Chapter 9- Lead

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You had started to walk to the cafeteria, until you bumped into someone. 

"Ow, hey sorry about that!"

You say, looking down and extending your hand. Who you ran into you dont know, they're wearing a rather large cloak covering their face, the cloak is black. They grab your hand and pull themselves up, before doing a little salute and running off. It was an odd experience and you couldn't shake the feeling that you knew them. You continue on your way. Upon reaching the cafeteria, you spot team RWBY at their usual table. You wave and grab a tray of snacks. You grab a seat beside Weiss, you see that Yang has a devilish smirk while everyone else is confused, you look a Weiss quickly and can see a little hint of a blush. You shoot a quick glance at Yang, a rather deadly glance, she does a little nod. 

"So what's this lead?" You say, breaking the silence. 

"Well, digging into some old books within the library, i have found a symbol representing the Light Oath, take a look." Blake says, opening up a book and sliding it to you. "Seem familiar?" 

The symbol was what looked to be a sun, with 2 battleaxes, at the blades it was dripping a liquid, which both formed into what appears to be letters. But of an unknown language, if its a language. "I dont see how this is suppose to be familiar..." You say

"This symbol has started to appear around town, on peoples homes, stores, cars, basically anywhere" Weiss pipes in, showing you pictures of the symbols around town. "Someone with ties to LO is in Vale, and is placing these symbols around town at night for the past week. If we can get out and start scouting at night and see if we can capture them, we can potentially find the group." You looked at Weiss, multiple thoughts flowing through your mind. But then a wave of emotion hit you, realization .

If you find this group, you can potentially find you're father, but what does that mean for you and Weiss? You just started a relationship with her, and you really like her, no doubt about it, hell you like them all. They all have been very nice and they all have accepted you into their group instantly. You feel at home here, you feel like you belong here, but then again, your real home is back on Earth, you have friends there too, and your mom. How could you of forgotten about her?! She must be worried sick! She's probably heartbroken that she not only lost her husband, but her son?

You hadn't realized that you were spaced out for awhile, team RWBY all looking at you staring down at your fist clenched. Weiss put her hand on your shoulder, you snapped out of it and look at her. You look at your hands and see that they slowly started to bleed.

"Are you alright?" You hear Weiss ask.
"Yeah...sort of...hehe, i hadn't realized that i sort of just disappeared back home, without a trace." You explain. "I left my mom back home, she's probably worried sick, she lost her husband and now her only son. I also left my friends...well sort of friends. But all the people i left behind. It sort of just hit me like a freight truck. Not only that but i cant help but feel that this is all my fathers fault. But hey, its not so bad, if it hadn't been for him, i wouldn't of met you guys." You say looking at them. "As well as team JNPR. You guys are the best thing that has happened to me in a long time, i was going down hill fast back home. But coming here, its been one hell of a joy ride." You pause and look at them, Weiss is obviously taken back but she recovers and looks at you with a warm smile, you like it. The others are looking at you with a warm smile as well. You explain to them what has happened back home, the war with the gammas and how you've gone through training in highschool like them, to fight the gammas. How you've led a fireteam of 8 people as well.

After that talk, you all got back on track of what you're plan will be for tonight. You decided it might be better to do discuss plans in your room, you notified team JNPR and had asked for their assistance with tonight, they agreed. You all met in your team and are sitting in a circle.

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