- chapter 24

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Ross' POV

Me : Hey, Laur!

Laura 💓 : What do you want?

Me : Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Laura 💓 : Hm. I wonder who.

Me : Give me your address. I'm picking you up at your house.

Laura 💓 : What if you try to murder me?

Me : Well then I can prove to you that blood, especially your blood, looks like Gogurt. ;)

Laura 💓 : Fine, you got me.

I smiled as she actually did send me her address. I would get her back for what she did to me at the picnic.

An hour or so later, I came to her house, wincing as a tall man answered the door. "Go home, troublemaker." the deep voice boomed, making me take a step back.

"Dad! That's my, uh, friend!"

Laura. She was wearing a flowy black dress with a soft pink floral pattern on it, and her hair was nicely curled. Laura waved to her father good-bye. I opened the door for her, and she got in, giving me a weird look.

• • •

After another hour and a half of driving up a windy-roaded mountain, Laura started to get irritated.

"Ross, where are you taking me?"

"We're almost there."

"You are going to kill me, aren't you?"


Finally, I stopped the car, and opened the door for her to get out. I smirked as she stared wide-eyed at the floor, rose petals strewn across the ground. I got her.

"Ross . . . did you-did you do this?" she asked slowly and unsurely.

"Who else would have?" I laughed in reply, shaking my head and pulling her onto the hood of my car, so that we were both sitting down. She squeaked a little bit out of surprise, which made me smile inside.

We watched the sunset from the little ledge, talking about random things, and learning more about each other.

"Yeah . . . I've only ever had two boyfriends. Jake and Sam, were their names. They were complete jerks to me; actually abused me." Laura said, her voice shaking. I noticed tears starting to form in her eyes. I truly felt bad for this poor girl.

By now, she was full-on crying. "Why would anyone abuse you?" I asked slowly, carefully.

She shrugged. "I must've not been good enough."

I snorted. "Good enough? Laura, do you know how good you are? Very good. Extremely good." I told her, wiping the tears from her eyes.

She was so fucking beautiful when she cried, but I still hated seeing the hot tears stream down her face.

"I'm sorry." she sniffled.

"Don't be." I responded, picking her up and setting her on my lap. She gave me a confused look, but didn't move. "This is payback." I whispered, flipping her over so that I was hovering over her, and she was laying on the hood of my car.

"For what?" she smirked a small bit, even through the tears.

I ignored her question, and slowly leaned down towards her, pecking up and down her neck slowly. My hands were on either side of her, and I felt her jolt as I found her sweet spot. I maunevered back to her sweet spot, sucking lightly, in order to not leave a hickey. Her body wriggled again, but I held her down with my own wait.

"Fuck, Ross . . ." she moaned, closing her eyes tightly and digging her nails into my hands. Her moan was so sweet, I wanted to hear it over and over again. I slowly trailed my kisses up her jaw, and made my way to her lips. I hovered over her, our breaths both rapid, a small smirk crossing my face. I leaned down next to her and she closed her eyes, but instead of kissing her, I picked her up and spun her around.

She squealed with shock and pounded on my shoulders for me to let her down. She looked up at me, keeping a hand on my wrist so she wouldn't lose her balance from being so dizzy. "We'll leave it at that." I mocked her, winking as I got back in the car.

After a while of driving, Laura broke the silence. "Why, if you're trying to take control of me now, were you making the fuck out of your girlfriend yesterday at school? I'm not your girlfriend, so don't ever fucking tease me."

I slowly opened my jaw to speak, and looked down for a swift second. "It was a dare, Laura."

"Bullshit, Ross."

"I love it when you say my name."

"Shut the hell up, doofus."

A/N :

Hey cuties! So, there's some more teasing in this chapter . . . It's a double-hit; Ross and Laura are teasing each other, and I'm also teasing you. ;) Also, I'm think of writing a bad boy Raura story, taking some inspiration from Monibeatle 's bad boy story called Ross (go check it out now or I'll murder you!). Should I or should I not? Anyways, thank you so much for reading. I love you, you're very cute! ❤️

Kai 💗

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