Chapter 5- Friends

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"So what should i do now?" You asked Ozpin

"Well you can take a walk around campus, get use to the layout of the campus, also were still trying to get you a room to stay in. I'll message you the location on your scroll once we have it." 

You thank him and take your leave. You found a nearby bench and pulled out your scroll, you found out its just like the smartphones back home. You pulled up a map and started to walk towards the cafeteria. On the walk you are mesmerized by the size of this academy, well it is an academy for warriors, what else were you expecting?

You passed some students who threw glances at you, you are quite a large person standing around 6'2, but with the armor you seem to be 6'4. You towered over everyone, you loved it. You could hear some people talking about you, the same questions you got when you walked into beacon. You saw the dining hall in the distance, and seeing people piling in, you got a little nervous. You stopped in your tracks and realized you may not even be registered yet as a student, they may not feed you. Your stomach wasn't helping you either, it urged you to go on. 

"Well come on, what are you standing there for?" You heard a voice say. You looked to your right to see Weiss, standing there with her hands on her hips. 

"Well? Lets go." She said waving her hand in a follow me gesture (Cant really describe it). You followed.

While you were walking towards the dining hall doors, unknown to you, a certain white haired girl was mentally freaking out. 

'I'm just helping him. Yeah that's it! No feelings towards him just helping him out.'

Once you opened the doors and entered, all chatter stopped, and you could feel a hundred eyes fall upon you. You became nervous and continued towards the food line. Grabbing a tray and just copying what Weiss was doing. You came up to the cafeteria staff, they all smiled and gave you your food, as if they already know who you are. You smiled back, thanked them and continued on. You caught up to Weiss. 

"Mind if i join you. I don't know anyone here as you can tell." You chuckled a little bit.

"Yeah go ahead, my team will be joining us soon." She replied

You sat down across from her, you felt as if the chairs would break under the extra weight of your armor but surprisingly they didn't. You looked at your food and it looked amazing, as if only the fancy private schools back home would serve these. You couldn't stop yourself and devoured it, but politely. You looked up to see a surprised and a little bit disgusted Weiss. You snickered. 

"Couldn't help it, haven't had something this good in a long time." 

"HHEEYY (Y/N)" You heard a cheery voice beside you, as fast as you heard it, Ruby appeared beside you. 

"Hey there Crimson." You replied. The rest of Weiss' team sat down. 

"How're you liking Beacon?" Ruby asked, you looked to your right and saw how tiny she is compared to you in this armor. 

"Well so far its incredible! The food is amazing, the people i don't know so far but you four seem to be the nicest students I've seen so far. Everyone else just glances at me but what can i say? I'm a walking tank" You joke, she found it funny. You continue your conversation with Ruby, then she mentioned how Beacons cafeteria staff make some incredible cookies, and you two darted off back in line like children. 

"So Weiss, how'd you end up here with (Y/N)?" Yang teased, looking at Weiss with a devilish grin. 

"I ran into the dolt standing there, wanting to go inside but he was second guessing himself. So i helped him because that's how nice i am." Weiss replied. 

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