Chapter 16- Bounty

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"Welp, here we are!" Neo says, while using her umbrella to stretch her back.
"Welcome to the town of Varikthien! I must say that after we are done our mission, we must go and try their world famous Grimm balls! Little black donuts with cute little grimm masks made out of icing! As well they have the best neapolitan ice cream!" Neo says, with a huge smile on her face.

"Grimm....balls....that doesn't sound appropriate..." You say slightly disgusted.

"Oh grow up, you know what they mean!" Neo says hitting you atop your head with her umbrella, then walking towards the town with a slight skip.

You don't actually know how old she is, sometimes she seems like a deadly huntress who has years of experience, other times she seems like Ruby, a small innocent child...a small deadly innocent child. Either way, she's training you. Maybe you should ask her age sometime.

You followed her into the village, it was quite a nice village. It had walls to protect themselves from grimm, with guards patrolling them and patrolling the city. You had entered into the main market which had a fountain in the middle, around the fountain were little merchant stands selling various items. Shops littered the area not to far from the fountain, continuing down the main road would lead you to the common area, filled with houses and at the another gate.

"So, where are we headed?" You ask Neo, she turned and started walking backwards, swinging her umbrella.

"We are going to check in at the local inn, get a room and check the jobs board. This town is known to have quite a few hunters passing through. If the hunters are looking to make some quick cash, the jobs billboard has local bounties on it." She says, while turning forward again. "Last time i was here, there was a bounty with a hhuggee reward on it, i asked the innkeeper to reserve for me."

"What was the bounty? It sounds like that it will be a very difficult..."

"You'll see~" She says, opening the door to the inn.

"Haha! Neo! How are ya doing lassy! Pull up a seat, here's a pen and notebook for ya!" The innkeeper says, gesturing towards the seats in front of the bar. Neo waves with a big smile, and skips up to the seats, she pats the one beside you and you take it while she starts writing something down.

"Ill presume the usual of course!" The innkeeper says while sliding a bowl of ice cream in front of her. "And who's this handsome fella! Oooo don't tell you got a boyfriend!" He says, patting my shoulder and laughing a hearty laugh.

Neo was now slightly blushing and writing even faster. Her blushing was enough to make me laugh.
"No sir, I'm already taken. Hahah, but Neo is my mentor. Names (Y/N)" You extend your hand out, and he grabs it firmly and shakes.

"Only teasing fella! Name's Azarus, professional inn keeper at your service!" Azarus laughs at the end. Neo slides him the piece of paper.

"Nice to see you too Azarus, and thanks for the usual as always. Eh this parts scribbled out, anywho. I'm here for my bounty." Azarus reads out loud, he slowly puts down the paper with a rather shocked face. He says he'll be right back and goes to his office. A few moments later he comes back with a piece of paper. The bounty.

Neo smiles as he hands it to her.

"Be careful" he says before going to deal with some other customers. I look over Neo's shoulder to read the bounty. It read
'BOUNTY- UNKOWN GRIMM Located 5KM North of Varikthien.
5 feet tall, emitting a black smoke like essence, humanoid figure.
REWARD- 10,000 LIEN'

"Wait wait wait.... 10,000..." You say, jaw dropping to the floor. Neo simply nods. "The....fuck are we hunting...."
Neo shrugs her shoulders, but pulls out a photograph and writes on a piece of paper.

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