Chapter 22- Reunion

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After the ship launched, I decided to go and sit by a window and watch as the ground below me moved on by. It was peaceful, I fell asleep in my armour just watching it, but I was awoken by the sound of an alarm.

"All personal to battle stations, I repeat, all personal to battle stations." The message repeated over and over again while an alarm was sounding. I sprang forth from my seat and rushed to the helm. When I arrived, I started to hear the guns on the ship firing. Through the helms window, I saw a massive floating structure near beacon, an entire fleet of ships that I assumed to be Atlas, all engaging thousands of grimm on the ground and flying about.

"What kind of grimm are those?" I asked the captain.

"Griffons, and there sure is a whole lot of them... Too many..."

"What attracts them?"

"Did they not teach you anything at Beacon? Generally, they are attracted to negative feelings."

"So by that logic, then something major happened here...a catastrophe..."


While I stood there stunned, Dan arrived and started coordinating the mission as planned. A map appeared on a screen in front of us and I could see various symbols all with labels. Majority of them were infantry, lancers and DST. I heard a loud bang, followed in succession by another, and another and so on. "That's the lancer deployment gun; LDG for short, it shoots them straight out and into the fight below." The captain said.

"This is going to be one hell of a battle...." I replied. "What's the fastest way for me to get down there?"

"If you're going down there (Y/N), then I have a task for you if you are willing too." Dan said while focusing on the map.

"We need to get someone to Beacon and secure the temporary FOB. But if the lancers were to do it, it would take too long for a platoon to accomplish it and we need it now. So if you can get there and hold it then we would be golden."

"Why not shoot them there with the LDG?"

"If we were to do that, we would risk harming students that may be running about, and also that the guns can't raise high enough, we can only fire directly below."

"How am I going to get there?"

"We use the deployment gun...and you run... as fast as possible there..." You were shocked but adrenaline started to pump through you, you nodded and were lead to the deployment gun.

You entered a tube that was slightly taller than you but was tight. There was a trooper helping you into the pod, he shut the door and locked it. You were now at the mercy of the captain. "You all set in there?" You heard a female voice say. "I guess." You replied.

"Excellent, well, happy hunting!" The voice replied as you heard a loud bang that rattled the drop pod, as its shot out of the gun. The entire thing shook, it almost felt like a roller coaster, but if a roller coaster had no safety and was plummeting to the ground from the atmosphere. All of a sudden it jerked up and slowly started to descend. You let out a sigh of relief as the entire drop pod around you falls apart. You fell.
The fall wasn't too far, your suit took most of the impact but you still felt it in your knees. You heard various thumps as the shrapnel also landed.

Looking around at your surroundings, you were just at the beginning of the city. Snow pulled up a map with a marker at Beacon. To your right you saw that floating structure again, you assumed it was the arena. Various airships were arriving there, hopefully for evacuation. Grimm were flooding the streets attacking everything in their sights, man and machine. Altas droids were everywhere trying to defend the city from the onslaught, but they were too slow for the fast movements of the beowolves. One beowolf howled to your left and charged at you, your hand moved to your right side while Snow deployed your handgun. You brought it up and fired multiple shots into the Beowolfs' head, it collapsed to the ground.

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