Chapter 5 - Who The Hell Is Teaching Us Arithmancy?!

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Another chapter folks! Sooner than I said I would Upload I know, but I was having withdrawal symptoms.....Including randomly tapping people on the head, imagining them as keyboards.....Talking on and on about Tabby and what's going to happen to her, my family hate it now....writing homework then randomly switching to Tabby shouting at .... Can't tell you who yet....I'm mean.....OH and apparently, it ain't homeWORK anymore.....HomeLEARNING has taken over people!......RUN......IT'S TAKING OVER!......*Ahem*.....Yes, I know home learning can't walk, yes I know it's not going to kidnap laptops and mobiles, No I won't say it again......On with the chapter......


Chapter 5

My eyelids slowly flickered open, adjusting to the bright light steaming down from the overhead chandelier covered with candles. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up and felt an immense pounding in my head, causing me to sway gently. Staring around the near empty room, I saw a few students in my year passed out around the common room, Blaise, one of them. Empty firewhisky bottles littered the floor and the banner that was hung between the dorms was half falling off the wall. It was safe to say that the room was a mess and when Snape came in later he'd be shocked stupid...Hmm, I might just stick around to watch that, it could be amusing.

Just then someone stumbled down the stairs behind the sofa I was laying on. Assuming it was another drunkard, I turned, ready to glare, but as soon as my eyes landed on the figure of the boy, my glare melted into horror and guilt. He stood at the bottom of the stone stairwell, black eye, blood stained shirt, slightly bloody face, gripping the wall with one hand, the other clutching his side. Overall he looked a state, dishevelled and not fit for lessons. I gasped and stood, ignoring the pain beating in my skull.

"Draco..." I swallowed, taking in the extent of his injury's. He faked a smile, which failed to reach his eyes.

"Morning Tabby, nice to see your okay after you blacked out last night. I told you not to drink so much." He tried to smirk, but instead, winced in pain. I could tell he didn't want to show the agony he must have been feeling.

"Draco I am so sorry, this is my fault! If I hadn't drunk so much, nothing would've happened, Vincent wouldn't have done that to you and.....I'd remember everything." Tears started gathering in my eyes as I looked at him. In the 3 years that I had known Draco Malfoy, I had never seen him look as weak, helpless and pained as he did right then.

"It's not your fault Tabby, I really should've stayed sober, instead of ending the night straddling you then refusing to get off and getting beaten to a pulp by your boyfriend. If I had been sober, he wouldn't have been able to do that." He sounded deep in thought, though I frowned, struggling to remember the last thing I saw before blacking out....Vincent delivering a rather forcible kick to Draco's ribs.

I looked at where he had his hand on his side, clutching near the top of his rib cage. From what I could recollect from Madame Pomfrey's wizical medicine class, he'd probably have a few broken ribs. So, without consent, I strolled over to him, his concentration breaking and eyes locking with mine. I stopped when I was mere inches away, and slowly raised a hand to rest on his own, giving him a pleading look. Reluctantly, he released his grip and winced as I touched his ribs. Instantly I drew back, and reached down for my wand that I had shoved into my shoe.

"Now this is going to hurt like hell, but trust me, it's really necessary." I raised my wand ready to cast the spell I had learnt for fixing bones, but he waved it away. "Draco, you've got like 3 broken ribs! I have to fix them, it will make it better." I insisted, smiling in triumph as he sighed in defeat. "Right, hold still....Episky!" I heard a sickening 'crack' that reassured me that it had worked, and his yelp of pain. He looked incredulously at me, and for a second, I thought that maybe he was furiously angry at me, but he soon cracked a smile and hugged me.

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