Chapter 6 - Stupid Teacher With Her Stupid Detentions

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Chapter 6

Everyone expected the lesson to drag on like usual, except this time, somehow, Professor Campbell managed to catch a grip on our attention and keep a hold on it. She struck the perfect balance of lecture with note taking. Though Draco clearly thought it would be funny on more than one occasion to point out irrelevant things, and ask her about them. Vincent thought it was because he was trying to annoy her, though I had a different idea of what was going on. With no proof, I just kept it to myself. But to be fair, it would be really presumptuous to think he'd stoop to such levels.

Professor Campbell strode to the board on the left hand wall, and practically every set of eyes followed her graceful movement. With a swift flick of her wand, she etched several complicated number charts into the air in front of her, then frowned at most student's confused faces.

"It's really not that difficult!" She scolded, thwaking her wand against her right black army boot. A few groans of dissagreement were silenced by a cold steely glare she mustered to intimidate us into submission.

"It's only easy if you know how it's done Professor, and clearly we don't know how it's done so it would do you well to explain." Came an annoying drawl from behind me. I spun round to see Draco smirking at the Professor. Some unknown emotion glinting in his eyes....Lust maybe?....Eww.....I wish I hadn't just pictures that. I'm scarred!

"Excuse me Mister Malfoy, but what do you think I have been explaining for the past hour?!" She started calmly but ended up shrieking like a banshee. Narrowing her eyes dangerously at the blonde boy who remained smirking boyishly.

"Oh, my apologies, I wasn't really listening, I was too distracted by your suggestive clothing choice." As soon as the words had tumbled out of his mouth, I gawped in disbelief. Did he really just say that?! I shot him a 'What-The-Fuck-Are-You-Doing-You-Arse?!' look, that he acknowledged with a signature Malfoy Smirk and a nod that made his messy blonde hair flop into his eyes. It was at thatmoment I felt my heart beat faster, and I was only broken out of my trance like stare when I noticed Draco looking back at me oddly, waving a hand around to get my attention, then pointing over to a very livid looking Professor Campbell.

Her eyes had gone a dark brown almost obsidian, and she was glaring hate induced daggers at my very smug looking blonde ex-boyfriend. I think she was even clenching her jaw in an attempt to refrain from screaming abuse at him for his lack of respect and crude comments.

"Mister Malfoy!" She shrieked, storming over to the front of his desk and thrusting her wand into his chest.

"I'm sure your not allowed to thrust your wand at me Professor. It's against regulations." Draco said seemingly calm and laid back. Though, I could tell he was intentionally pushing her buttons, winding her up like a yo-yo. Was he trying to get a detention? Maybe that was what he was aiming for...But why?

"I can do whatever the hell I want to do Mister Malfoy! And if you think for even one millisecond that you can make suggestive comments like that then you are sadly very much MISTAKEN!" Professor Campbell had flushed an extraordinarily harsh red that made even her lipstick look pale.

"I was merely pointing out what everyone else had already noticed Professor. Did you come here this morning with the intention of seducing your students?" Just as I thought he couldn't let any other disturbing thoughts filter out of his mind through the gift of speech, he goes and says that....Lovely.

"100 points from Slytherin AND Mister Malfoy, you can kiss your evenings goodbye as you have detention, for the next 6 months!" She screeched breathlesly before spinning on her heels, not wanting to ecven look at him anymore than necessary.

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