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Brianna POV

" Alright Chanyeol I'll come back to check up on you in a second. You're doing a good job just keeping doing that." Chanyeol nodded and kept squeezing the pillow. When I came to give Chanyeol his medicine he was wrecking his room and hurting himself with the broken objects. I was doing my night shift which was kinda like the worst shift because the asylum is dark and scary at night.

I left and went to go check up on another patient. " Seungho, are you okay? Are you beginning to get dizzy from the medicine I gave you?" I asked as I entered the room. Seungho was on his bed sweating and panting. I kneeled and whipped the sweat from his forehead. " I feel really bad and I'm dizzy." " Shh it's just side effects from the medicine."

I continued to wipe the sweat from his forehead and his neck. " You'll be okay just rest." I left the towel on his head for a little while then I took it back before I left.

Then I went to go check up on another patient Yongguk. " Hey Yongguk." I said as I entered his room. Of course silence. Yongguk was one of those scary silent people that can kill you easily. " I came to give you your medicine." I said again as I approached him.

Still nothing.

I got the medicine in the needle and stood beside him. I grabbed his arm and injected the medicine. He groaned a bit but that's all. " Okay let's walk you back to your bed." I put his arm around me and walked him back to his bed.

I laid him down and covered him with a blanket. " Man it's hot in here. Is your air conditioner working?" I asked and left my hand and felt nothing coming from it. Yongguk shrugged. " Okay well I'll tell maintenance that it isn't working, okay." I said and smiled at him.

Yongguk kept looking at the ceiling. I grabbed another wet towel I had and dabbed his forehead just a bit. I started walking away until I heard " Why are you so nice to me?" " Hm what did you say?" I asked back and looked at him. " Why are you so nice? Why aren't you mean like the other nurses? I'm a killer that doesn't need to be treated with kindness." I gave him a small smile and walked towards him again.

I knelt down and grabbed his left hand. " I'm nice to you guys because you've already been through a lot. You might have done bad things but I don't think you should be treated badly. I've always thought that people should always have a second chance no matter what they've done." I leaned over and kissed the top of his head. " Maintenance will be by in a bit." I said and walked away.

After Yongguk I went back to check up on Chanyeol. He wasn't good. He was hyperventilating and hitting himself. " No no no Chanyeol calm down, calm down." Chanyeol stopped hitting himself and started crying.

" Shh it's okay Chanyeol you're okay." I said holding him. " I'm a screw up. I killed my family. I deserve to die!" He yelled.

" Hey Chanyeol look at me." Chanyeol looked at me and I cupped his face. " You are not a screw up and you will not die because I won't allow it! Okay ? What happened is all in the past okay it happened and it won't change no matter how much we beg for it. It's all over now and I understand you have to live with the guilt of killing your family but I don't want you to die. Everyone here will be missing you especially Baekhyun. Do you want us to be sad that you died?" Chanyeol looked down for a second and nodded no.

" Okay then don't kill your self and don't talk like that ever again." I didn't realize that I was crying until Chanyeol wiped one of my tears away. I had grown so attached to all of these patients in the short amount of time I've been here.

I stood up walking to the door until Chanyeol stopped me. " Please don't leave me. Just stay with me a little while longer. Please." He said in a shaky voice, tears streaming down his face. I looked down debating whether to stay or not. A little while ago he was a mess crying and shaking. He looked so innocent really. I nodded and he led me to his bed. He laid down and scooted over so his back was against the wall and I laid down. He grabbed the blanket and covered the both of us.

" You remind me of my mom. I don't mean it like I want to kill you or anything." He said and laughed but it was a good laugh not a psycho killed laugh like Jiyongs. " You remind me of how my mom was before she started abusing me. She was a caring mom that loved me a lot. Then one night my father came with drugs and the abuse started. Physically, mentally and sexually. That's why I killed them. I couldn't take the night men would come and the days where I wasn't fed. I couldn't take it so one night I grabbed a knife and killed them. I couldn't stop stabbing them." Chanyeol said and gripped my sides. I whimpered a little and he stopped. " I'm sorry I just got a little overworked." " It's okay I understand." I said and rubbed my side.

I cuddled a little more and closed my eyes while he played with my hair. " I never thought I would have a girl next to me ever again." I laughed a bit. " Well you do now and you better enjoy it." " I do and I appreciate it." Chanyeol wrapped his right arm around my waist and pulled me next to him as close as he could.

Then I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the beat of his heart.

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