Chapter 29 - An Act Of Rebellion That Costs A Life

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Chapter 29

"I'm surprised at you Tabbitha, I really am." His snake like voice hissed into my ear, the close proximity causing chills to ricochet down my spine. "I never expected you to succeed in your task. I thought you'd crumble and tell him everything, warn him of my comeback, my Death Eaters and my desire for his life to reach an abrupt end." The Dark Lord stalked across the room to Vincent, who was being restrained by a large Death Eater. He closed his eyes and swallowed hard, as if bracing himself for punishment. Nagini coiled and weaved around my feet, proving her loyalties to her master, and showing me her long set of poison-dripping, dagger-sharp fangs. That was probably where the poison had come from, so deadly that Draco never had a chance after drinking it. It was like death in liquid form. 

"As for you Vincent. You failed in your task, which was merely to 'Kill the Girl.'" My eyes shot up from the snake twisting and hissing around my feet and ankles, to The Dark Lord and Vincent. 'Kill the girl'? Me? Vincent was supposed to kill me? 

"I nev-" Vincent tried.

"Silence! I did not give you permission to speak." Voldemort Spat, stabbing his wand into Vincent's neck. "You failed, and now you must pay the price of that failure. However, you may live seeing as she succeeded in her own task." He cackled cruelly and ordered the Death Eater to release Vincent, who stumbled forward. My turn to be restrained, whilst tears fell freely in torrents down my face as I was forced to watch the torture. 

Feel the pain.

See the blood.

Hear the screams of agony.

Until finally, The Dark Lord grew tired and bored, so retreated with a warning to never disappoint again. I was thrown to the floor with considerable force, but that was the least of my concerns, I drew myself up and sprinted to Vincent, laying in a heap on the floor in the middle of the dark, threatening room. 

"Vincent?!" I muttered, brushing his tousled, chocolate hair away from his eyes, his lagoon blue eyes, which stared up at me, twinkling with troubled thoughts. "I'm sorry." He hauled himself into a sitting position, visibly wincing with the effort, then turned to face me.

"You have nothing to apologise for Tabb's. It's me who should be sorry. So deeply sorry that the word would lose all meaning before I deserve to be forgiven, if ever." He took a deep breath and wiped a tear off my face. "I should never have thought that bringing you here, and pulling you into this world of Death Eaters would help to protect you from The Dark Lord. Never." 

"It wasn't your fault." I said, taking his hand.

"Don't lie to yourself Tabby, it was my fault...Is my fault." He sighed and let my hand drop from his. "I don't deserve you, I don't deserve anyone after what I did." He ran a hand through it hair, and a puzzled look crossed his face as he stared at his hand afterward, it was coated in blood. His own.

"Vincent, you're hurt, lets not talk about this and let me help you." I tried, moving closer, but he pulled away.

"Tabby, I'm ashamed of what I did. I've hurt you beyond repair, left you to fend for yourself in the task, which broke you maybe more than I did." He said.

"No, it was fine, I'm fine." I pleaded, feeling fresh tears roll down my cheeks.

"You loved him Tabby, you can't deny it." That was unexpected. Very unexpected.

"What? No...I d-d-no!" I spluttered, completely taken aback by the new conversation topic.

"Of course you did! I saw it in the way you looked at him. You loved him, you never really stopped loving him." A smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "That wedding should have gone ahead you know." I was completely lost for words.

"Wh...Where...What?" I said cluelessly. He laughed a hollow laugh, I could see it was paining him to say all of this.

"Tabby, he could've given you the world and everything in it, if you wanted that. What could I do? Hurt you more than anyone else." He swallowed and looked away. "I lost you the day I took you here. You didn't want this, I knew you didn't, but I still pushed you to do it. It was all because I loved you so much, and I genuinely thought I could protect you from him this way. Oh how wrong I was." 

"Vincent." I sniffed, wiping my own tears away on my sleeve. "I don't...Didn't...." 

"You loved him more than me Tabby and I saw that, and he made you so happy. Killing him must've been hell for you, it must have killed something inside of yourself to do it as well. I couldn't have that, I couldn't watch any part of you die...So I diluted th poison before getting Pansy to give it to you." He cast a sideways glance at me, my face probably a picture of shock and confusion.

"Wh..What?" I mumbled.

"He's not dead Tabb's, well, he is at the moment, kind of, but he'll wake up in a few weeks, confused and wondering what happened." He planted his feet on the dusty floor, and hauled himself up, to stand. He was shaky on his feet, and wobbled slightly, but I managed to keep him steady, still confused over what I'd just heard.

"What do you mean 'Not dead'?" I asked, staring deep into his eyes.

"Draco is alive, barely, but still. I did it for you, because you deserve better than me, and that was him. As much as I hate the guy, he's perfect for you love." Tears began pooling in his eyes as they flickered to the door on the far wall. "Now, what I'm going to do next is also for you, I love you with all my heart, always have, and I can't watch you get the blame if anyone found out. So I've got to do this last thing." He lent down to kiss me on the cheek. "Goodbye Tabb's, don't forget me okay?" A lone tear slid down his cheek, the first of many to come,  but it was the last one I saw before he turned and started to the door. 

I couldn't have him leave, I just couldn't.

"Wait! You fought for me! You fought, and you won! You've got me, and now you're leaving?" I cried, my mind screaming painful thoughts. He stopped walking, but never turned to face me.

"But you don't want me Tabby. You may think now that you do, but I know you don't, not really." He said, before one foot was placed in front of the other as he continued to walk, leaving through the door...


Vincent was decent after all...Who'd have thought?




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