Actors to the extreme.

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My smile is just a cloak for the eternal saddness,

My smile is just an enemy the tears screaming to be freed,

My life is just a respecter to how much death calls me,

My laugh is just a song for my cries,

My silence is just a mask to my screams,

My shine in my eye is just a disguise to my guilt,

My look of warmth is just a protecter to my own ice cold heart,

My love is just a cover up to my self hate,

My poety is just an escape to stop me breaking down,

My acting is just a way to hide from my truth,

My voice gaining strength in song is just to demolish my weak self,

My bubbly attitude is just a defense against my lack of motivation,

My protest against an attack is just a secret agreement to every word,

I'm me, But am I ever truly me?

When in the world everyone is masked.

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