I'm Here

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My phone rang on the bathroom counter and I looked up. "Hey Gabby, how are you?" Laura asked  as I answered the phone. "Not great, I feel like absolute shit. I haven't stopped throwing up." "That's terrible Gab. I was calling to see if you needed a hand?" "Are you busy? Lucas has football training and the house is a mess but I don't think I can move away from the toilet long enough to drive anywhere." "Of course darling, is Matt on shift?" "Yeah." "I'll be round in 10 okay? You just relax." "Thank you so much Laura." "Gabby that's what I'm here for. See you soon."

"Mum," Lucas asked knocking on the ensuite door. "What's wrong buddy?" I asked. "Are you okay?" "Yeah the baby is just making me feel sick. Go get ready for football training, auntie Laura is coming to get you." "Okay. Do you want me to call dad?" "No it's okay, he will be home from shift soon so he'll be here once you get back from training." "Okay. I'll go get ready."

I smiled tiredly even though he couldn't see me. His compassion and care for other people was something he got so well from Matt. I knew he was excited about the baby, but I also knew he was worried because of what happened last time.

A little while later there was a gentle tap on the door and I heard Laura's voice. "Gabby? Can I come in?" "Yeah," I replied looking up to see her walking in the door with a plate of toast and glass of water. "Urgh," I groaned as my stomach flipped at the sight. "I can't look at food Laura." "Here, I bought you these." She handed me two tablets. "They should allow you to get some food down, it's important that you eat."


I gave gabby the two pills and she swallowed them with water. "I think you should lay down in bed and in about 15 minutes try the toast. I'll take Lucas to training." "Thank you," she whispered tiredly as she stood up and leant against the vanity. "Like I said I'm here to help you," I smiled giving her a hand to the bed. I was worried, she was pale and barely keeping food down. Even Matt had mentioned his concern about her constant vomiting. Despite her baby bump she looked like she'd lost weight from every other part of her body, but even her belly was small. "You have a small bubba for nearly 18 weeks Gabby," I said putting a hand on her stomach. "Mm I know. It was at standard size when I was at 12 weeks, but at my last appointment Nat said it was falling a bit behind." "Have you spoken to Nat about all the vomiting?" "Yeah, she said if it  relaxed a little by my next appointment in two days then we will have to figure out something to do." "You're looking really tired." "I am," she said with a light chuckle. "I better go to get your son to training. I'll take Elouise so you can try sleep. Call me if you need okay?" "I will. Thank you Laura."

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