Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen:

I rolled out of bed, running my fingers through my hair in a halfass attempt to rid myself of bed head. Ryan was still asleep and snoring quite loudly. I shook my head, pulling a pair of shorts on and made my way down the stairs. Red and Raven were sitting in the living room, each with a cup of coffee in their hands.

"Morning!" Red chirped.

"Morning," I said, giving her a sleepy smile. I headed into the kitchen to get myself a cup. I returned and collapsed on the chair opposite them, "so who else is awake?"

Raven shook her head, "No one. Everyone is still dead from the stream. Though Scott may actually be dead, I heard him and Snake bickering because his alarm went off at like 6 this morning."

I snickered, "Figures. I wouldn't put it past him of doing that on purpose. Sometimes they dig at each other just cause."

Red nodded in agreement. I reached for the remote and turned on the television.

"Fuck yeah, Batman," Red and I said at the same time.

We started laughing.

"What's with all this cackling?" came a grumpy question.

"Morning princess," I said, smiling at Snake who looked half dead as he dragged himself to the kitchen for a cup of coffee.

He grumbled a response before coming back into the living room, sitting next to me, "Which Batman is this?"

"Michael Keaton."

He nodded, turning his attention back to the movie. After the movie, Red and I decided to go into town, we were running low on drinks. I headed upstairs and pulled on a clean pair of shorts and a cropped tank.

"Ryan," I whispered, shaking him.

"Hm?" he mumbled.

"I'm going to the store with Red for drinks. You want anything?" I asked as I slid on some sandals.

"You know what I like," he said, rolling over and going back to sleep. I sighed and left the room.

Red and I headed out, deciding to walk down the boardwalk to the store.

"So what's it like dating a popular YouTuber?" She asked, poking me in the shoulder playfully.

I laughed and swatted her hand away, "You would know. You're dating Sir Russ of Money."

She laughed, "Yeah true. But what about dating Cry?"

I shrugged, "Not much different from dating any other guy, I suppose." I opened the door to the store, holding it open for Red.

"Thanks," she said, walking through and grabbing a cart, "But what about the fame and the recording schedule?"

 I shrugged again, walking through the aisles, "Yeah, some times it sucks. I mean he's awake when I'm asleep a lot of times, and I'm awake when he's asleep. But he does make it a point to make or at least try to make me feel special. Which is important and I appreciate it."

 "And the fans?"

"I mean, I wouldn't be a girl if I didn't get jealous. I mean, I know he would never cheat on me with a fan but at the same time, I was just a fan too. But at the end of the day, its about trust and I trust him."

Red nodded, putting some cans of tomato juice in the cart, "Well I think its great that you can deal with his schedule and all of us."

"I'm thankful that I've been able to get along with all of you and made some great friends."

Red smiled at me, and pulled me into a quick hug before we headed back down the aisle, finishing the shopping.

"Snake!" I yelled, running down the path to the beach, "Snake! Wait up."

I guess he didn't hear me because he kept going. I caught up to him, slowing to a walk, trying to catch my breath.

"Snake, why didn't you stop?"

He shrugged, not looking at me, continuing his silent walk down the beach.

"Oh-kay," I said, slowly, "Well do you have time to talk?"

He shook his head.

"Snake?" I was a bit worried, he had been avoiding me for a couple days and it hurt, and quite frankly I was pissed. My birthday was in three days and I'd be damned if I was going to spend it being ignored by one of my best friends.

He kept walking, no response.

I stopped, hands on my hips. "Snake. Stop this mother fucking second."

He stopped, but he kept his back to me.

"Why won't you talk to me? You're my best friend. You won't be in the same room with me. You won't talk to me. WHAT THE HELL DID I DO?" I screamed, tears threatening to spill over.

The waves crashed. I can only imagine how cliché this looked. Probably like something out of a cheesy romance movie. Two lovers torn, alone at the beach just yelling their love out to the sea. Except now it was just an annoying white noise that I wished I could just unplug and shut up.

"Snake. I deserve an answer."

He turned and looked back at me, before turning away again, "I just can't be around you. It's nothing you did. It's my own personal reasons."

That wasn't good enough for me. I marched forward, grabbing the back of his shirt, pulling him around to face me.

"God dammit Snake. Fucking talk to me. You know you can tell me anything."

He looked at me finally, "I can't Sophi. I just can't."

I hit his chest, pushing him back slightly, "So you're gonna be like every other asshole? You promised me. Promised that the days of friends and family leaving me were over. I've told you everything. Things I haven't told Ryan yet." Tears spilled over my cheeks, Snake looked away.

"You promised." I hit his chest harder before slapping him, "DAMMIT SNAKE. I TRUSTED YOU BUT YOU DON'T CARE. IS THAT IT? DID YOU NEVER CARE ABOUT ME? I HATE YOU. I -"

Snake grabbed my arms, pulling me closer. My eyes widened as his lips crashed against mine.

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