Chapter 8- Official

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Weiss awakens to see (Y/N) sound asleep beside her, it takes her a moment to remember what she did last night (All you dirty minded people F*ck off, HAHAHAHA). She blushes hard, debating on rather to return to the same position of her head upon your chest or to crawl out of bed, trying not to disturb you. A good 3 minutes pass by before she sees you rolling over and sitting up straight.

"Do. Not. Ask. What. Happened. I can assure you nothing bad happened..." (Y/N) replies

'Should i act dumb? As in i don't know what happened?' Weiss screams mentally

"I-I don't know what you could be possibly talking a-about." Weiss stutters. "I am thankful you didn't barge into my room, as well for not doing...things to me"

"No p-problem." (Y/N) stutters back. "I didn't want to barge into your room and wake up your teammates, as well as it being a female dorm room, so i thought it would be best to bring you here, let you sleep on my bed and i take the couch...but you...." (Y/N) stopped before saying more, leaving Weiss confused...or rather acting confused, since she remembers it all.

"But i what?" She loved seeing (Y/N) nervous, him staring dead into the ground and obviously uncomfortable from being pressed for answers. Weiss walked in front of him, hands on hips and staring him dead in the eyes with her cold, deadly Ice Queen stare. (That's a thing now, shut up)
(Y/N) sat there, tensed up and almost frozen by her stare. (Y/N) stared back and straightened himself, "You grabbed me by the neck and snuggled with me like a 6 year old does with an oversized teddy bear." (Y/N) said with confidence.

'I am not letting her break me, she did that and she knows it!' (Y/N) thought

"I do not do such things!" She huffed, crossing her arms and turning her head.

"Oh but you did! And you know it! You're as red as a Rube's cape!"

Weiss's face turned to that of shock, she could feel her face burning up, she was blushing immensely, and she couldn't hide it. Until she felt something soft and warm embrace her.

"You know" (Y/N) said "If you liked me that much, you could've told me. Weiss. I share the same feelings as well, i was confused at first but later happy that you did that. Even though that makes me sound like a pervert but i was happy."

Weiss was shocked, she didn't know that (Y/N) shared the same feelings. She searched her thought for the right words to say back. "I-Im glad, i wished that you felt the same way since i met you, but i figured no one could like me. When i pulled you down, i felt secured, safe, in your arms. Like nothing could've hurt me, safe from all the words and insults thrown my way. I locked myself off from feeling anything for the longest time, i was sick of those insults and people who i thought were my friends taking advantage of me, using me for my powers cause i was a Schnee. So i locked myself off, the only people i opened up to were Ruby, Blake and Yang, as well as Team JNPR but not as much as my team. But when i was in your arms, i felt safe and that i could actually open up to you, that you're arms was my castle, and i was safe in them." She looked up at you, looking dead in your eyes, you could see her eyes watering.

"But when i awoke, i feared that you wouldn't share the same feelings, that you would just use me like everyone else. But you made the first move..." You saw a lone tear fall down her cheek. You wiped her cheek, and kissed her forehead, you pulled her close and embraced her within your arms. For words could not describe what you felt, that only actions could describe those feelings.

You both were enjoying that moment, hoping it could last forever. Before you heard a sniffle come from (Y/N)'s door. You both look and could see a camera lens. As soon as you saw that camera lens, you heard the beep of a recording stopping, and the quick stomp...wait...stomps of feet running off. Weiss quickly ran to the door, opened it and looked to her right. She froze the floor, and saw the oh so recognizable blond hair slip, fall and slide into Team RWBY's dorm. She turned back to you, with fire in her eyes.

She calmed down a little bit, before asking "(Y/N), will you.." You stopped her and hugged her once again "The answer is yes." Before letting her go and...well.. you dont want to know what she did to Yang, haha.

You looked at your scroll and saw that it was Saturday, no classes for today. You laid back down into your bed, and dozed off.

You couldn't tell if it was real. It felt real. You looked to your right and left, seeing Beacon and Vale in ruins. Blood split everywhere. You saw your friends littering what could be recognized as a battlefield. You wore your armor, but that sound of beeping, indicating your makeshift aura was almost gone.  The sound of bullets flying by you, you rolled behind cover. Only taking quick glances at who was firing at you. All you could see was a figure, covered in black in front of a sky the color of blood, and a pitch black moon, more destroyed than before.

"YOU CAN NOT HIDE FROM ME!"  The figure yelled, you tried to catch a glance, but all you saw were bullets coming right at yo....

You awoke, covered in sweat. The dream slowly fading into a distant memory. You looked at your scroll and saw that it was lunch time, you concluded that you took a quick nap...for some reason. You took a shower and put on a pair of jeans and a white collared shirt, with the selves rolled up, and as always, your bracelet. Also you decided to name your AI Snow.

Your scroll beeped while you were putting your shirt on, you looked at the message and saw that it came from Weiss.

'Meet us at the cafeteria, we may have a lead.' It read.

'A lead, that's the best news i heard all day! Well..besides us as well.'  You replied.

You could've sworn you heard a squeal from across the hall.

Authors notes

It would've been longer but its late for me.

As well I'm still surprised no one has found the Easter egg in the previous chapter! Hint- Its near the beginning of the chapter.

Anyways I'm greatly thankful for the amount of people who are reading this, i was originally going to discontinue this but you guys kept me from doing that, and i thank you!

As well i feel like i got what Weiss sensemay of actually felt like, i feel like i got it spot on. Well as in you could expect how Weiss may of felt like...if that makes any sense, haha

So thank you a lot!


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