Chapter 4- The previous visitor

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We arrived at Beacon, it didn't take long but these bullheads they have are quite quick. While exiting the bullhead, i could truly marvel at the size of this place. It was like a fortress, full of life and beauty, students walking around, it was just amazing. While being lead by team RWBY to the headmasters office, i got quite a few stares from people. 

'Who the hell is that?'

'Is it an android from Atlas?' 

'What is it?'

'Now that's Armor'

We finally arrived at the elevator that would take us to the office. Upon arriving at the headmasters office, it was amazing, it was unnecessarily large but quite amazing. I looked forward to a man with grey hair,   shaded glass spectacles and a dark-green scarf with a small, purple, cross-shaped on it. He also appeared to be wearing a unzipped black suit jacket. While approaching him, he gestured for Team RWBY to sit down and for me to sit in a chair back near the elevator. The talked for about 10 minutes until he finally called me over. As i approached him, he stood up and held out his hand.

"Professor Ozpin, Headmaster at Beacon Academy." 

You shake his hand

"Y/N L/N, at your service..i guess" You chuckle, but Ozpin just stares at you. He gestures for you to sit, and he takes his seat. 

"Now before we get to the point, you mind taking off your helmet? So i can see your face Mr. L/N"

You ask A-01 to help you with it, the  AI turned the helmet on silent mode so no one could hear you speaking to her (Yes its a her now shutup), you took it off and placed in on your lap.  You stared at Ozpin dead in the eyes, but you could've sworn you saw him look a bit surprised, as well as Team RWBY staring at you.

"Just as i thought..." He said


"He was would come searching" Ozpin basically whispers "Team RWBY thank you from bringing Mr. L/N here to me, you may leave now." Team RWBY got up and left the room, leaving you and Ozpin together.

"Now Y/N, lets get to the point, how did you get here?" 

You explain everything that happened until now, he just stares at you and nods.

"Now, i need to tell you something, your father was here before you, quite sometime ago, around 2 years. He came into my office just like you, wearing armor." 

"Wait wait wait! 2 YEARS!?! He's only been gone for 1!" 

"Time must be different between our worlds...I'm pretty sure your father knew that, now before you bombard me with questions, No i don't know where he is, but i do know he headed up North searching for something, he didn't talk to many people except for some of the teachers here at beacon. Now this will be a lot for you to take in but, i have a proposal for you. Attend Beacon, we will train you to fight the Grimm, well you already have that down but we can give you some additional training, you are not ready to go searching for your father, but we can and will help you when that time comes. What do you say?"

You stare at the ground, a million things are rushing through you head, until you finally look Ozpin straight in the eyes. 

"I've been dealing with news like that for quite sometime, so it doesn't really effect me much, but for that proposal, i gladly accept it."
You stand up, and Ozpin does to, you shake hands. He gives you a scroll with a map of the school and the location of your dorm. 

"Tomorrow we'll have you be put through the initiation test, so people don't start to get suspicious, only Team Rwby may know that you are not from this world, so i will be assigning you to their team, their Team name will not change but you will be their 5th member. You may head to your dorm now, also i would highly recommend not wearing your helmet while you walk there."

"Thank you Ozpin, truly i mean it, you've answered a lot of questions I've been thinking about for a long time, it feels nice to put them to rest."

"Anytime my friend."


Anyways i thought since i haven't posted much up for this that i might as well write some more, also a lot of you guys like instantly asked right after i posted the previous chapter for MMMMOOOREEEEE. So here ya go. 

Also i tired finding a photo of like a spartan fading off into the distance to represent your father previously being where you are, but this is like the only thing that was even close to what i wanted and I'm too lazy to actually draw it


(2016-07-02- ALSO I JUST CHECKED THE STATS FOR THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER AND 44! LIKE I JUST POSTED THAT 10 minutes ago, its 10:42pm where i am)

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