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Brianna POV

I woke up to the small sink in the corner going off. Chanyeol was brushing his teeth. I wondered why I was in his room but then I remembered. I sat up and groaned. Chanyeol turned around and saw that I was awake. He spit out his toothpaste and ran next to me.

" Jagiya you're awake! I'm so happy!" Chanyeol gave me a big smile and I returned a small one and rubbed my head. " Here." Chanyeol gave me some soap, a toothbush and a pair of clothes. " Chanyeol where did you get this." I said and grabbed the items.

" I made a run to your room before you woke up and I was able to get this and a few more stuff." Then he brought some of my makeup, jewelry, other clothes ( that were kinda revealing), my undergarments and my shoes( more like 1 pair of my white converse and heels). " Chanyeol why did you get so much?" " Well the asylum is now gonna be run by Suho. Don't worry though he doesn't want to hurt you and he let me keep you! You'll be safe I know Suho and you get to be with me!"

" Chanyeol but what about the other staff members? They're gonna come back sooner or later." Chanyeol looked down for a second and gulped. " They were found a few miles away. They had crashed into a ditch, no one survived." " Oh." I looked down and tears pricked my eyes. Chanyeol then came and grabbed my hands." Anyway how about you wash up and then I'll bring you some food." He went and grabbed the soap. Chanyeol took my hand and led my to the sink.

He took one of the chairs and sat me down. " Okay rest your neck on sink." He looked a little nervous and to be honest I was too. I nodded and rested my neck on the sink. He turned on the faucet and I flinched at the cold water. Chanyeol grabbed the shampoo and put it all over my hair. I almost moaned when he massaged my scalp. It felt so good.

After he rises my hair and he brought out some wippies. He started to clean my body with the wipes. To be honest I felt like his own personal doll with the way he was going. After cleaning me up and changing me out of my undergarments he decided to put some "clothes" on me. He basically put on a short lace nightgown on my. I just decided to go with it because I'm better off being here with him then being out with another patient. I take that back if I had to be with someone else it would be Yongguk. He was scary and I'm sure he would protect me right?

Yongguk POV ( omg first patient POV)

I punched the metal door of my room. I was pissed !!! How could Suho leave someone as innocent and sweet as Brianna in a room with that psycho. I know I'm not any better then him but still! I tried talking him out of his but he still refused !!!! What's wrong with him does he want her to die ?!?!?!

Flashback ~

" Are you serious? Why are you letting him keep her?!?"

" Chanyeol is my best friend and I will do anything I can to please him. Even if that means keeping the nurse."

" This isn't right just leaving her with that maniac!"

" Don't act like you're any better and this asylum has no more rules. We are under compete chaos. Don't think anything is going to go your way. Now get out of my office."

I grabbed one of the books on the desk and threw it to the wall almost hitting Suho.

" You're gonna regret leaving her with him."

End ~

I sighed as I unbuckled my belt. All I had on my mind was Brianna. She's all that I could think of since the night she kissed me. Even though it wasn't on the lips it was still something.

She was the most beautiful woman I've even seen. He straight black hair, brown eyes and soft colored skin. Don't even get me started on her body. Just the thought of her makes me wanna- I can't go on. I'm already excited enough. I pushed my pants down and got to work moaning the name I love and thinking of the women that I makes me go insane.

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