Want You

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I had an hour left of my shift when Gabby called me. It's was 8, so it's surprising she's not busy trying to get the kids in the bed . "Hey baby, kids already in bed?" "I need you to come home," she said quietly. "He won't come inside." "Gabby what? Who won't come inside?" "Lucas. He's sitting by the tree." "He won't come in?" "No. It's cold out Matt and I don't want him to get sick. I- I can't talk to him Matt," her voice was wobbly and I knew she was upset. "I'll just cry if I go sit there with him." "Alright baby it's ok, just get him a jumper and put him on the phone." She sniffed before agreeing with me and I heard the door open for her to go outside. "Where's Elouise?" "In bed," she whispered. "I'll put him on."

"Daddy?" My sons vulnerable sad voice come onto the phone. "Hey buddy what's going on?" I got no reply other than silence. "Buddy it's cold outside, I don't want you to get sick. Can you go inside with mum?" There was a pause before he spoke. "Can't you just come home dad?" "I'll be home in an hour buddy, you can stay up until I get home." "No, daddy I just want you. Please." "Put mummy on for me okay bud?"

"Hey," she spoke tearfully. "I don't know what to do Gabs," I said truthfully. "Just come home Matt, he won't come in unless you come home. He's so tired I can't believe he hasn't fallen asleep." "Alright just grab him a blanket, and tell him I'll be home in 15, I just have to talk to chief." "I love you Matt." "I love you too baby." We hung up the phone before I stood up and grabbed the paperwork off my desk before heading down to the Chiefs office.

"Casey, come on in," he said as I knocked on the door. "Hey, somethings wrong with Lucas, Gabs can't get him inside. Can Hermann cover me for the hour so I can finish up now?" "Go, of course you can. Tell Gabby I said hi and tell her to stop by soon." "Sure will chief, thank you it means a lot." I grabbed my bag from my locker and put in my clothes and paper work before jogging out to the ute and getting in. It wasn't long before I got home.

"Gabs I'm home," I called opening the front door and dropping my bag. "In the back room," I heard her call. I walked down the corridor and into the back room where she was sitting on the couch looking out the door into the backyard. "Hey," I whispered getting bushing away a tear and wrapping my arms around her. "Maybe we should never have told him about the baby, I didn't want it too affect him like it has." "It's going to be ok. You go upstairs and get his bed ready and warm and I'll bring him inside," I said kissing her head as she stood up. "I love you." "I love you too."

I sat down next to my son informer of the tree. "I came home." He nodded and leaned into my side. "What's going on?" "Daddy I don't understand. We learn that God is good, that's what the teachers at school and mummy say. So why did they let my baby brother die?" He said looking up with tearful eyes. "I don't know buddy, I really don't know. Maybe God thinks he will make an amazing angel, and he will look down on us." "Is it weird to miss him when I never got to meet him?" "Of course not buddy, mummy and I miss him every single day, and he will always be apart of our lives." "I wish I got to meet him, to have a baby brother." "We can pray to him, and talk to him. And one day mummy and I might even have another baby." He nodded and I kissed his head. "Ready to go inside? You look tired." He nodded his head again and I lifted him up into my arms before carrying him inside and up the stairs to where Gabby was waiting in the bedroom. "Thank you," she whispered as I laid him down on the bed and took off his shoes. "Good night my boy," I whispered.

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