Chapter 36

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I woke up in the hotel that Klaus brought me to and looked next to me and sighed, he was gone, of course, he was gone, the sacrifice was going to happen tonight and he wanted to make sure everything was perfect. Grabbing my phone I checked my texts from Elijah, Stefan, Elena and Damon all asking where I was and one from Jenna asking me if Elena was okay. I got up and got dressed and headed over to the Witch house where I knew Elijah and the others would be waiting for me.

~ 10 Minutes Later ~

I turned up just in time to overhear Elijah, Bonnie and Stefan talking outside while John, Jeremy and Ric were somewhere inside discussing something "Why did he take Jenna?" Bonnie asked as I came to a stop beside Elijah who touched my back slightly as if to say hello as Stefan nodded at me

"A punishment for meddling," I said, Damon had called me while I was on my way over to tell me that Jenna had been taken by Klaus, apparently he'd gotten Katherine to call Jenna and pretend to be Elena, of course, Jenna ran into the trap and was now probably in transition.

"Klaus was going to use Tyler and Caroline but Damon rescued them," Stefan told the witch and shrugged when I raised an eyebrow, I mean I was happy that Caroline was safe but Tyler was an asshole who didn't help us in the slightest.

"Then we need to go. Now. Before Jenna's been sacrificed. I can kill Klaus myself" She went to walk away when I pulled her to a stop and shook my head when she glared at me.

"Bonnie... If you use that much power, you'll be dead" I said in a slow voice like the info wasn't going to sink in, it wasn't because she looked at me with a quirked eyebrow "We've already been through this. It's not an option" I let her go when she shrugged off my hand and turned to look at Stefan, Elijah and me.

"Neither is letting Jenna die" she crossed her arms and took up a defensive stance.

"Well, Stefan and Alex would agree with you," Elijah said, always the peacemaker when it came to things like this, he always knew how to make people see his point in any argument by getting onto the right side and using the right words, even now Bonnie's shoulders sagged.

"We're going to offer another vampire. One that he'll want more" Stefan and I shared a look, I knew what he was going to say because we all knew that Klaus wouldn't use me in the sacrifice but he had no problem using my brother "Me" Bonnie blinked a few times before nodding and walking back into the witch house.

~ 5 Minutes Later ~

"Bonnie did a locator spell. They're at Steven's quarry" Elijah said, holding a bloodied handkerchief to his wrist as he walked up to Stefan and I, as we discussed what we were going to do, there was no way I was going to let Stefan go to the sacrifice by himself so in true sibling fashion we were arguing about whether or not I was allowed anywhere near Klaus.

"I'll head over there first, Stefan follow me and you'll follow with Bonnie when it's time," I said taking action before either of them could even blink, I ran off towards old wickery bridge and Steven's quarry.

~ 20 Minutes later ~

Klaus didn't decide to kill Stefan, he killed Jenna instead, he had decided to stake Stefan in the back and leave him on the ground of the clearing by the water of the quarry near Elena who was whispering to Stefan that everything was going to be alright. I had promised Stefan that I wouldn't do anything until Elijah, Damon and Bonnie turned up but as usual, they were late.

A twig snapped behind me and I glared at Eli who came into view "took you long enough" I muttered as we walked down the side of the hill towards where Elena slumped by the alter and Klaus was twitching with pain as he began to turn with the full moon. As Bonnie came into view Klaus began to shout as she started to kill him and I was left by myself near the edge of the clearing closest to the altar where a bowl of water boiled.

Forbidden (Klaus Mikaelson Love Story) #1 in the Forbidden seriesWhere stories live. Discover now