Chapter 12- Nightmares, Or visions?

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Ozpin and I watched the video over and over again, trying to collect as much information as possible about that place. We concluded that it was probably another plain, judging by how the puddle had acted like a portal of some sort. The cloaked figure though, we're taking a guess that they are a plainswalker and are able to summon, create or conjure grimm. Seeing as to how that minotaur grimm had knelt to them. A hologram call from Ironwood had appeared. 

"Prof Ozpin we found something interesting in that...maze...sending it now."

A image appeared before us, it was where the black 'Portal' was. But now it is gone and the Lights Oath symbol has replaced it, written in black. 

"This symbol is basically everywhere down here, it is also on the skull minotaur skull. I thought i should bring this to your attention."

"Thank you James, i appreciate the help." 

Ironwood nods, before ending the call. 

"So, that is further approving my theory, (Y/N), I've had this thought for a long time now, you and your father aren't the only ones to have appeared in this world. Before you there was walker, the only one that we have records of, there may be more, there may not. But it is said that plainswalkers that travel through plains a lot slowly get corrupted and turn against us. They are slowly taken over by some sort of magic? Dust? We don't really know, but they get corrupted. So my theory is that, that cloaked figure, is your father. Now that thought is highly unlikely, but it is a possibility. I thought it would be best to share that with you." Ozpin had said. 

" is possible.... But if it is, then i need to get back there and talk to him, confront him, i just need to know why the hell he came here." I said. 

Ozpin nodded, before saying that I should go and get some rest. I headed back to my dorm, on the way you pause at team rwbys dorm to check up on them. Weiss opens the door and pulls me into a hug, she lets me in and we both start chatting away. Ruby and Yang are once again playing that game of theirs and Blake is engulfed in her book. Weiss and I just chat for awhile until it came around the time to head to bed. You do have school. 

I took of my clothes and took a shower, after that i laid in bed staring up at the ceiling. Thoughts running through my head. What if that was your father? What if he's corrupt...what if I'm corrupt? 

While you lay there thinking, something started to drip on my face. I wiped where it had dripped and saw black liquid. I looked up at the source, and saw a giant black puddle forming, a creature made completely out of this black liquid emerging from it. I tried to move but it pinned me, my arms slowly being engulfed by this liquid. I saw its head, it was just completely black and full of teeth. It came closer and closer to my face. 

Sttaayyy aawwaaayyyy

It said. i couldn't move, i couldn't speak. It released me, and went back into the puddle. 

I awoke, gasping for air, my body covered in something. I looked down and saw that i was covered in that black liquid. I ran to the bathroom to wash it off. When i turned on the lights, i saw that i wasn't covered in that liquid, but my own sweat. I took a shower to clear my thoughts, i later concluded that I'm probably stressed and hallucinating. 

'Hehe, funny that..' I thought to myself. I went back to bed, i couldn't sleep.

I was sitting in class, staring dead eyed towards the ceiling. Jaune on my right and Weiss on my left. 

"Didn't get much sleep huh?" Jaune asked

I groaned.

"I'll take that as a yes." He chuckled 

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