Lights & Sirens

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I woke up to a searing pain in the side of my abdomen, like nothing I've ever felt before. Of course this had to happen with Matt on shift. The clock told me it was nearing 3am, and I tried to move out of the bed. With every move I made the pain seemed to be getting worse and I tried my best to not cry out so I wouldn't wake the kids. Tears came to my eyes as another round of pain hit me worse than the last, and it was then that I noticed the droplet of blood running down my leg. Something was seriously wrong. I reached to the bedside table and grabbed my phone before typing in Matts name and calling. As the call went to voice mail I screamed out and through my head back in pain and anger.

The next thing I knew Lucas was standing at the door, a worried look on his face as he came toward me. "Mum what's wrong?" He asked. I cried out again and took a deep breath to try and collect myself, I couldn't freak out in front of my son or he would panic. "I don't know baby, I don't know," I whispered reaching for his hand. He took it and tried to console me as best he could. "Mum your bleeding, there's so much blood," he cried as tears came to his eyes. I realized he was right, blood had pooled now on the bed sheets and my legs were covered. "I know, I know," I tried to breath as I dialed Matt again.

People would expect that in a situation like this my paramedic brain would click in to gear. And it would, if it was anyone else in my situation. But my brain can't possibly try and work out what to do next when I am in so much pain.

Then I heard matts gruff tired voice on the other end of the phone and I let out a crying sigh. "Gabs is everything okay?" I couldn't get an answer to come out of my mouth as I sat there. "Gabriella?" "Matt," I cried, "Matt somethings wrong. Somethings really wrong. There's so much blood and I'm in so much pain," I cried as I held Lucas' hand. "Gabby what happened?" I could hear him pulling on clothes and waking up Leslie and Mills. "I don't know, I woke up and I was just in so much pain. There's so much blood." "Alright Gabby I'm coming now okay? You just take deep slow breaths and don't move." "Matt I'm going to pass out. I can't do that to Lucas." "Is he with you." "Yes," I cried in pain. "Alright just don't move and put him on the phone."


Mills and Shay got in the front of the ambulance and we sped of towards home, lights and sirens blaring. "Daddy?" Lucas' voice came onto the phone and I could tell he was crying. "Hey buddy everything is going to be okay." "Daddy there is mummy's blood everywhere." "I know, I know buddy. Is mummy laying down?" "Yeah she is now." "Alright I need you to make sure she doesn't move and you can't be scared if she closes her eyes and stops talking okay?" "Why will she do that?" "Her body just needs a rest because of all the blood. Now can you talk to Auntie Shay while I call uncle Antonio?" "Yeah. Promise to be here soon Dad?" "We are already on our way bud. When we knock on the door come down and answer it." I handed the phone to Shay in the front and she handed me hers to call Antonio. "Hey Buddy," Shay's sweet voice spoke into the phone, hopefully she could keep Lucas calm.

I rang the home phone and I was met by Laura's sleepy voice. They lived about 5 minutes from our place so I knew they could get there fast. "Laura! Laura, something's wrong with Gabby." "Matt what's going on?" She asked suddenly more awale and alert. "I'm not sure but I'm on my way home now with Shay and Mills. I need you or Antonio to come down and watch the kids so I can go with Gabby." "Ofcourse Matt I'll leave right now. See you soon."


Gabby was in a state when we got there. She was slipping in and out of conciousness, and she had lost a substantial amount of blood. Her heart rate was slow and pulse was weak. Mills hooked her up to some oxygen straight away as I assesed her, but there wasn't much to note, other than the fact she had haemorhaged majorly. I didn't even consider anything else as the cause until Mills lent towards me and whispered into my ear. "Shay, was she pregnant?" Then it hit me. Ofcourse she was. It explained the blood, the pain, and the conversation we had the other week about how she was feeling a little out of it. Lucas had gone to answer the door for Laura and the desperation to get Gabby to a hospital hit me even harder. I looked up to Matt sitting with Gabby's head in his lap. "Matt, was she pregnant?"


Was she pregnant?... "I- I don't know," I stumbled across my words as I thought about what could have possibly just happened. Have we just lost a baby? A sweet innocent unborn child who we didn't even know existed? The thought sent chills to my spine. "Shay I don't know." "Lets get her on the stair chair and to the hospital."

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