- chapter 22

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Ross' POV

It was 5:30 pm, and I was sitting on a checkered throw blanket, watching children play on the swings and slides. It took me back to when I was a kid, and I was so carefree and worry-less. It was blissful.

I was interrupted by my thoughts as I heard someone drop a bag down next to me. I looked up from my position to see a familiar face standing there. "Hi, Laura." I murnured quietly, patting the quilt next to me, showing that she should get comfortable.

"Hey." she responded, sitting down next to me and looking around the area. "Candles, a picnic, the sunset, you . . . How more cliché could this get, Ross?" she crossed her arms.

I felt my stomach drop a little, filling with disappointment, but then Laura started laughing. I looked up at her, feeling utterly confused.

"It's funny, Ross, that you're asking me to come here with you, when we barely even know each other . . ." she said with a smile on her face, but then she slowly trailed off.

" . . . And you also have Courtney." she added quietly, and I felt a frown starting to form on my face.

"I told you, Laura, this is just a friendly hang-out time. Friends hang out. This isn't a date." I said seriously, and I saw a bit of hurt and annoyance flash between her eyes for a swift second.  "Besides, I know practically as much about you as any of your friends do; I just have really never seen your face. We've talked for over three months, Laur." I pointed out, pulling a box of crackers, cheese, and a couple packets of Gogurt out of the basket.

Her emotions instantly changed, and I laughed as Laura squealed with delight. She reached for the Gogurt and ripped it open, some of the yogurt splashing me on the face. Geez, girls and their mood swings. "Hey, don't get too wild now! Look at what you've done to me, people are gonna think I murdered someone!" I teased and smirked at her.

She leaned towards me and my breath hitched. Shivers ran down my spine as she wiped the Gogurt off my cheek with a gentle swipe of her thumb. "I don't know about you, but I've never seen anyone with pink blood, Lynch." she whispered, with a small smirk.

I nervously chuckled. "How do you know my last name?"

"I'm not that stupid. It's sewed onto your throw, silly." she teased, sticking out her tongue.

                          •             •           •

Laura and I talked for a while longer; I was surprised how much we still didn't know about each other. She was actually pretty interesting, if I did say so myself. Finally, it was getting late, around 10 pm. We sat with our arms behind us, looking at the twinkling stars and the glowing moon. We laid silently, the only noise disturbing the quiet being the wind brushing through the leaves and the soothing chirp of crickets.

"Thank you for coming out here with me. It's been nice." I mumbled to Laura, in which she turned to face me. Our lips were so close together that I could feel her warm breath on my cold skin. I felt her breath quicken, just to the pace mine did. There was so much tension between us two.

She leaned towards me, and I knew I couldn't back out of it. I closed my eyes as I felt two of her delicate fingers resting on the bottom of my chin. The sweet smell of cherries and almonds radiated off of her, and I could feel the air thicken even more.

I began to place my hands around her waist to pull her closer as her lips brushed against mine. Before our lips connected and we actually kissed, I felt her back away, and I opened my eyes. Panick started to set in. Shit. Shit. SHIT. SHIIIIT. What had I done wrong to make her stop?

I took my hands off of her as I felt her fingers trail up my jawline, wrapping around my ear. She leaned in towards me and whispered, "We'll leave it at that." . She stood up, grabbed her bag, winked at me, and then left. I sat there, watching her go to her car, with my jaw dropped wide open.

"Close your mouth before you catch flies, Rossy." she waved at me bittersweetly, before ducking into her car and driving away.

Two can play at that game, Marano.

A/N :

Hey guys! I'm in a 4 hr car ride so here's another update. Lotsa Raura in this chapter. Thank you guys so much for all the support, almost 3k reads already!! I love you guys so much. You're all very cute! 💙

Kai 💗

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