Chapter 15 - Dear Draco

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Chapter 15


"I'M NOT!"


"You do it then." I hissed, flinging the ladle toward Draco, him scowling down at me. Curse his annoyingly Taller-Than-Me height. 

"FINE! I will." Was his irritated reply. My hair had fizzed to double it's regular size, which is rather big anyway, curls sticking up in random places from the humidity of the dungeon room. It gave an oddly intimidating look really, massive hair, though it did nothing to stop Draco yelling at me, Blaise yelling at him for yelling at me, then me yelling at the both of them to shut up....That's quite a lot of yelling really. 

"I wasn't doing it wrong." I muttered darkly, glancing back to Draco as he stirred the contents of the cauldron, looking thoroughly pissed off. Blaise saunted round the old, chipped wooden desk to my side, then began scrawling on a piece of parchment. No sooner had I looked away from it, he had thrust it in my face. It read...

'What the hell it up with him and you? Did I miss something?' 

Lifting my gaze from the parchment, it landed on my underused quill and a bottle of ink. With a sigh, I pulled them toward me, then scribbled a reply...

'Haven't the faintest what's up with him, and you've not missed that much. Work, yes. What with sneaking off with Hermione doing Merlin knows what. But with me and Draco, no. We're not even anything, it was a one off that I woke up in his bed that time, ages ago might I point out. It'll never happen again. Vincent is my boyfriend and no one, not even Draco will change that.'

Placing the full stop, I literally threw the parchment back to him since he'd moved back to the other side of the desk, helping wherever he could. He smirked before scanning the parchment, frowning ever so slightly as he read on. Something on there must have caused offence...Non intentional offence, but still. After glaring at me, he took his quill and rather viciously wrote a reply...

'It's not my fault that my love life is better than yours, oh and by the way, Hermione is an amazing kisser...amongst other things. You just gagged, or spilt your drink. Or both.

Anyway, I can't believe you really. You BELONG with Draco Tabb's, you really do! Your meant to be....As cheesy as that sounds. Even though you wont admit it, I know you still feel something for him, otherwise you would never had ended up in his bed. Don't claim you were drunk, because I have you know you were perfectly sober.' 

Just as predicted, I gagged, spilling my pumpkin juice all over the desk, receiving fit's of laughter from around the room and an ear-bashing from Snape. He was so wrong is he thought I felt anything for Draco anymore. Wrong. Wrong. It was so Wrong. He was so wrong....Or, was he? My emotions had become an out of control mass, growing inside my head and heart, telling me to do things that usually, I'd have steered clear of. They were making me take risks that I would otherwise run from. Clouding my better judgment. Blaise stood, staring at me, waiting for me to say something, so I slammed the parchment down and began writing. This called for a good response...

'Your so wrong about me and Draco. If we belonged together, he wouldn't be such a man-whore now would he. ALSO he wouldn't have strayed to begin with. That proves you wrong.

I wouldn't have claimed I was drunk anyway, because that would mean I accepted the fact that I did it, and that I was okay with it. Having to lie just to cover up what I'd done. Truth is golden now-a-days. A little known treasure most take for granted.'

About a minute late, the parchment was back...

'Prove it then. Look at him now, take a good look. Then tell me you don't feel anything.'

I stared back at Blaise after reading the messily scrawled note, shooting him a look that clearly stated 'Challenge Accepted'. Glancing over the desk at the tall, blonde haired boy, working frantically over the bubbling cauldron in front of him. Blaise called him to turn around. Wait....That wasn't part of it! As he gazed curiously down at me, my eyes scanned over his handsome features. Beautiful icy blue eyes, bright platinum blonde, ruffled hair, draping helplessly just above his eyes, tall muscular frame, and the little colour building in his cheeks danced merrily around. There really was no doubt about it. Draco Malfoy really was a very handsome guy. He cocked an eyebrow and turned back around, seeing little point in my blank staring. Blaise pulled me to the side, a knowingly smug look etched across his face, lips broken into a mischievous grin.

"So Miss I-Don't-Like-Him-Anymore. Did you feel anything?" He asked. I shifted uncomfortably on the spot. I did feel something, and I sucked at lying about things. How he would react if he knew he was right was too much to even begin contemplating, and I just couldn't take giving him the satisfaction of knowing he was right....Not that I had much of a choice. Opening my mouth to reply, thoughts swirling miserably through my mind, forming tangible sentences ready for use. But luckily, before I could utter anything, Snape hollered at a poor unsuspecting Neville.

"YOU STUPID BOY!" Neville quivered behind Hermione as Professor Snape's wrath increased. Probably because he sensed weekness....Poor Neville. "You couldn't even knock out a house elf with this. It's pathetic! Now I suggest th-"


Everyone turned in unison to see what had happened and were met with Seamus Finnigan, hair on ends, sooty black stuff smeared across his face and him looking around sheepishly. That was the last straw for Snape, he cracked...

"THAT'S IT! Mr Finnigan, Mr Longbottom....Follow me." He hissed, then aimed his next insult at the rest of the class, waiting patiently for him to allow us to continue. "Clear this up instantly! Clearly none of you are mature enough to follow instructions and just get on with it, but I suggest you listen to this one, if this room isn't clean when I get back, 100 points from Gryffindor AND 50 from Slytherin! Do I make myself clear?!" He fumed, obsidian eyes darting from one shocked face to another, before sweeping from the classroom. Seamus and Neville glumly following, Neville sobbing rather loudly. As soon as the heavy wooden door had slammed closed, chatter broke out around the room.

"What the hell? Professor Snape is off his rocker! We've done nothing wrong, and it's not our faults that those stupid Gryffindor's can't brew Potions." Blaise Grumbled, though I wasn't really listening, I'd heard what he'd said, but hadn't really listened. I was too caught up in my thoughts, getting lost in the task set before me.

Maybe, just maybe, I could do the task without actually having to do it. I had a thought so ludicrous that it could work, I could fool them all.

Thank you Professor Snape....


I really didn't like that chapter, It didn't flow nicely and it turned out crappy. So sorry for that. =( AND it's rather short, but even so, it's there. Next chapter will be better =D Something surprising shall happen!! Prepare yourselves!


*Gonna be harsh, but I won't upload until I have 3 votes and 5 comments*



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