Quick authors note

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So this is a record for the amount of authors notes I've ever done! Woohoo!

Anyway, I just wanted to apologise for being a terrible author and not publishing for a long, long, long, long, long --3 years later-- long, long, long time. And I'm not going to go with the, I had school assignments and stuff excuse, cause that has never stopped me from writing stories before.

My reason is that I've gone crazy with pirates and won't stop reading them, sadly I've run out of pirate books, so I decided to apologise to you, the readers, of this book.

I'm sorry.

The next chapter should hopefully be posted soon, and I hope you enjoy it.

I'll try not to ignore you guys and the book again.

---- Eli3ab3ta 🎈🎈(balloons <I think I'm high>)🎈🎈

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