Chapter 2- The Armor

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"W-wait what the hell!?" Was all you manged to say before you plummet to the ground. 

All you saw was the blue lake coming to you closer and closer, that was until you heard a beeping. You looked to you left to see your bracelet...well your fathers, started beeping and a red light flashing on and off. Then you felt something starting to cover your body, it started with encasing you right arm in  armor and then slowly covering the rest of your body. It finished with putting your head in a helmet and then splashing into the lake. A heads-up-display popped up on the visor, you read "A-01, activated, booting up health and aura bars. Activated. Booting up Mini map, activated. Welcome (Y/N)." 'How does it know my name!?! What the hell!?' You thought. You noticed that the suit felt quite light, you started to swim out of the lake and to shore, you didn't feel any water in the suit, so its probably waterproof. You looked around at your surroundings to see that you were in a forest. You then remembered that there was a mini-map, just like video games. "Huh, hey armor, can you show me the map?" You said, you felt stupid for asking a suit of armor, but thankfully, to show you the map. You read the top, "Map of Remnant. surrounding areas." To the north you saw what looked like a village, Ostallia was its name. You stood up and the map disappeared. "Hey armor, how do you know my name?" You ask. 

"Hello (Y/N), I am armor A-01, created by (F/N) within design for it to fit you perfectly. If you need any help just ask A-01." Then it stopped you tired asking questions about your father but all you got was "Unknown" 

'So he's been here before...might still be here' 

"Hey A-01, what are you exactly?"

"A-01, I am your armor as well as a built in AI unit to assist you in anyway possible, built by Doctor (F/N)"

"Thanks A-01, hey are there any weapons to help me defend myself from these Grimm creatures?" 

"Ejecting Pistol and Rifle holsters now, on your left leg you will find a standard M6G Personal Defense Weapon System, Magnum for short, with 4 spare clips. On your back you will find your BR55 Service rifle, or Battle Rifle, stocked with 2 spare clips." A-01 responds. 

You grab the Battle Rifle off of your back and leave the Magnum on its holster, you look at the front and realize it has a ammunition counter that reads 20. It feels light. You start walking to Ostallia. 

The walk was pretty uneventful, A-01 said that this planet was infested with Grimm, but you see nothing. It was quite a beautiful planet, a lot like Earth...Well you should stop saying planet, for all you know you could be in another dimension or realm. You arrived at what looked like the town called Ostallia....But it was in ruins, ravaged and torn apart by something. Bodies of Humans and humans with animal traits dead all over. You keeled beside a dead human animal, A-01 popped up "They are called Faunus, a race of humanoid people who posses physical animal traits. They are not treated kindly in Remnant." You stand up and start walking away, "A-01, set a marker for another town please." 

You look at the map, it marked a town called Vale, quite a days away, you noticed you had to pass through a forest called the Emerald Forest.  You start walking.

Its been around a day and half, you are sitting at a lake in the Emerald forest, you took off your helmet and bent down to take a drink out of the lake, A-01 said it was safe. You've learnt more about this place, there are different types of Grimm and there are people who are trained to fight them off called Hunters and Huntress. Also the armor is quite light, it enhances your abilities a lot, you've also learnt that you don't have this thing called an Aura but the armor is self projecting one, its like a shield that protects you, you've decided to rarely take off the armor. Also you're father invented this armor but he some how found a way to make it turn into a bracelet.  You've also encountered some Grimm, you've used 2 mags in your Battle rifle and you only have 1 mag left, in the magnum though you have all mags left.  During the these fights you've gotten better at fighting Grimm, you've taken down some Beowulf's barehanded. This armor makes you more powerful, faster, and stronger as well as its self projecting aura you can take a few hits, but when its depleted you're vulnerable 

While sitting you could hear something in the distance, it sounded like gunshots. You start to run towards them. You come up the the edge of the tree line and you're overlooking a field, inside the field you see 5 grimm called Ursa Majors. You also see a group of 4 girls fighting them off, but they seem to be having a difficult time fighting them. One of the girls caught your eye, she is dressed primarily in light blue, white, and some red. She wears a pale blue bolero jacket over a similarly colored thigh-length dress with a piece of black lace making up the neckline of the dress. The inside of the bolero is red and the sleeves turn blue as they get closer to her wrists. The back of the bolero is a crest that looks like a snowflake, you decided to nickname her snowflake. 

 You load up a fresh mag in the Battle rifle and start to fire off at one of the Ursa, you slowly start to move forward while firing, that definitely got its attention. You stop firing when your mag reaches 5, no need to waste the rest. You switch the magnum and run at it, the armor makes you believe you're invincible. You slide under the Ursa and jump on its back and grab hold of one of the spikes emerging from its back. You unload the mag into its head, it falls down dead. 

-Weiss POV-

I notice one of the Ursa Majors my team was fighting disappear, until i heard a loud thump, i look over to my left and see an Armored figure jumping off of the now dead Ursa, the one i was fighting looked over as well and charged at the figure. It slashes at him, he dodged it so easily, he punched it in the chest, the he punches it straight in the jaw, it falls down, he pulls out some sort of pistol and fire 3 shots into its face. I looked at him, amazed. I snap back to reality and signal for him to help my team finish off the rest, he just nods and rushed in. We fought the last few Ursa off, my team sits down, exhausted. He stands there just reloading a new clip in and staring at the bodies of the Ursa, turning into ashes. "What? Never seen dead grimm before?" I ask in a snappy tone

"Only a few times.....not much since I've arrived here." He replies in a cold but calming tone

"Since you got here?" Yang asks.

"Its a long story." 

"Whats with the armor?" Ruby asks.

"Its to protect myself, i don't have an Aura but this armor, it creates one for me."

"Don't have an Aura?" Blake says "Every one on Remnant has one."

"Yeah well I'm not from Remnant." 

-Authors notes-

I feel so proud of myself, I've written (or is it wrote?) 2 chapters, one in The grimms eye and now this one! YAY! Also thank you all for wanting me to continue on wit this story.

Okay so your weapons in this are the Magnum and Battle rifle from Halo, the armor though is from "Star Ship Troopers Invasion" Yes i am a Star Ship Troopers fan, fucking love those movies! Anyways yeah, i shall be trying to get more chapters out! 

As well its late and i know this chapter is short...but I need sleep
(Update) i forgot to mention that Ostallia is the same town from my other story "The Grimms Eye" :3


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