float of the bed.
"Ok then, you can float. Now, let's get you dressed before your brother comes to check on you, and beat me to a pulp " he says, I nod and lay back down.

"What do you want to wear?" He asks.
"Something simple, maybe you a dress ? I don't know " I say, he chuckles and walks over to me, with a thigh high dress.

"How about my favourite clothing that you wear?" He asks, holding the simple singlet top dress that reaches my thighs. It's the same colour as his eyes but gets darker at the bottom. He bought this for my birthday.

"Sure, but you have to put it on me " I say. "Oh, and don't forget my underwear ", he sighs and goes back to my drawers to get panties and a bra.

"Come here " he says, gently lifting me onto his lap.
"How much are these things?" He asks, trying to put my bra on me. I laugh at his simplicity.
"About $20 each " I answer, he just freezes.
"Your kidding right?" He asks, I shake my head.

"The good ones can cost more " I answer, he just nods and puts it on me.
"Is that why whenever we stay together, you never wear a bra?" He asks, I blush slightly.
"No. It's because the first thing we usually do when we see each other is f*ck, so I do wear one at first, but you take it off me and put it somewhere " I say, he laughs nervously.

"But I always take a 20 from your account to pay for the new one " I add, he pinches me slightly.
"Ow, what's that for !" I bark, he kisses my neck.

"Stealing my money " he answers, I try very hard not to moan.
"Come on, just get me dresses already " I say, he sighs and nods.
"Whatever you say " he mumbles, turning me around. "Lift your legs a bit " he demands, I comply, but it hurts.
"Ow " I mumble, he looks at me sadly.

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