Across the Floor

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I recognized the voice as soon as I heard it eco across the floor where we were sitting at the squad table. "Well if it isn't Lucas Casey," I said with a smile as I stood up from my chair. "Hey uncle Kelly. Have you seen my dad?" "He's out at the moment, they got called to a fire about an hour ago. He should be back soon." "Okay! Look I have to show him my award!" He smiled proudly as he handed it to me." "The Student Of the Week Award for Miss G's grade 2 class. Excellent work buddy! Dad will be very proud!" "Thanks Kelly, I can't wait to show him. He's taking me and Ellie to mummy's appointment after shift. That's why we came!" "Where is your mum?" "She's getting Ellie out of the car, Ellie was cranky because I accidentally woke her up when I got in the car from school." I looked out to the driveway to see Gabby slowly walking up, her hand bag slung over her shoulder and Ellie on her hip. "Hey, need a hand?" I smiled walking out to her and taking the toddler into my arms. "Thanks," she smiled fixing her bag. "No worries. How are you?" "Pretty good thanks, how about yourself?" "Yeah same old." "Shay was telling me about a new friend of yours," she smiled raising her eyebrow. "Oh come on, Stella and I have known each other for years. It's her crazy ex boyfriend we need to worry about." "Well if you hurt her I will come and bash you- pregnant and all." I chuckled knowing she was not joking in the slightest.


"Is Matt out?" I asked noticing the truck missing from the garage. "Yeah they got called out just over an hour ago. Should be back soon." "No rush, you guys don't clock off until 4.30 do you?" "Nah, still got an hour to go. Did you want me to put Ellie down into Matts office?" "Yeah that would be great," I smiled gently brushing the hair out of her face. She was nearly asleep on Kelly's shoulder anyway. "Here, she won't lay down without her teddy," I said leaning into my bag and handing him the teddy. "Thanks." "No thank you," I smiled as he walked inside. "Lucas do you want me to get you some afternoon tea?" He was sitting over at the squad table with all the guys showing them his award. "Yes please. Can I have the cookies Dad loves?" "Yeah."


I had just stepped of the truck and taken of my jacket when I felt a body collide with mine. "Daddy look what I got!" Lucas smiled handing me the award. "Buddy this is great! Good job!" I smiled bending down and wrapping my arms around him. "Thanks." He smiled. "Did you have a good day at school?" "Yeah it was fun. How was your fire?" "It was big but fine." "You smell like smoke!" He laughed. "I know. I have to have a shower and then shift will be done and we can go to mums appointment. Where's mum and your sister?" "Kelly took Ellie to sleep in your office. And mum is getting me some cookies."

I looked up to see Gabby walking lit of the common room, a smile spread across her face. "Hi beautiful," I smiled standing up. "Give me your hand," she smiled reaching forward. She pressed my hand to her round stomach just in time for me to feel a kick. "Did you feel it?" She smiled looking into my eyes. "Yeah, wow. When did you first feel it?" "Just then. I reached for the cookies and I felt it," she laughed. Lucas placed his hands until mine and his ear onto her belly. "Can you feel the baby buddy?" "No," he frowned looking up. "You will soon," Gabby assured him as she ruffled his head. I leant in a gently placed a kiss on Gabbys lips. "How was your day?" "It was good. What about you? Have many fires?" "No it was pretty quiet." "That's good. Not go have a shower and get reader to see our baby."

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