Chapter Seventeen

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Author's note: If ya'll are happy to have this chapter and excited, as much as I hope you guys are, you can thank my boss for being out all day, leaving me nothing to do. And all my clients  for deciding to be lazy and canceling meetings today.

I'm going to apologize for the cliffhanger that I will leave ya'll with at the end of this. So SORRY <3


Chapter Seventeen:

Snake let go of my arms and I pushed him back. I stared at him, eyes wide, touching my lips gently.


I turned and ran. I heard Snake calling but I didn't care. I kept going till I got back to the house. Slamming the back door shut as I flew through it, Cry peeked out from the kitchen.

"Baby? You okay?"

Ignored his question, heading straight for the bathroom. I shut the door, locking it behind me. Sliding down it into a sitting position, I brought my knees to my chest and rested my head on them. Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks.

I could heard Ricky ask Cry what was wrong. Red knocked on the door softly, calling my name. Every one was crowded around the door, I could tell by how close their voices were. I didn't want to speak to any of them. I heard a deep voice say excuse me and then a knock.

"Sophi, please open the door. We need to talk," I heard Snake say.

"Talk about what?" Scott asked.

"Shut up, Scott," Snake snapped.

I shook my head, though he couldn't see, "No."


"No!" I said, raising my voice.

'Why not?"

"Because!" I yelled, standing up, my body was shaking, anger rising, "I HATE YOU!"

My breathing was shallow and heavy. Tears were pouring more freely. I glared at the door. Everything was silent. No one was talking, I didn't even know if they were still there. I waited a few minutes before opening the door slowly, peeking out. Red and Russ stood there with Cry. Red held her arms out to me, for a hug but I shook my head, looking down.

"Where's Snake?"

"He walked off after you said you hated him. Ricky and Scott went to talk to him," Cry said, softly.

I nodded.

"I love you," Cry said. He sounded so pitiful, like he was scared of me or that I wouldn't say it back. His voice was like a knife in my heart, the pain behind it made me want to cry even more. It hurt even more was one of the first and few times he had said it to me. And under these circumstances.

"I love you too," I replied before, pushing past them gently and walking out onto the back porch.

I perched myself in one of the rocking chairs. I stared out over the beach watching dolphins jump in the distance. I wrapped my arms around myself. Hearing the door open, I closed my eyes and sighed.

"I don't want to talk."

"I didn't think you would want to."

I opened my eyes to see Battle Star. He held my hoodie over one arm and  plate of fresh brownies. He placed the cup of milk on the table beside me and handed me the hoodie, "When I'm sad I like to be in comfy clothes and bundle up. So I thout you might like to as well."

I gave him a small grateful smile and took the hoodie. Pulling it over my head, I picked up a brownie from the plate he had placed beside me. I took a big bite and smiled. They were warm and gooey. Pieces of chocolate chunks were melted through out it.

"This is really good B-Star. You have talent."

He smiled, sitting in the rocking chair beside me, "I know you don't want to talk about the kiss."

I froze mid bite, "How did you know?"

"I was on my way back from my morning walk. I saw Snake kiss you. I saw you push him away then run. Don't feel guilt. You didn't start it and you didn't allow it to go on."

"But I didn't push him away right away," I said, sadly, placing the brownie back down, now feeling sick.

"You were in shock, I would've been too. But you stopped as soon as you realized what was happening."

I nodded, "Should I tell Cry?"

Battle Star was quiet for a moment, "I think you should. It's only right. But please realize the consquences. Cry won't take that well."

I nodded once more. We sat in silence for a bit before B-Star left, taking the plate and milk back into the house. I sighed, leaning my head back.

"Why me?" I groaned.

The next two days were awkward to say the least. Red and Russ tried desperately to get me to talk to them, as well as Cry. But I wasn't sure yet if I wanted to tell him. I had been avoiding Snake. Tomorrow was the last day of vacation, and my birthday. Cry seemed to be awfully distracted today and I didn't know why. He was always with Russ and Scott whispering about something and then when I came into the room, they scattered.

I was currently sitting outside on what had become my rocking chair these past couple days. I was drawing. Sketching a picture of, well of Snake. I was working on portraits of all the group and I had just so happened to have done everyone's and been avoiding Snake's as long as I could.

I sighed, my hand shaking as I worked on his face. The face I knew so well. The curve of his lips, the emotion in his eyes that day. I slammed my sketch pad shut, throwing it off to the side. I couldn't think about this. The door slid open. I could tell by the heavy footsteps, who it was.

"Hey Snake."

The rocking chair beside me creaked as he sat down.

"Hey Sophia."

"I guess you're wanting to talk," I sighed, looking over at him.

He caught my eye and nodded, "We're going to have to."

I groaned, rubbing my face with my hands, "I guess so."

We were quiet. "Where do we begin?" Snake asked.

"How about: Why the HELL did you kiss me?"

Snake sighed, "Because I've been fighting these feelings for you since you became close to all of us. Cry is so lucky to have you and sometimes I feel like he takes it for granted. His schedule hardly seems to fit you into it. You spend more time talking to me than your own boyfriend."

I bit my lip, I couldn't argue with that.

"That doesn't matter. I knew his job and his life before we dated, and he makes the best effort he can."

"Does he?Is it really enough for you?" Snake asked.

I glared at him, "Yes, Snake. It is. I love Cry. Maybe in some other life, we COULD'VE been together. But in this life I'm with Cry."


"Look. Snake. You're one of my closest friends. And this is going to make things awkward for a bit. But I just want us to stay that way. We will not be anything more than best friends. I hope you can respect that."

He didn't say anything. I looked at him, "Snake?"

He nodded, "Yeah," he looked at me, "I think I can do that."

I smiled and reached over, giving his arms a light sqeeze.

"Sorry I kissed you though."

"How could you?"

My eyes went wide. Cry was standing in the door way. How neither of us heard the door open, I don't know. But it had and Cry heard it.

"Cry, no. It's not what it sounds like!" I pleaded, quickly getting to my feet. Snake stood as well.

"I heard it all. I'm not mad at you," Cry said, stepping around me to Snake, "You though, are another story."

"Do your worse," Snake said, standing before him. His guard was down.

I screamed, my hands covering my mouth as Cry's fist connected with Snake cheek, knocking him back into the rocking chair.

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