Chapter 14- Messages

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I had crawled into bed, well not mine. RWBY is allowing me to stay the night or nights in their room to try and make the nightmares stop or just as a comforting tactic. As i crawled into 'bed' i saw that Weiss has already fallen asleep. The rest of the team has as well. I just lay there, staring up at the bed above me. Thinking. I felt something soft place nuzzle into my side. I wrap my arm around her and rub her head. I could hear a sigh of happiness, that makes me feel happy.
Its nice you know, sometimes just laying here, thinking. The slight cool breeze of the cracked open window, cooling you down. The curtains swaying ever so slightly. Its nice, it really is.

I sigh and decide to try and fall asleep. I close my eyes, and let the enteral abyss of sleep engulf me.

I dream. But this time, its different.
Im back on the plain again, where i fought that minotaur to be exact. I look around and see nothing. In front of me are the exact same ruins, and the exact same puddle that brought me hear. I turn look back up and see a figure in front of me, with such a quick and swift movement, their hands cover my face and hush me.

"Listen, i don't have much time. When you wake you have to remember." This male voice tells me. I can't  see their face, its covered by some sort of black mask.
"You're dreams aren't dreams. They are memories of a past life....but not a past but of one thats going to come, their are memories of whats going to happen in the future." They say, but their voice is one of panic. "Its hard to understand at first, but when you wake, write it down and take it to Ozpin, it'll make sense later. Trust me" I nod, the sigh and say good. A sharp pain runs through my chest, i look down and see a dagger, sticking out of my chest.

I wake up and see that the sun is just rising. My breath is quick, my mind is racing and i cant think clearly. But my body moves by itself, i grab my notebook and write down the 'message'. Once im done writing it down, i go to the washroom and wash my face with cool water. I decided to just sit on the floor, leaning my back against the bed, watching the ceiling.
I could hear the sound of covers moving, and a little grunt.

"What are you doing down there?" I heard Weiss ask behind me. I shrugged my shoulders in response.
"Climb back into bed, its the weekend so we don't have to do anything...except study" She said back slightly irritated, tugging on my collar. I knew that this was the only fight i couldn't win, an irritated Weiss is a scary Weiss. I climbed back in but sat straight up with my back against the wall.
"Bothering you that much?"
"A little bit, i just need sometime to think" I responded, Weiss laid her head down on my legs and fell asleep. I just sat there, thinking about that dream.

Visions of whats to come. Those words repeated in my mind. 'So does that mean, that attack on Vale, those creatures 'Blind Nightmares' might be real....thats a horrifying thought. But then if that Attack may happen, i need to figure out when and how to stop it, if it does happen, my friends may actually die.' My eyes widen, i look down at Weiss, seeing her sound asleep, smiling. She must be having a good dream. 

I can't let that attack happen. I slowly make my way out of the bed. I give Weiss a kiss on the forehead and left a note reading "I have some things to do, if you need me call me on my scroll, as well around 3pm ill be at the workshop. If you need to meet me there. Love- (Y/N)"

I left and went into my dorm, i put on a pair of blue jeans, a white and red hoodie and black combat boots, the bracelet never leaves my wrist, on the same wrist was a watch. I also put an earpiece in if Snow needs to talk to me.

'What are we up to today?' Snow asked while i stepped outside to go find Ozpin, i checked my watch and saw that it was 5:20am .
"We are going to go and talk to Ozpin about my 'Visions'"
'Alright, seems like fun. After that then we should check the workshop and go through your fathers notes, there maybe information there'
"Sounds good"
I passed by RWBYs dorm and JNPRs. When i passed JNPRs i ran into Pyrrha, i startled her.

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